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Discover actionable strategies to turn your life around from feeling "I hate my life" to finding true happiness and fulfillment.

From 'I Hate My Life' to Happiness: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jun 14, 2024

By Will Moore

Have you ever found yourself thinking, "I hate my life"? If so, you're not alone. Research suggests even high achievers who seemingly have it all can struggle with dissatisfaction.

My teenage years were the same. I was in that dark place at 18 - dealing with an alcoholic mother, constant bullying, and feeling so worthless that thoughts of suicide plagued me. I hit rock bottom after a violent argument with my mother led to my arrest and a night in jail. Sitting in that cell, I felt utterly hopeless about ever escaping the cycle of misery that had defined my existence.

However, the rock bottom became the spark I needed. In college, I discovered the life-changing book "How to Win Friends and Influence People," which transformed me forever. Slowly but surely, I adopted a growth mindset, faced my fears head-on, and built unshakable confidence and relationships.

Read More on Why Do I feel Like a Failure

Those small steps snowballed into becoming a serial entrepreneur - I founded the booming food delivery business, which by 2015 was thriving with millions in revenue. When the market shifted, I made the right moves, ultimately selling the company in early 2019 for a staggering $323 million—an earth-shattering milestone after going through those suicidal teenage years.

My journey taught me that fulfillment comes from balancing the core areas of mindset, career/finances, relationships, and physical/mental health.

In this article, I'll share strategies to help you achieve contentment, even if you hate your life. You can create positive change by making meaningful adjustments in each core area.

Why Do I Hate My Life?

Understanding why you might hate your life is crucial to overcoming these feelings. Let’s explore the common reasons behind such feelings. By identifying these factors, you can address the root causes and work towards a more fulfilling life.

Societal Pressures and Unrealistic Expectations

Modern society is filled with pressures and expectations that can contribute to dissatisfaction and self-loathing. Social Comparison Theory, developed by psychologist Leon Festinger, suggests that we constantly evaluate ourselves by comparing ourselves to others, particularly those portrayed on social media. This relentless comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction with our own lives.

Some of the most common sources include:

  • Social Media: Constant exposure to curated images of others' seemingly perfect lives can lead to comparison and feelings of inadequacy. For example, seeing friends post about their new jobs, vacations, or relationships can make you feel like you're falling behind, even if you're making progress in your own life.

    I remember feeling this way during the early days of building Doorstep Delivery, seeing peers succeed in corporate roles while I struggled to get my business off the ground. Comparison is the thief of joy. True happiness lies in following your passions regardless of how others are doing with their life. You can learn more on how to find happiness within yourself in our detailed blog.

  • Cultural Norms: Societal expectations about success, appearance, and lifestyle can create pressure to conform and achieve standards that may not align with your personal values or abilities. For instance, there might be an implicit expectation to follow a specific career path or lifestyle by a certain age, which can feel overwhelming and lead to feelings of failure if your life doesn't follow this script.

  • Consumerism: The relentless pursuit of material possessions as a measure of success often leads to temporary satisfaction followed by deeper discontent. This can manifest in the constant need to upgrade your life to the latest gadgets, cars, or houses, creating temporary happiness and long-term dissatisfaction.

    Even after selling my business, Doorstep Delivery, for $323 million, I realized I needed a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment. Money can't buy happiness. We need to become the best version of ourselves, not in our careers but in all cores of life.

Lack of Self-Discipline

In today's hyperconnected world, the focus on immediate satisfaction undermines long-term planning and self-discipline. This cultural shift can erode the foundations for sustained personal growth and fulfillment.

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Laura Vanderkam, Author of 168 Hours, says, "The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule; it's to schedule your priorities."

Key aspects include:

  • Instant Gratification: The desire for quick rewards can prevent the development of patience and perseverance. For example, watching TV instead of working on a long-term project can provide immediate pleasure but hinder long-term success.

  • Distractions: The abundance of digital distractions, such as notifications from social media, emails, and endless streaming options, can make it difficult to focus on long-term goals. This constant influx of distractions can fragment your attention, making it harder to complete meaningful tasks.

Having a Fixed Mindset

A fixed mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence are static and unchangeable.

This mindset can lead to several negative behaviors and thoughts:

  • Fear of Failure: Avoiding challenges due to a fear of not succeeding. For instance, you might only apply for a job promotion if you doubt your ability to grow, leading to missed opportunities. I had to overcome this fear when leaping to start Doorstep delivery.

  • Inaction: Giving up easily when faced with obstacles. For example, abandoning a new exercise routine after a week because it feels too challenging rather than pushing through initial discomfort to achieve long-term benefits.

Decision-Making Paralysis and Procrastination

The abundance of choices and information in the digital age can lead to decision-making paralysis and procrastination.

Key factors include:

  • Overwhelm: The sheer number of options for everything from career paths to leisure activities can make it difficult to choose, leading to inaction. For instance, you might spend hours browsing job listings but only apply for positions if the choices feel manageable.

  • Fear of Making the Wrong Choice: The pressure to make the "right" decision can be paralyzing. This fear often stems from a fixed mindset where failure is seen as a negative reflection of your abilities rather than an opportunity to learn and grow.

  • Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can lead to constant delays in decision-making as you wait for the perfect moment or conditions, which rarely, if ever, arrive.

Burnout, Inefficiency, and Miswanting

This constant striving to keep up with a fast-paced world often results in the following:

  • Burnout: Emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. For example, working long hours without adequate rest can lead to feeling constantly tired, irritable, and disengaged from work and personal life.

  • Inefficiency: Struggling to manage time and energy effectively, leading to a sense of spinning wheels without making progress. This can manifest as being busy always but not feeling productive, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction.

  • Miswanting: Pursuing goals that don't bring true happiness or fulfillment. For instance, you might strive for a high-paying job or a luxury lifestyle because you believe it will make you happy, but only to find that these achievements leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled.

What to Do When You Hate Your Life

Feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions and dissatisfaction can be paralyzing, but there are practical steps you can take to improve your situation.

Find out What is the First step in Goal Setting?

Let's explore a step-by-step method to move from hating life to finding happiness, starting with identifying where you might be lacking and setting achievable goals to create a more fulfilling existence.

Step 1: Identify Where You Are Lacking in the Five Core Areas of Life

The first step towards improving your life is understanding where you feel most discontent. The five core areas of life are:

  1. Mindset: Your mental attitude and outlook on life.

  2. Career & Finances: Job satisfaction, financial stability, and growth opportunities.

  3. Relationships: The quality and depth of your personal and professional relationships.

  4. Physical Health: Your overall physical well-being and fitness levels.

  5. Emotional & Mental Health: Your ability to manage stress, express your passions, and maintain mental balance.

Reflect on these areas and identify which one(s) you feel most dissatisfied with. Understanding this can help you target your efforts more effectively.

Learn How to Stop Being a Failure

Example: You might realize that your dissatisfaction stems primarily from your career. Perhaps you feel stuck in a job that doesn't utilize your skills or passions, leading to frustration and hopelessness.

You can take this two-minute core value quiz to determine your performance in core areas of life.

Identifying Failure Habits

Alongside recognizing which core area you lack, it's crucial to identify the habits contributing to your dissatisfaction. Failure habits are behaviors that negatively impact your progress and well-being.

Examples of Failure Habits:

  • Mindset: Negative self-talk and self-doubt.

  • Career & Finances: Procrastination and poor time management.

  • Relationships: Avoidance of meaningful conversations and conflicts.

  • Physical Health: Skipping workouts and poor dietary choices.

  • Emotional & Mental Health: Ignoring stress management techniques and isolating oneself.

Steps to Identify Failure Habits:

  1. Reflect on Daily Routines: Write down your daily activities and look for patterns that hinder your progress.

  2. Ask for Feedback: Sometimes, friends and family can provide insights into habits you might not recognize.

  3. Self-Assessment Tools: Use self-assessment questionnaires to identify areas of improvement.

Forming New Success Habits

Replacing failure habits with positive ones is essential for creating lasting change. Here's how you can form new habits that stick:

Habit Formation Process:

  1. Start Small: Begin with a minimal viable habit that's easy to implement.

  2. Make It Obvious: Create environmental cues to trigger the new habit.

  3. Make It Attractive: Find ways to make the habit enjoyable or rewarding.

  4. Make It Easy: Simplify the habit so it requires minimal effort.

  5. Make It Automatic: Integrate the habit into your routine until it becomes second nature.


  • Instead of aiming to exercise for an hour daily, start with a 5-minute walk. Place your walking shoes by the door as a visual cue. Listen to your favorite podcast while walking to make it enjoyable. Gradually increase the time as the habit becomes ingrained. You can use any habit tracker app to track your progress.

    Read more about How to Track Habits

Step 2: Set Small, Achievable Goals

Once you've identified the core area that needs attention and the failure habits to address, the next step is to set small, manageable goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).


  • Physical Health: Instead of aiming to lose 20 pounds, start with a goal to walk for 20 minutes each day.

  • Career: Rather than trying to get a promotion immediately, focus on improving one skill that will make you more valuable in your current role.

  • Relationships: Aim to spend 10 minutes daily engaging in meaningful conversation with a loved one.

Step 3: Develop a Growth Owner Mindset

Shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset can transform how you approach challenges and setbacks. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort, learning, and persistence.


  • Accept Challenges: View them as opportunities to learn rather than threats to your competence. When I first started my restaurant delivery service, 'Doorstep Delivery,' I had no experience in the food delivery industry. Every challenge, from logistics to customer service, was a learning opportunity. By embracing these challenges, I was able to grow both personally and professionally.

  • Learn from Criticism: Use feedback as a tool for improvement rather than a personal attack. At the time of Doorstep Delivery, I received harsh criticism from a potential investor who believed my business model was flawed.

    Instead of being discouraged, I analyzed what he said, and one of his points regarding the logistics of parking for drivers when picking up their orders was spot on, so I used to refine my approach and improve how the company handled this, ultimately being a huge obstacle to overcome for us to succeed.

  • Celebrate Effort: Focus on the effort you put into a task rather than just the outcome. Celebrate your wins no matter how small.

If you fail a task, analyze what went wrong and what you can do differently next time. When you receive criticism, consider using the feedback to improve your skills or performance.

While establishing my business, there were many instances where our plans vs other results were on two separate continents. We understood that failure wasn't just part of becoming successful; it was mandatory, so we analyzed what went wrong, sought feedback, and made necessary adjustments. Be it your professional life or personal struggles, having a growth-owner mindset is key to success.

Step 4: Implement Habit Stacking

Habit stacking involves linking new habits to existing ones to make them easier to adopt. Attaching a new habit to an already established routine creates a trigger that makes the new habit more automatic. The idea of habit stacking originated from the work of behavioral scientist BJ Fogg. It leverages the brain’s natural tendency to form strong neural connections; the more robust these connections are, the simpler it becomes to perform a particular action.

Formula: After/Before [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].


  • After brushing your teeth in the morning, do 5 minutes of stretching. Crafting an aesthetic morning routine can jump-start your day with beauty and calm.

  • Before checking your email, spend 10 minutes reading a professional development article.

  • After dinner, take a 10-minute walk with your partner to discuss your day.

Step 5: Simplify Decision-Making

Reducing the number of choices you have to make each day can help alleviate decision-making paralysis. Simplify your decision-making processes by establishing routines and creating clear criteria for your preferences.


  • Create daily routines for repetitive tasks to reduce mental fatigue. Here is the daily routine checklist I follow that keeps me focused on my goals.

  • Set specific criteria for making decisions to avoid overthinking. Effective decision-making can help you cut through a lot of noise.


  • Plan your weekly meals to avoid daily decisions about what to eat.

  • Decide on a specific time each day to tackle important tasks, reducing the need to prioritize throughout the day constantly.

Step 6: Reduce Social Media Use

Limiting your exposure to social media can help reduce feelings of inadequacy and comparison. Set specific times for checking social media and focus on engaging with content that brings you joy or inspiration.


  • Limit social media use to 30 minutes in the evening and avoid it first thing in the morning.

  • Curate your feed to include only positive, uplifting content.

Step 7: Align Actions with Values

Understanding and aligning your actions with your core values can provide a sense of purpose and direction. Reflect on what truly matters to you and ensure that your daily activities reflect these priorities.


  • Values Identification: Take time to identify your core values through reflection or exercises.

  • Values-Based Goals: Set goals aligned with your values to increase motivation and fulfillment.


  • If one of your core values is family, prioritize spending quality time with loved ones each week.

  • If personal growth is valuable, dedicate time to learning new skills or hobbies.

Why Do I Hate My Life Even Though It's Good?

You might hate your life even when it looks good from the outside because you're out of balance. Real fulfillment happens when your mindset, finances, relationships, physical well-being, and emotional well-being are all in harmony. If you're weak in one of those core areas, the others will suffer too. You deserve happiness, but it requires nurturing all parts of yourself.

Read More About How to get Unstuck in Life

If you need more than your achievements to make you happy, look honestly at where you're out of balance. I experienced this firsthand after the sale of Doorstep Delivery. Despite achieving financial success and owning a business valued at $323 million, I felt unfulfilled. On the surface, it seemed like I had everything – money, status, and a thriving career. But deep down, I realized that these achievements alone weren't enough to bring true happiness. I meant for more, and that's how Moore Momentum was born, where I coach people on how to level up in all areas of life. That's what nurtures my emotional core.

Only by reinforcing all the pillars of health, love, inner peace, and emotional support can you start genuinely loving your life again. Money and status are nice, but they're just decorations - nurturing your whole self is what allows true life satisfaction and contentment to bloom. Don't compare your behind-the-scenes struggle to someone else's life that may seem perfect on the surface.

What Is the Point of Living Life?

The point of living life is a deeply personal question, and the answer can vary from person to person. It's about growth, connection, and making a positive impact, leading to a wonderful life.

When I was 18, feeling suicidal and lost, I also questioned the point of living. My entire life seemed pointless, and I couldn't see a way forward. The critical inner voice in my head kept telling me I was a failure. But through self-discovery and the relentless pursuit of personal growth, I found that life's purpose is not something you stumble upon; it's something you create.

Read More on How to Change the Way you Think

Here are some key insights from my journey that highlight what I believe is the point of living life:

1. Striving to be better

Life constantly evolves and improves. After hitting rock bottom, I immersed myself in self-help books and embraced a growth mindset. This commitment to personal development transformed my life and increased my overall life satisfaction. By continually striving to be better, we unlock new potentials and possibilities.

2. Building Meaningful Relationships

Connections with others give life depth and meaning. Life is richer and more rewarding when we invest in the people we care about and build a supportive network. This significantly boosted my emotional health and overall well-being.

3. Finding and Pursuing Passions

Discovering what you love and pursuing it with passion brings joy and purpose. For me, founding Doorstep Delivery was a way to channel my creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.

Engaging in activities that ignite your passion can make every day more fulfilling and help reduce negative thoughts and stress hormones.

4. Making a Positive Impact

Contributing to the well-being of others and making a positive impact in the world gives life a greater sense of purpose. After selling my business, I dedicated myself to helping others through my expertise in habits and gamification. Seeing the positive changes in others' lives because of my guidance has been incredibly fulfilling. Everyone deserves happiness, and making a difference in someone else's life is profoundly rewarding.

5. Embracing Challenges

Life's challenges are growth opportunities. The struggles and failures I faced, from my tumultuous upbringing with my mother's substance abuse issues to the obstacles in building my business, taught me resilience and problem-solving skills. Embracing challenges helps us grow stronger and more capable, turning our darkest moments into valuable learning experiences.

Ultimately, the point of living life is to create a fulfilling and meaningful existence through personal growth, meaningful relationships, passion, positive impact, and resilience.

Summing up: Why do I hate my life?

Feeling like you hate your life can be a distressing and isolating experience, but it doesn't have to be a permanent state. By identifying where you are lacking in the five core areas of life—Mindset, Career & Finances, Relationships, Physical Health, and Emotional & Mental Health—you can begin to address the underlying causes of your dissatisfaction.

Setting small, achievable goals, developing a growth mindset, simplifying decision-making, reducing social media use, and aligning your actions with your values can help you create a more fulfilling and satisfying life.


You've learned how to transform your life, but now it's time to take the first step to make these changes simple, fun, and rewarding. Here’s how:

1. Discover Your Core Values: Start with our Core Values Quiz to see where you stand in the 5 Core Areas of Life. It's the perfect way to pinpoint your strengths and areas for growth.

2. Personalized Coaching: Elevate your personal and professional life with tailored guidance. Whether you need individual or executive coaching, we’ve got you covered. Learn more about our Life Coaching Services.

3. Gamified Habit Tracker: Make accountability exciting with our Weekly Habit Tracker App. Track your progress, earn rewards, and build momentum effortlessly.

OUR MISSION: Accelerate your growth in the 5 Key areas of life by making your habit transformation journey so simple, fun, and rewarding that your momentum becomes inevitable.

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How to Deal with Being Hated?

1. Stay Calm: Responding with anger or defensiveness can escalate the situation. Stay calm and composed.

2. Understand the Source: Try to understand why the person hates you. It may be based on a misunderstanding or personal issue unrelated to you.

3. Self-Reflect: Reflect on your own behavior to see if there’s anything you could change or improve.

4. Set Boundaries: Protect yourself by setting clear boundaries with those who express hatred towards you.

5. Seek Support: Talk to friends, family, or a therapist for support and advice on handling the situation.

How Do I Get Rid of Hate?

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Accept that you are feeling hate and identify the source of these emotions.

2. Practice Empathy: Try to understand the perspective and circumstances of the person or situation you hate.

3. Focus on Positivity: Engage in activities that bring you joy and surround yourself with positive influences.

4. Forgive: Letting go of grudges and forgiving those who hurt you can reduce feelings of hate.

5. Seek Professional Help: If hate is overwhelming, consider talking to a therapist to explore deeper issues and coping strategies.

What to Do with Something You Hate?

1. Evaluate Its Impact: Determine how the object of your hate affects your life and if it’s worth addressing.

2. Change Your Perspective: Try to find something positive or neutral about it to change your outlook.

3. Limit Exposure: Reduce the time and attention you give to what you hate.

4. Take Action: If possible, make changes that eliminate or minimize the presence of the hated thing in your life.

5. Channel Your Energy: Redirect your energy into activities and goals that you are passionate about.

How Do I Let Go of All Hate?

1. Identify the Source: Understand where your hate is coming from and why you feel this way.

2. Practice Forgiveness: Forgiving others and yourself helps release feelings of hate.

3. Focus on Growth: Engage in personal development activities that promote a positive mindset.

4. Cultivate Compassion: Develop empathy and compassion for others, which can help dissolve feelings of hate.

5. Mindfulness and Meditation: Use mindfulness practices and meditation to calm your mind and let go of negative emotions.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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