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Discover the best habits to adopt for a healthier, happier life. Learn how small actions transform you. Get clarity on impactful habits and make them automatic.

Best Habits to Adopt for a Healthier, Happier Life

Oct 16, 2024

By Will Moore

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle.

This profound insight from Aristotle became the catalyst for my personal transformation and life’s work. For over 25 years, I’ve been on a journey of personal growth through the power of habits.

This journey began when I hit rock bottom in college. Suicidal and hopeless, I realized my miserable state was the direct result of years of bad habits, thought patterns, self-destructive behaviors, and a lack of purposeful action.

This epiphany led me to dive deep into the principles of habit formation and apply them to my own life. I started small, incorporating daily meditation and exercise. I replaced negative self-talk with affirmations and gratitude practices. I began setting and working towards meaningful goals in my career and relationships.

Over time, I witnessed a remarkable transformation. My mental health improved dramatically, and I developed strong, supportive relationships. My career took off as I applied consistent effort toward my goals. My physical health flourished, and I started leveling up in all core pillars of life.

Through this process, I’ve not only transformed my own life but have also developed expertise in helping others harness the power of habits.

What I’ve discovered is that true happiness and success aren’t about grand gestures or major life overhauls. Instead, they’re built on a foundation of small, consistent habits that compound over time.

That’s why I’m excited to share the best habits to adopt for a healthier, happier life. Each one is backed by research and personal experience. They’re not quick fixes but tools you can use to build a more fulfilling life, one day at a time.

Upgrades You'll Earn from This Blog:

Clarity on which habits will make the biggest impact.

Strategies to make these habits easy and automatic.

A personalized approach to seamlessly integrate these habits into daily life.

Five Core Life

Through my journey from rock bottom to success, I've discovered that true fulfillment comes from balanced growth in five key areas of life: Mindset, Career & Finance, Relationships, Physical Health, and Emotional Health.

Think of these as rocket engines. When all are working together, you've got liftoff! But if even one sputters, it can hold your whole rocket back. In the same way, keeping all five areas thriving is crucial.

My discovery of these cores came through trial and error. As I worked to improve my life, I noticed that progress in one area often led to improvements in others. For example, enhancing my mindset not only changed how I approached challenges but also positively impacted my career and relationships. This interconnectedness led me to identify these five fundamental areas that, when developed together, create a foundation for a truly fulfilling life.

By systematically improving these areas, you can transform your habits and create lasting happiness and success. All the healthy habits you adopt will fall under these five core areas, helping you to build a well-rounded and fulfilling life.

5 core areas of life explanation for each core

Habits To Build a Growth Mindset

A growth-oriented mindset is the foundation of a successful and fulfilling life. It involves embracing challenges, learning from failures, and maintaining a positive outlook.

1. Practice Gratitude

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough." Gratitude helps shift your focus from what you lack to what you already have, fostering contentment and peace.

To cultivate gratitude in your life:

  • Start a gratitude journal and write three things you’re thankful for every night before bed.

  • Use a gratitude app to set daily reminders to reflect on the positive aspects of your day.

  • Pair your journaling with a relaxing routine, like listening to calm music or drinking herbal tea.

2. Failure Is Mandatory for Growth

Adopting the mindset that "bad days" are just temporary setbacks can help you navigate challenges more effectively. By focusing on what you can control, you can maintain a positive outlook. Viewing setbacks as learning opportunities helps you stay resilient and optimistic.

To avoid having bad days:

  • When things go wrong, focus on what you can control and take positive steps forward.

  • Use a positivity journal to write down the good things that happen each day, no matter how small.

  • Surround yourself with positive influences, like uplifting podcasts or encouraging quotes.

Read More: Why Do I feel Like a Failure

3. Experiment Constantly

Embracing experimentation allows you to discover new strategies and solutions. It fosters creativity and adaptability. Constant experimentation helps you grow by challenging your assumptions and introducing new perspectives. In fact, it's one of the best habits to adopt in both personal and professional life.

To integrate experimentation into your life:

  • Try something new each day, whether it’s a different way of organizing your tasks or a new recipe.

  • Keep track of your experiments in a journal to see what works best for you.

  • Join a challenge group to stay motivated and share your experiences with others.

Related Article: Top 10 Habits of Successful People

Habits to Improve Financial Health

A fulfilling career and strong financial health are vital for long-term success. This area allows you to align your passions with your professional goals, creating a sense of purpose and security. Good habits in this core can lead to greater job satisfaction and financial stability.

1. Set Daily Goals

Setting and achieving small, daily goals can lead to significant progress over time. Daily goals act as stepping stones that lead to larger achievements and sustained momentum.

To effectively set daily goals:

  • Write down three key tasks you want to accomplish each day on a sticky note or in a planner.

  • Use technology (i.e. Todoist) to manage your daily goals and track your progress.

  • Review your goals each morning and focus on completing them before tackling other tasks.

Read More: Which of the Seven goal-setting Steps is the Most Important?

2. Listen to Audiobooks

Continuous learning is essential for career growth and personal development. Audiobooks provide a convenient way to consume knowledge on the go. Incorporating audiobooks into your routine can help you stay informed and inspired, even with a busy schedule.

To start listening to audiobooks:

  • Choose an audiobook related to self-improvement and listen to it during your commute or workout.

  • Use Blinkist to get summaries of key ideas from self-improvement books in just a few minutes.

  • Schedule time each day to listen to an audiobook, whether during a walk or while doing household chores.

Check our Gamify your Life Podcasts

3. Never Be Afraid to Reach Out

Building strong professional relationships and seeking help when needed are critical components of career success. Reaching out to mentors or colleagues can provide guidance and support. Establishing a reliable network ensures that you have resources to turn to in times of need.

To foster professional relationships:

  • Contact a mentor or colleague when you need advice or support, using LinkedIn or Slack.

  • Join a networking group to build connections and seek help when needed.

  • Keep a list of trusted contacts in your phone for quick access when you need to reach out.

4. Automate Your Savings and Investments

Taking control of your financial future starts with consistent saving and investing. Automating these processes ensures that you're building wealth without having to think about it daily. Automation simplifies the process of saving and investing, allowing your wealth to grow effortlessly.

To automate your savings and investments:

  • Set up automatic transfers to move a portion of your income directly into a savings account each month. This "pay yourself first" approach helps you save consistently.

  • Use an investing app like Acorns or Robinhood to automatically invest small amounts into diversified portfolios. Even small investments can grow significantly over time.

  • Schedule a monthly review of your automated savings and investment accounts using a financial management app. This helps you stay on track with your long-term financial goals.

Habits to Strengthen Your Relationships

Strong relationships are the bedrock of a happy life. They provide emotional support, accountability, and a sense of belonging. Research shows that healthy relationships contribute significantly to overall well-being.

1. Make time for Your Loved Ones.

Investing time and effort into your relationships can lead to deeper connections and greater happiness. Prioritizing meaningful connections ensures that you have a supportive network in times of need.

To strengthen your relationships:

  • Use a shared calendar to plan calls or meetups with loved ones.

  • Focus fully on conversations by eliminating distractions and engaging deeply.

  • Regularly send a quick message or handwritten note to show gratitude.

2. Be a Good Listener

Active listening is a key component of strong relationships. It helps you understand others better and fosters deeper connections. Developing good listening skills allows you to communicate more effectively and empathetically.

To practice being a good listener:

  • Practice active listening by giving your full attention to the speaker without interrupting.

  • Reflect back on what the speaker has said to show you understand and are engaged.

  • Ask open-ended questions to encourage the other person to share more.

Learn more about how to be a better listener in a relationship

3. Surround Yourself with Optimists

Surrounding yourself with positive people can uplift your spirits and reinforce a growth mindset. Social support is crucial for mental health and can significantly impact your outlook on life.

To connect with positive people:

  • Schedule regular calls with a supportive friend using Zoom or Google Meet.

  • Join a positive mindset community on social media to connect with like-minded individuals.

  • Write down and share positive affirmations with a friend using a shared notes app.

Habits To Enhance Your Physical Health

Physical health is the foundation upon which everything else is built. Without it, it’s challenging to maintain the energy and stamina needed to excel in other areas of life. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest are key to physical well-being.

1. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining energy levels and overall health. Proper hydration supports your body’s functions, enhances concentration, and improves mood.

To stay hydrated:

  • Use a hydration tracking app to monitor your daily water intake.

  • Keep a reusable water bottle on your desk or in your bag at all times.

  • Set hourly reminders on your smartphone to take a sip of water.

2. Eat Healthier

A balanced diet fuels your body and mind, improving your overall well-being. Making healthier food choices can increase your energy levels, support weight management, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Managing blood sugar levels through healthy eating habits is particularly important for individuals at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

To eat healthier:

  • Use a meal planning app to prioritize healthy eating and avoid last-minute unhealthy choices.

  • Invest in meal prep containers to prepare your meals ahead of time.

  • Incorporate a healthy meal as part of a balanced diet to ensure you get essential nutrients. Try incorporating healthy recipes into your meal planning to simplify healthy eating.

3. Exercise for 20 Minutes a Day

Regular physical activity is vital for maintaining your health and boosting your mood. Exercise improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and enhances mental well-being. Engaging in regular physical activity can also lead to feeling more energy throughout the day.

To incorporate daily exercise:

  • Choose a specific time each day for a 20-minute workout, such as after waking up or during lunch.

  • Download a workout app with short, effective routines you can do at home.

  • Use a fitness tracker to monitor your progress and stay motivated.

Read More on Physical Health Goals

4. Limit Processed Foods

Reducing processed foods can significantly improve your health by decreasing the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease. A diet rich in whole foods provides essential nutrients and supports overall well-being.

To reduce processed food intake:

  • Plan meals around whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

  • Use a meal planning app to avoid processed foods and focus on fresh ingredients.

  • Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, where fresh produce and whole foods are typically located.

5. Maintain a Proper Sleep Schedule

Quality sleep is essential for mental and physical health. It helps restore your body and mind, improving focus and productivity.

To maintain a healthy sleep schedule:

  • Use Bedtime on your iPhone to set a consistent sleep schedule.

  • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening, and track your intake with a caffeine tracker app.

  • Keep your bedroom cool and dark, using a sleep mask if necessary.

Habits To Nurture Your Emotional Well-Being

Emotional health is about understanding and managing your emotions, building resilience, and finding balance in your life. It’s crucial for maintaining a positive outlook and dealing with life’s challenges effectively.

1. Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing exercises can reduce stress and promote relaxation. They are simple yet powerful tools for managing your emotional health.

To incorporate deep breathing:

  • Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your routine with the Breathe app on your smartwatch.

  • Practice breathing exercises during stressful moments to help you stay calm and focused.

  • Set aside time each day to practice deep breathing, perhaps first thing in the morning or before bed.

Learn More: How to Clear Your Mind For Meditation

2. Prioritize Self-Care

Regular self-care practices are essential for maintaining emotional balance and preventing burnout. Prioritizing self-care helps you recharge and manage your life better.

To practice self-care:

  • Schedule regular self-care activities, like a weekly bath, face mask, or walk in the park.

  • Download a self-care app that offers daily reminders and tips.

  • Set boundaries with work and personal commitments to protect your self-care time.

3. Take a Relaxing Evening Walk

A relaxing walk before bed can help you unwind and prepare for a good night’s sleep. It’s also a great way to reflect on your day and practice mindfulness.

To incorporate evening walks:

  • Take a short walk around your neighborhood after dinner to help digest your food and unwind.

  • Listen to calming music or an audiobook during your walk.

  • Set a timer on your smartwatch to remind you to take your evening walk.

4. Limit Screen Time

Reducing screen time can improve your sleep, reduce eye strain, and help you stay present in the moment. Adopting this healthy habit can significantly enhance your overall well-being by promoting better focus and reducing stress.

To limit screen time:

  • Use screen time apps to monitor and limit your device usage.

  • Set specific times of day when you will avoid screens, such as during meals or before bed.

  • Create a tech-free zone in your home where you can relax without distractions.

5. Spend Time Alone

Solitude is essential for self-reflection and personal growth. It allows you to recharge and gain clarity on your thoughts and emotions.

To spend time alone effectively:

  • Set aside 15 minutes daily for meditation using the Headspace app.

  • Use a white noise machine to create a peaceful environment for reflection.

  • Schedule solo activities in your planner, such as a walk or reading time.

Read More: Daily Habits of Ridiculously Happy People

How to Adopt New Habits Using Innovative Methods

Now that we've explored various healthy habits, you might be wondering, "How can I actually start implementing these in my life?" This is where the Moore Momentum System's Momentum Boosting Methods (MBMs) come in. These science-backed strategies are designed to make habit formation easier, more enjoyable, and, ultimately, more successful.

Let's break down the four key Momentum Boosting Methods and see how they can be applied to some of the healthy habits we've discussed:

1. Make New Habit OBVIOUS

The idea here is to make your desired habit impossible to ignore. By creating clear cues in your environment, you're more likely to remember and act on your new habit.

Example: For the habit of staying hydrated, place a large water bottle on your desk where you can't miss it. You could even set hourly reminders on your phone to take a sip.

2. Make it EASY

The easier a habit is to do, the more likely you are to do it. This method focuses on reducing friction and making the habit as simple as possible to perform.

Example: To make daily exercise easier, lay out your workout clothes the night before. Better yet, sleep in your gym clothes so you're ready to go as soon as you wake up!


When a habit is enjoyable, you're more likely to stick with it. This method involves finding ways to make the habit more appealing or associating it with something you already enjoy. One way to do this is by habit stacking. It refers to pairing existing habits with new habits.

Example: If you want to start a gratitude journaling habit, pair it with an activity you love. Maybe you write in your journal while enjoying your favorite morning coffee or tea.

4. Make it AUTOMATIC

The ultimate goal is to make your new habit so ingrained that it happens automatically, without conscious effort. This often involves using technology or environmental design to your advantage.

Example: To automate your savings habit, set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account on payday. This way, you're saving money without having to think about it.

Weekly Habit Tracker App

A powerful tool for making habits automatic is our Weekly Habit Tracker App. This app combines the latest in behavioral science and gamification to keep you motivated and on track:

  • Set Up Weekly Tracking: Use the app to set up and track your weekly goals. The app's gamified features, such as quests and rewards, make habit tracking more engaging than ever.

  • Create Reminders: Automate reminders within the app to prompt you at the optimal times to perform your habits. This ensures you never miss a check-in.

  • Review and Reflect: At the end of each week, review your progress within the app. Reflect on your streaks, adjust your goals as needed, and stay motivated by unlocking achievements and earning rewards.

By leveraging technology like our Weekly Habit Tracker App, you can automate much of the habit-tracking process, making it easier to stay consistent and build momentum.

Mooremomentum monthly habit tracker app

By applying these Momentum Boosting Methods to the habits we've discussed, you can significantly increase your chances of successfully adopting them. Remember, the key is to start small and be consistent. As you build momentum, these small habits will compound over time, leading to significant positive changes in your life.

Conclusion: Best Habits to Adopt

Adopting new habits can seem overwhelming, especially when life is busy and change feels daunting. However, by integrating these habits into your existing routines through strategies like habit stacking and using tools such as a habit tracker app, you can make the process more natural and sustainable. The key is to start small, remain disciplined and consistent, and leverage the right techniques to support your journey.

Remember, it's not about perfection—it's about progress. Each small step you take brings you closer to a healthier, happier life. With time, these small actions compound, leading to profound, lasting changes.

So, take that first step today. Choose one habit from the list, integrate it into your daily routine, and watch how it transforms your life over time.

Related Article: 52 Life-Changing Habits: Top Helpful Habits Everyone Should Adopt


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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