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What if building healthy habits was as fun as playing your favorite game?

areas of life

OUR PROMISE: Spark and sustain the momentum needed to continually level-up in life by making change simple, fun, and ethically addictive.

Learn How To Level Up In Life

  • 🚀 Harness Ai, personalization, and the power of play to break free from the monotony of life!
  • 🚀 Level-up in life in less than 5 min/day!
  • 🚀 Replace willpower with an ethically addictive system to put your habits on autopilot!
  • The Problem
    Momentum Killers

    The Moore Momentum System addresses three critical challenges in a modern, tech-fueled, on-demand world:


    Information Overload and Generic Advice


    Lack of Awareness and Personal Development


    Inaction, Conformity, and Limiting Beliefs

    Momentum Multipliers

    Discover WHO you are, WHAT you want, and HOW to get it:

    What Does It Mean To Level Up In Life?

    Get ‘The Equation Of Life’ working FOR instead of against you:

    Equation of Life for success habits

    How To Level Up In Life

    Game Starts

    What level are you currently stuck on?

    How To Win At Life In All 5 Cores

    will moore 5 cores mindset

    As Seen On



    Linus Stieldorf

    Linus Stieldorf

    TEDx Organizer

    "Will Moore was one of our main speakers of the first online TEDx event in Germany. Will inspired, and motivated our attendees (and team) on how to build momentum in life, and showed them what it takes to level-up. It was such a pleasure to work with him, to learn from him and see how he thrives on stage."

    Mark Hansen

    Mark Hansen

    Author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books - Over 500M Sold

    "Will Moore is someone you want in your life. He’s crushed every goal he’s set for himself and won’t stop until he’s helped the world build momentum. By combining the latest in science and technology with universal principles, he’s taken a quantum leap in bringing personal development into the 21st century. I stand behind Will in putting people over profits on his quest to show others how to level up in life to then pass the joystick to others to help the world do the same."

    Danny Lynch

    Danny Lynch


    "I had 3 life coaches before finding you. The first two were obviously not right after the first call. The third one took me till the 4th session to realize I wasn’t building momentum in life. They all had 5 stars with lots of reviews, but none had the relatable experience of a struggling young entrepreneur you do. You and I are going on session 8, and I feel like you really SHOULD be doing this. I didn't think anyone would be able to help me on a deeper level, since I have such a unique life path with my specific goals, and I was pretty bewildered and lost. You're making a real impact, and you're really really good at what you do, and I'm glad you chose to go this life coaching career path instead of anything else you could have done."

    How Happy are You?

    Get your Core Score to determine your first step to building your momentum and firing on all cylinders.

    Build Momentum To Win At Life

    Jumping At The Beach
    Jumping At The Beach

    What does it mean to level up in life?


    Will Moore Pixelated

    Look good, feel good, and be propelled by sustainable energy.

    5 areas of life - financial core of life

    Harness your strengths and passions to catapult your wealth.

    5 areas of life - emotional core of life

    Minimize stress and proactively incorporate your passions daily.

    5 areas of life - mindset core of life

    Give fear the finger and replace your fixed mindset with a positive mindset centered around growth.

    5 areas of life - communication core of life

    Develop your habits around the #1 secret to deep-fulfilling relationships.

    Using a rocket as analogy, each of your 5 Cores act as the thrusters for your engine.

    Your habits then act as the fuel cells for each of these thrusters. So the more bad habits you’re able to REPLACE with good habits in each core, the more momentum you’ll build.

    This is the basis for self improvement in your life's video game, and what will allow you to win the game of life.


    Momentify definition

    The Moore Momentum System is a fun, AI driven, science-based solution to spark and sustain the momentum needed to thrive in your success loop.

    "Discipline is doing the things you don't want to do in order to become the person you do."
    Will Moore - founder of Moore Momentum

    We've engineered our platform to harness the same techniques used by big tech to get you hooked on their products to pad their bottom line. Only we use these mechanisms to get you ethically addicted to building momentum in life.

    The idea is to reduce the friction of change and habit formation by shifting your fixed mindset that views change as boring, hard, and insurmountable, to a growth mindsetthat sees it assimple,, fun, and INEVITABLE.

    Ultimately helping you and/or your business determine WHO you are, WHAT you want, and HOW to get it.


    • AWARENESS (WHO you are):

      Pinpoint the pain points and related bad habits stifling your growth in all 5 Cores.

    • VISION (WHAT you want):

      Paint a vivid picture of the fully upgraded version of yourself in all 5 Cores and determine the personalized goals and habit modifications to take you there


      Adopt a gamified accountability system that harnesses AI and deep personalization to make it simple, fun, and rewarding to achieve those goals; maintaining holistic balance and continual momentum.

    Combined, these 3 Transformative Elements ensure the process of holistic habit transformation is enjoyable, effective, and automatic, and that building the discipline and momentum required to do so is not something you have to do, but WANTto.


    The one-size-fits all typical approach to habit transformation doesn’t work. Both individuals and businesses are 100% unique, so why would you try the exact same strategy when trying to make improvements in each?

    The MM system customizes each plan to maximally reduce the friction involved in reshaping the habits in each of the 5 Cores.

    For instance, if you’re looking to work out more, we’ll hone in on your passions, strengths, and lifestyle factors to determine your ‘golden habit’ that maximally reduces the friction involved in establishing a regular routine. When the MM founder Will Moore ran into this pain point in his life, he used the system to determine his golden habit was playing in a basketball league after his kids went to bed.


    The MM System is centered around getting what Will Moore calls ‘THE EQUATION OF LIFE’ working FOR instead of against you.

    Equation of Life for success habits

    Remember, your habits don’t care if they’re helping or hurting you. Either way they’ll compound over time. Who will your habits compound you into in 20 years?

    The alternative to all this? Willpower; which the majority of us rely on, yet ALWAYS runs out because its power source derives from wishing and hoping vs fundamentally changing who you are at your core - all 5 of them 🚀🚀🚀.

    Your car can’t run on fumes, and neither can the rocket propelling your life.


    Winning in life won’t be easy - no fun game worth playing ever is.

    There is no "Contra Cheat Code" (if you know you know) to warp from level 1 to 100, but instead it’s about building enough momentum to go from level 1 to level 2, then 3, and so on.

    Your self development journey, but if you’re able to get the ‘Equation Of Life’ working for you to make minuscule, barely noticeable, incremental changes every day, your growth and happiness will become inevitable.

    "Tiny daily improvements accumulate over time to form massive results. Improving by 1% on its own isn’t remarkable, but if you improve by 1% every single day one core at a time, it will compound into something remarkable.”
    - James Clear

    Your challenge is to gain enough momentum to break earth’s gravitational pull, then to sustain that growth as you explore all the universe has to offer and fire on all cylinders in all 5 Cores.

    It’s on this journey you’ll gain valuable insights and rediscover that wonder, passion, and enthusiasm you once had as a kid before life got in the way. You'll then naturally want to pay that personal development progress forward to help the rest of the world build some momentum of its own.

    Shall We Play A Game?

    Find out NOW what level you’re currently stuck on, and what it will take to break earth’s gravitational pull to fly up into that bright, bold, beautiful sky.

    Ready Player One?

    areas of life

    OUR PLEDGE:PEOPLE OVER PROFIT: We promise to use the power of AI and behavioral science to transform the addictive nature of technology into a force for positive change.

    App Background Screen

    Learn more about the Gamify Your Life App

    The culmination of 25 years of research, the app will allow you to truly gamify your life by making it fun and addicting to gain momentum. As you level-up on screen, you'll also level up in real life!

    Learn More
    Iphone App Splash Screen

    Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

    Learn More

    Find Me On

    Address: 1101 Davis St, Evanston, IL 60201, United States

    Phone: +1 847-495-2433