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Discover how to be a better person through self-improvement, empathy, and lasting positive habits to live a fulfilling life.

How to Be a Better Person Inside and Out - 6 Secrets from a Habits Expert

Jun 11, 2024

By Will Moore

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, “I could be a better person”? We all have moments when we wish we could improve ourselves, whether it’s being more patient with loved ones, finding inner peace, or making a positive impact on the world around us. The journey towards personal growth can seem hard, but it doesn’t have to be.

This stuff is close to my heart. I grew up in a tough part of Hawaii, one of the few white kids around. My family went through a lot, from my mom’s struggles with drinking to me and my sister getting picked on. However, those experiences also showed me how to be tough and how important it is to keep growing as a human being.

As a happiness and habits expert for 25+ years, I’ve helped many individuals transform their lives with simple yet effective strategies. Today, I’m going to share 6 secrets that can help you become a better version of yourself.

Upgrades You’ll Earn From This Blog:

  1. Clear, actionable strategies for self-improvement.

  2. Techniques to build and maintain discipline and resilience.

  3. Personalized tips for enhancing both inner qualities and outward behaviors.

What's Holding You Back from Becoming a Better Person?

Before we go into the details of the secrets, let’s have a look at some common roadblocks that are hindering your personal growth:

Information Overload and Trust Issues

In our digital age, we’re bombarded with conflicting advice and self-improvement tips, making it hard to separate fact from fiction.

According to research, information overload affects our ability to make decisions and build trust. A study on electronic word-of-mouth found that moderate amounts of information are most effective at building trust, whereas too much information leads to confusion and skepticism.

Erosion of Discipline and Instant Gratification

Modern culture’s focus on immediate satisfaction undermines long-term planning and self-discipline. The temptation to seek quick fixes prevents meaningful progress and personal development.

Fixed Mindset Leading to Procrastination

A fixed mindset, characterized by the fear of failure and a belief that abilities are static, leads to procrastination, inaction, and giving up easily when faced with challenges.

Lack of Self-Awareness and Personalization

Without self-awareness, it is hard to distinguish beneficial habits from harmful ones. Generic self-improvement methods often lack personal engagement, reducing motivation and progress. Licensed clinical psychologist Vagdevi Meunier highlights the importance of cultivating joy, a positive perspective, self-kindness, and self-compassion for effective self-improvement.

Time to Know the Secrets

I’m here to guide you through these obstacles and help you meet a mindset and strategies that will propel you toward becoming the best version of yourself.

guy writing notes to improve areas of life

Ready? Let’s get started!

1. Overcome Information Overload

The first secret is to cut through the clutter and focus on well-researched, evidence-based strategies for self-improvement. Trust in credible sources like James Clear and Charles Duhigg, who offer well-documented methods for habit formation and personal development.

As James Clear wisely puts it:

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

Tips to Manage Information Overload for Better Emotional Well-Being

  • Limit Your Sources

Identify a few key resources that resonate with you. Sticking to these selected sources helps you maintain focus and avoid being overwhelmed by too much information.

  • Set Boundaries

Allocate specific times for consuming self-improvement content. Avoid spending excessive time on research. Prioritize taking action based on the insights gained during these designated times.

  • Avoid Social Media Overload

Limit your time on social media. Follow and watch sources that align with who you want to become. By curating your social media feeds to include only positive and growth-oriented content, you protect your mental space from unnecessary distractions and negativity.

  • Summarize and Implement

After consuming content, summarize the key points and create an action plan. This practice helps in retaining information and applying it effectively in your life.

According to a report in Psychological Science, actively summarizing information can improve memory retention by up to 50%.

  • Regular Reviews

Periodically review your chosen sources to ensure they still align with your goals and values. Regular reviews ensure your focus remains on what truly matters. As Tony Robbins advises, “Where focus goes, energy flows.”

2. Be Disciplined and Focus on Long-Term Fulfillment

Shift your focus to long-term goals to achieve meaningful self-improvement. Break these goals into smaller, manageable steps to make them less daunting and more attainable.

As Tony Robbins says,

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

Tips to Build Discipline and Focus on Long-Term Fulfillment

  • Set Clear Long-Term Goals

Define your long-term goals with precision. Write them down and break them into smaller, actionable steps. This approach keeps you motivated and provides a clear direction. For example, commit to exercising three times a week and gradually increase the frequency.

  • Create Sustainable Habits

Build discipline by forming habits that are both sustainable and enjoyable. First, identify a clear cue or trigger for your desired routine. It could be a time of day, location, or an existing habit. Next, clearly define the routine or behavior you want to make into a habit. Start small and be specific. Then, choose a reward that reinforces and motivates the routine.

Let's say you want to build the habit of exercising in the morning before work. The cue could be your morning alarm or making your morning coffee. The routine is the specific exercise you'll do, like going for a 30-minute walk or doing a 15-minute bodyweight workout video.

The reward should be something you enjoy that reinforces the routine, like listening to an interesting podcast or treating yourself to your favorite breakfast smoothie after the workout.

  • Limit Social Media Consumption

Reduce your time on social media. Your diet is not only what you eat. It’s what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, and the people you hang around. Be mindful of the things you put into your body emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

3. Develop a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset holds that abilities and intelligence can grow through dedication and hard work. View challenges as opportunities to learn and advance. As Carol Dweck, the pioneer of the growth mindset concept, says,

“Becoming is better than being.”

Tips to Develop a Growth Mindset

  • Face Challenges Head-On

Treat difficult tasks as chances to learn and progress. When presented with a tough project, use it as an opportunity to acquire new skills and prove your abilities.

  • Learn from Failure

Use mistakes as a tool for learning. When something goes wrong, analyze the situation and decide what you can do differently next time.

  • Reframe Negative Thoughts

Change self-defeating thoughts into positive affirmations. For example, instead of thinking, “I can’t do this,” say, “I can learn how to do this.”

  • Ask for Feedback

Regularly ask for constructive feedback from peers, mentors, or supervisors. Use this input to improve and grow. Feedback provides valuable insights that help refine your skills and approach.

  • Stay Curious

Build a sense of curiosity and a love for learning. Read books, take courses, and pursue new experiences that challenge you and broaden your knowledge. Curiosity drives personal growth and keeps you engaged in your development journey. Research shows that a growth mindset enhances self-regulation and persistence in challenging tasks, leading to improved personal growth.

  • Prioritize Interpersonal Relationships

Investing in family, friends, and loved ones significantly impacts interpersonal relationships and personal happiness. A Harvard study shows that prioritizing these relationships helps in learning to communicate and show love, compassion, empathy, and gratitude. You can also read more about different growth mindset activities.

Read More on 7 Growth Mindset Questions to Propel Your Momentum

4. Cultivate Personalized Self-Awareness and Emotional Well Being

Understand your unique challenges and strengths to achieve personal growth. Identify areas where you struggle the most and create habits that address these pain points. As Carl Jung wisely stated, "Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

Tips for Personalized Self-Awareness

  • Journal Daily

Keep a journal to write down your thoughts, experiences, and reflections each day. This practice helps you track progress and gain insights into your behaviors and emotions.

  • Set Aside Reflection Time

Dedicate a few minutes each day or week to reflect on your actions and decisions. Ask yourself questions like, "What did I learn today?" or "How can I improve?"

5. Improve Outward Behaviors

Improve relationships with others. Strong, healthy relationships rely on trust, empathy, and active engagement.

Tips for Improved Outward Behaviors:

  • Be Kind

Perform random acts of kindness. For example, helping an elderly person carry their shopping can build empathy and improve relationships.

  • Listen Actively

Truly listen to what others say without interrupting. Show that you value their thoughts and feelings by nodding, making eye contact, and providing feedback. This demonstrates respect and builds trust.

  • Show Empathy

Understand the other person's perspective by putting yourself in their shoes. Respond with kindness and compassion to create deeper connections and emotionally healthy relationships. Empathy strengthens emotional bonds and creates a supportive environment.

  • Be Present

Fully engage during interactions. Put away distractions like phones or laptops and give your full attention to the person you are with. This shows that you value their presence and the conversation.

  • Express Appreciation

Regularly express gratitude and appreciation for the people in your life. A simple thank you, or a kind word goes a long way in strengthening relationships.

  • Encourage Positive Interactions

Watch how you act; it can make someone's day! For example, a sweet compliment goes a long way. Maintain a positive attitude and approach situations with a constructive mindset. Address conflicts calmly and focus on finding solutions rather than assigning blame. Support and encourage others, offering help when needed and celebrating their successes as you would your own.

Read an Interesting Article on Keeping Score in Relationships

6. Create an Environment to Be a Better Person

Transforming your habits is key to becoming a better person, both inside and out. By designing an environment that supports your goals, you can make your desired habits visible, simple, enjoyable, and automatic. This ensures they become a seamless part of your daily routine, driving continuous self-improvement. For example, if you want to manage anger and improve patience, follow these steps:

Tips to Transform Habits for Self-Improvement

  1. Make It Obvious

  • Make your desired habits visible and unavoidable. For instance, keep a small stress ball on your desk as a visual reminder to take a few seconds to breathe before reacting in anger.

  • Use visual cues like post-it notes or smartphone reminders to keep important tasks at the forefront of your mind. Place a sticky note on your mirror to remind yourself to practice positive affirmations each morning.

    2. Make It Easy

  • Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps. This reduces resistance and makes it easier to start.

  • Start with the simplest form of a habit, such as counting to ten before responding in anger, and gradually build up from there.

    3. Make It Fun and Rewarding

  • Make the habit enjoyable by incorporating elements that you like. For instance, listen to soothing music while practicing deep breathing exercises.

  • Use positive reinforcement to reward yourself after completing a habit. This could be as simple as giving yourself a mental high-five or treating yourself to a small reward, such as a relaxing activity after a week of staying calm.

    4. Make It Automatic

  • Establish systems or one-time actions that make the habit self-sustaining. Set reminders on your phone to check in with your emotions throughout the day and practice calming techniques regularly.

  • Organize your environment for success by removing obstacles that hinder your progress. Remove triggers from your environment that provoke anger whenever possible.

Summing Up: How to Be a Better Person Inside and Out

Becoming a better person involves a blend of self-discipline, a growth mindset, personalized self-awareness, and a focus on well-being. By enhancing your emotional and physical well-being, you can reduce stress, improve sleep, and nurture personal growth. Overcoming information overload, focusing on long-term goals, embracing challenges, understanding your unique strengths and weaknesses, and improving your interactions with others will help you unlock your full potential and live a truly inspiring life.

Read More About: How to Be a More Positive Person

Remember, progress might be slow, but each small step forward allows you to grow one step closer to becoming the best version of yourself. By consistently applying these strategies, you can create lasting positive changes in your life and become a better person inside and out.


Are you ready to become a better person? The journey to momentum begins with a single step.

Here’s how you can jumpstart your journey:

1. Discover Your Core Values

Start with our Core Values Quiz to see where you stand in the 5 Core Areas of Life. This quiz is designed to give you insights and a clear understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement.

2. Personalized Coaching for Your Success

Transform your life with individual or executive coaching tailored to your needs. Visit our coaching page to learn how we can help you gain the momentum you need in both personal and professional spheres.

3. Make Habits Fun with Our Weekly Tracker

To make your self-improvement journey even more engaging, use our gamified "Weekly Habit Tracker App." It’s designed to make holding yourself accountable both fun and rewarding: Weekly Habit Tracker App

Our Mission:

Accelerate your growth in the 5 Core Areas Of Life by making your habit transformation journey so simple, fun, and rewarding that your momentum becomes inevitable. Join us in transforming your life and becoming the best version of yourself. Start now!


How to be a better person in a relationship?

In a relationship, being a better person involves practicing effective communication, empathy, and compromise. Listen actively to your partner without judgment, and strive to understand their perspective. Express your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly while also being receptive to their needs and concerns. Approach conflicts with a solution-oriented mindset, focusing on understanding rather than assigning blame. Show appreciation and gratitude for your partner regularly, and make efforts to keep the romance alive. Be supportive of their goals and aspirations, and encourage their personal growth.

How Can I Be Better in Life?

  • Set clear goals, continuously learn, and maintain a healthy balance between work and personal time.

  • Cultivate a growth mindset, face challenges, and learn from failures.

  • Exercise regularly, eat well, and practice mindfulness to take care of your physical and mental health.

  • Surround yourself with positive influences, seek feedback, and strive for personal development every day.

How Can I Be a Better Person Each Day?

  • Practice gratitude, kindness, and self-reflection.

  • Start each day by setting positive intentions and end it by reflecting on what you’ve learned.

  • Be mindful of your actions and how they affect others.

  • Show empathy, listen well, and help those around you.

  • Look for ways to improve yourself and your interactions with others.

How to Be a Better Person to Your Friends

  • Prioritize active listening and offer genuine support.

  • Show up for your friends in times of need and celebrate their successes.

  • Be trustworthy and reliable, and communicate openly and honestly.

  • Respect their boundaries and consider their feelings.

  • Make time for your friends, show appreciation for their friendship, and aim to be a positive presence in their lives.

  • Good friends provide support, help process negative emotions, and offer inspiration to become better people.

How to Be a Better Person for Your Family

  • Show love, respect, and understanding.

  • Communicate openly and listen actively to your family members.

  • Support them and show interest in their lives.

  • Help with chores and responsibilities, and make time for family activities and traditions.

  • Show appreciation for your family and express your gratitude regularly.

  • Resolve conflicts constructively and be a source of comfort and strength for your loved ones.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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Address: 1101 Davis St, Evanston, IL 60201, United States

Phone: +1 847-495-2433