
Richard Browning Talks About Entrepreneurial Mindset

Apr 23, 2024



Richard Browning, real-life Tony Stark and creator of a jet suit, as he discusses entrepreneurial mindset, thinking and innovation.


In this compelling episode of the Five Core Live podcast, we are taken on an incredible journey of critical thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking with Richard Browning, the pioneer behind Gravity Industries and the creator of a revolutionary jet suit. Known for his role as the real-life Tony Stark, Richard not only showcases his physical invention but deeply explores what is entrepreneurial thinking and how it propels projects that seem like the stuff of science fiction into reality. This discussion highlights the essential qualities needed to think like an entrepreneur to redefine the world and boundaries of possibility, focusing on resilience, creativity, and the relentless pursuit of one's passion. Listeners will learn more about his personal life and gain insights into how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, which Richard exemplifies through his journey from ideation to the skies—turning his vision into a soaring reality. By embracing this entrepreneurial mindset, Richard demonstrates the transformative power of aligning technological prowess and creative thinking with enduring determination, setting a benchmark for aspiring innovators in any field.

đź“– CHAPTER SUMMARIES - Entrepreneurial Mindset

  1. Introduction and Background [0:00 - 4:20]

    Richard Browning discusses his background in the Royal Marines and how his family's history in aviation fueled his passion for flight. This foundation laid the groundwork for his ambitious journey to redefine human mobility through the power of jet-engine technology, entrepreneurial skills, and mindset. His early exposure to the principles of flight and engineering instilled in him the traits common among successful entrepreneurs: curiosity and the drive to innovate. Understanding what is entrepreneurial thinking helped him harness his innovative ideas effectively.

  2. The Genesis of the Jet Suit [4:20 - 8:40]

    From concept to prototyping, Richard explains the initial challenges and breakthroughs in developing the jet suit. He details the iterative process of design and testing, emphasizing the importance of embracing failure as a stepping stone to success—a core aspect of entrepreneurial thinking. His approach reflects a key strategy of most successful entrepreneurs: rapidly prototyping ideas to innovate and improve products continuously. This stage was critical in developing the qualities of an entrepreneurial mindset.

  3. Entrepreneurial Challenges and Overcoming Them [8:40 - 13:00]

    Richard delves into the business side of inventing the jet suit, including securing funding, patenting innovations, and navigating regulatory landscapes. He emphasizes how entrepreneurial thinking helped him tackle these hurdles and strategically position Gravity Industries as a successful business. This segment highlights the resilience required to transform a high-risk idea into a viable commercial enterprise. How to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in such challenging environments becomes a crucial learning curve.

  4. Applications Beyond Personal Flight [13:00 - 17:20]

    Beyond personal thrill-seeking, Richard explores practical applications of the jet suit, such as rapid response search and rescue operations and military uses. This segment illustrates how an entrepreneurial mindset can lead to innovations that offer real-world benefits and solve critical challenges. His vision extends the potential of the jet suit to sectors that require immediate and agile responses, showcasing the broader impacts of a successful entrepreneur's vision. The discussion here furthers our understanding of what is entrepreneurial thinking in action.

  5. The Impact of Mindset on Innovation [17:20 - 21:40]

    The discussion focuses on how Richard's mindset, characterized by resilience and a relentless pursuit of improvement, has been crucial not just in developing the jet suit but also in inspiring a culture of innovation within his team. His personal philosophy encapsulates the entrepreneur mindset that drives successful entrepreneurs to continuously push the boundaries of what is possible. He exemplifies what are the qualities of an entrepreneurial mindset through his actions and decisions. Listen to our Podcast on Communicating with Emotional Wellness.

  6. Training and Safety Protocols [21:40 - 26:00]

    Safety is paramount in the operation of jet suits. Richard shares the comprehensive training protocols developed to ensure pilots operate the jet suit safely, reflecting his commitment to both innovation and responsible entrepreneurship. This commitment to safety and structured training is a hallmark of a successful business, emphasizing the importance of operational excellence in the high-stakes industry of personal aviation. The ability to maintain high safety standards is part of how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in fields involving physical risk.

  7. Future Visions and Expanding Horizons [26:00 - 30:20]

    Looking forward, Richard shares his visions for the future of personal flight and potential new technologies. His ongoing quest for improvement and expansion encapsulates the forward-thinking elements of an entrepreneurial mindset. He discusses the next steps for Gravity Industries, aiming to influence broader transportation and mobility sectors, a testament to the ambition that drives successful entrepreneurs. This section deeply reflects on what is entrepreneurial thinking in evolving markets.

  8. Reflections and Advice to Aspiring Entrepreneurs [30:20 - 34:40]

    Richard concludes with personal reflections and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. He stresses the importance of passion, perseverance, and adaptability—qualities essential for anyone looking to make a mark in their field through innovative thinking and entrepreneurship. This advice is invaluable for anyone aiming to emulate the success seen in successful businesses and personal careers in challenging industries. His insights offer a roadmap on how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset that fosters continuous innovation and resilience.

🔑 KEY TAKEAWAYS - Entrepreneurial Thinking

  1. Embrace Failure as a Stepping Stone: Richard Browning's journey highlights the importance of viewing failures not as setbacks but as essential learning opportunities. This approach is a cornerstone of entrepreneurial success, where each failure brings you closer to success, refining your process and sharpening your focus. Aspiring entrepreneurs should cultivate resilience, learning to analyze and learn from each challenge to progress further.

  2. Prototyping and Iterative Design: The development of the jet suit illustrates the power of iterative design in turning an idea into a tangible product. Richard’s method of continuously prototyping and testing small changes reflects what is entrepreneurial thinking in practice—focusing on incremental improvements that collectively lead to significant advancements. This process encourages adaptability and swift response to feedback, essential traits for successful entrepreneurs.

  3. Strategic Risk Management: Inventing a jet suit involves substantial risk, both physically and financially. Richard’s approach to risk management—balancing innovative ambition with practical safety measures and business acumen—demonstrates a key aspect of an entrepreneurial mindset. Effective entrepreneurs assess risks carefully, preparing strategies to mitigate them while pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

  4. Harnessing Passion and Vision: Passion is the fuel that drives successful entrepreneurs. Richard’s passion for flight and innovation is palpable and serves as a motivational force that propels his work. His vision for transforming personal mobility through jet suit technology showcases how passion aligned with a clear vision can lead to groundbreaking achievements and inspire others.

  5. Building a Culture of Innovation: A significant takeaway from Richard’s leadership at Gravity Industries is the importance of fostering a culture that values innovation and continuous learning. Entrepreneurial thinking is not just about personal traits but also about creating an environment where a team can think creatively, experiment safely, and push technological boundaries collectively.

  6. Leveraging Technology for Growth: The integration of advanced technologies in the design and operation of the jet suit is a prime example of how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset that leverages modern tools for business and product development. Successful businesses in today’s digital age require a keen sense of how to apply technology to enhance product offerings and improve operational efficiency. Listen to our Podcast on how technology can help in personal success.

  7. Global Vision with Local Compliance: Navigating the complexities of international regulations while expanding a technology-forward company like Gravity Industries highlights the global aspect of entrepreneurial ventures today. Understanding and complying with diverse regulatory environments is crucial for successful entrepreneurs who want to operate internationally. This knowledge is essential for scaling innovations globally while maintaining compliance and respecting local norms.

  8. Personal Development through Entrepreneurship: One of the most compelling aspects of Richard's story is how his entrepreneurial journey has shaped his personal growth. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset involves more than just business acumen—it’s about evolving as a person who can inspire, lead, and make a difference in the world. His story encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to pursue their ventures as paths to personal as well as professional development.



In this section, we explore the concept of a "Golden Habit," illustrating how adopting pivotal life habits can significantly address and alleviate the pain points experienced by entrepreneurs and innovators. We examine how a specific habit from the podcast episode embodies the principles of the Moore Momentum System, providing listeners with a clear example of an actionable habit that aligns with personal and business ideas and professional growth.


i) Definition of Golden Habit: A 'Golden Habit' is the optimal habit to relieve a pain point or replace a bad habit because it's personalized to your DNA, goals, mindset, and lifestyle in order to maximally reduce the friction to form it.

The Golden Habit should be:

  • DESIRABLE: Should be enjoyable and rewarding.

  • PRACTICAL: Must easily integrate into one’s existing routines.

  • IMPACTFUL: Expected to significantly enhance well-being.

ii) This Episode’s Golden Habit Richard Browning's commitment to continuous innovation and iterative development serves as a key part of the episode’s Golden Habit. By consistently refining and testing his jet suit, Richard exemplifies how the habit of "relentless innovation" not only advances technology but also cultivates a mindset geared towards perpetual improvement and resilience. This habit is particularly beneficial for entrepreneurs who face constant challenges and need to stay adaptive and innovative.

iii) Related Core Area

  • Core Area: Career & Finances Core

  • Key Pain Point Addressed: Overcoming technological and bureaucratic barriers to bring a revolutionary product to market.

iv) Time Stamp for Discussion: Refer to [8:40 - 13:00] during the podcast where Richard discusses overcoming the challenges of innovation and the business side of Gravity Industries, emphasizing the development of this Golden Habit.

This Golden Habit of relentless innovation and adaptation is critical not only for personal development but also for making meaningful contributions to one’s field and society at large. It encapsulates the entrepreneurial spirit and the drive that pushes successful innovators to continually advance and refine their work, skills and visions.


In this section, we identify the top 5 pain points most applicable to our target market—entrepreneurs and innovators—and provide actionable advice using the Moore Momentum System’s Phase 1, Stage 2 methods to overcome these challenges effectively.

  1. Information Overload and Decision Paralysis

    • Pain Point: Entrepreneurs often feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information available, leading to decision-making paralysis.

    • Solution: Implement the "Make it OBVIOUS" method by curating a list of trusted sources and tools that streamline information gathering. Simplify decision-making processes by setting clear criteria for evaluation to make choices more straightforward and less time-consuming.

    • MM System Reference: Phase 1, Stage 2, focusing on reducing overwhelm by structuring decision triggers.

  2. Risk of Failure and Fear of Innovation

    • Pain Point: Fear of failure can inhibit entrepreneurs from taking necessary risks or trying new innovations.

    • Solution: Utilize the "Make it FUN/REWARDING/ATTRACTIVE" method by redefining failure as a learning opportunity and celebrating small successes along the way. This shifts the mindset from fear to a challenge, making the process more engaging and less daunting.

    • MM System Reference: Encouraging risk-taking by integrating positive reinforcement and reward systems.

  3. Burnout from Constant Pressure

    • Pain Point: Continuous stress and high expectations can lead to entrepreneur burnout, reducing effectiveness and personal satisfaction.

    • Solution: Apply the "Make it AUTOMATIC" method by scheduling regular, non-negotiable downtime into your calendar. Automate work processes where possible to decrease daily workload and prevent burnout.

    • MM System Reference: Phase 1, Stage 2, which promotes the automation of tasks to maintain mental and physical health.

  4. Lack of Strategic Focus

    • Pain Point: Entrepreneurs can sometimes lose sight of their strategic goals amidst daily tasks and operational demands.

    • Solution: Use the "Make it EASY" method by breaking down long-term goals into manageable, daily actions that contribute towards strategic objectives. This method helps maintain focus and makes progress more tangible.

    • MM System Reference: Implementing minimal viable habits that directly align with strategic outcomes.

  5. Inefficiency in Operations

    • Pain Point: Inefficiencies in managing operations can drain resources and time, limiting growth opportunities.

    • Solution: Employ the "Make it OBVIOUS" and "Make it AUTOMATIC" methods by setting up clear operational procedures and automating routine tasks. This approach reduces waste and increases efficiency, allowing more focus on growth activities.

    • MM System Reference: Streamlining processes to optimize operational efficiency and productivity.

Each of these solutions not only addresses specific pain points but also integrates practices from the Moore Momentum System to foster a healthier, more productive entrepreneurial lifestyle.


Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey is not just about hard skills and business acumen; it's also about cultivating a robust entrepreneurial mindset and the personal resilience to weather challenges. This podcast episode with Richard Browning offers more than just an insight into groundbreaking technology—it presents a model of how perseverance, innovative thinking, and a proactive attitude can lead to extraordinary accomplishments and help you to in levelling up in life.


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Click HERE to build momentum ASAP with our short quiz to quickly identify which of the 5 Core Areas Of Life you’re struggling in most, and the golden, personalized habit to improve it.”

This Call to Action (CTA) is not just a prompt; it's an invitation to take the first step towards transforming your life through the Moore Momentum System. By engaging with our platform, you'll discover personalized strategies and insights that align with your unique challenges and goals, empowering you to maximize your potential in every area of life. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business leader, or someone passionate about personal excellence, our system offers the tools and support needed to create lasting change and drive meaningful success.

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đź«… BIO

Richard Browning: Founder and Chief Test Pilot, Gravity Industries

Richard Browning is the visionary founder behind Gravity Industries, a cutting-edge firm that has revolutionized personal flight through its pioneering jet suit technology. With a background in oil trading and a stint in the British Royal Marines, Browning's unique blend of financial acumen and physical prowess set the stage for his extraordinary entrepreneurial journey. His development of the Gravity Jet Suit, which has been likened to having real-life Iron Man capabilities, has captured the imagination of tech enthusiasts and adventurers worldwide.

Richard's relentless pursuit of innovation is driven by his passion for flight and his belief in the power of human potential. Under his leadership, Gravity Industries has not only achieved technological breakthroughs but has also inspired a culture of innovation and risk-taking that resonates deeply within the tech and entrepreneurial communities. Richard's achievements have been featured extensively in global media, and he is a sought-after speaker at technology and innovation conferences around the world, where he shares his insights on entrepreneurship, innovation, and the future of mobility.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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