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Discover five compelling reasons why money can't buy happiness, exploring the true sources of joy and fulfillment in life.

Top Reasons Why Money Can't Buy Happiness, And What 5 Things Can

Oct 11, 2024

By Will Moore

What Happened To Mumford and Sons? The Rock Star Paradox

Imagine being on top of the world. Sold-out stadiums, platinum albums, and more money than you could ever spend. Now, picture walking away from it all. Sounds crazy, right? But that’s exactly what Winston Marshall, banjo player of the Grammy-winning band Mumford & Sons, did in 2021.

Winston Marshall playing Banjo w: Mumford and Sons

In a blog post, Marshall reminisced about the early days when the band couldn’t even afford instruments. The joy of creating music, the thrill of connecting with audiences, the camaraderie of the band – these were the things that made him truly happy.

But as fame and fortune grew, so did the pressures, the conflicts, and ultimately, the unhappiness.

This story isn’t unique. If you’ve ever binged on music documentaries like myself, you’ve probably noticed a pattern that all end with the same:

  • A group of passionate musicians start with nothing but their talent and dreams.

  • They enjoy life, making music and slowly building a following.

  • Success hits, bringing money, fame, and the inevitable vices.

  • Internal conflicts arise, often fueled by addictions, ego and power struggles.

  • The band implodes, leaving its members to wonder what the heck happened.

It’s a tale as old as rock ‘n’ roll itself, but it teaches us a universal truth, answering the question of why money can't buy happiness. The things we think will make us happy – money, fame, and status – often don’t. In fact, if we don't have our core values and success habits intact, they'll lead to more unhappiness and peril than before it all came.

There are several reasons why money can't buy happiness, and understanding these can help us focus on what truly brings fulfillment. Don’t worry, this isn’t just another “money can’t buy happiness“ lecture.

In this article, we’re going to explore:

  • The misconception and science behind why we often chase money in our pursuit of happiness.

  • The five core areas of life that actually contribute to lasting fulfillment.

  • Practical strategies to cultivate happiness in each of these areas, inspired by both scientific research and real-life examples.

By the end of this journey, you’ll have a new perspective on happiness – one that doesn’t require a platinum record or a million-dollar bank account. You’ll learn how to compose your own happiness symphony, hitting all the right notes in life’s most important areas.

So, are you ready to discover what really buys happiness? Let’s dive in and uncover the secrets that even some of the world’s biggest rock stars had to learn the hard way.

The Misconception of Money and Happiness

The idea that money can’t buy happiness is a common saying, but it’s not entirely accurate. While money can provide basic needs and comforts, it’s not the sole determinant of happiness. This concept is encapsulated in the “Easterlin paradox,” which reveals that once our basic needs are met, additional wealth doesn’t necessarily lead to greater happiness.

Research has shown that people’s perceptions of financial security can vary widely, even within the same culture. For some, having enough money to cover essentials and a few luxuries is sufficient for contentment. For others, the pursuit of more wealth becomes a never-ending cycle that doesn’t bring the anticipated joy. Therefore, it’s essential to look beyond the misconception that money is the primary driver of happiness and focus on what truly brings fulfillment.

The Science of Well-Being and Personal Growth:

A groundbreaking course was introduced at Yale University in 2018 by Professor Laurie Santos and quickly became the most popular course in the school's 300-year history. The overwhelming interest in "The Science of Well-Being" course prompted Santos to make it available through Coursera and quickly became one of the online course platform's most enrolled and completed courses.

The Yale Happiness Course, as it's since been nicknamed, shatters our preconceptions about happiness. It reveals a startling truth: our intuitions about what will make us happy are often wrong, as evidenced by scientific study after study.

This phenomenon, known as “miswanting,” leads us to chase after things that don’t actually increase our well-being. For others, the pursuit of more wealth becomes a never-ending cycle that doesn’t bring the anticipated joy, therefore a lot of money does not guarantee happiness.

What We Think We Want (Miswantings):

  • High-paying job, more money, and material possessions

  • High achievements without already established success habits such as gratitude, appreciation, and self-awareness.

  • Perfect body and ideal life circumstances (relationship, location, etc)

  • Avoiding hardships and negative emotions

  • Predicting future happiness (overestimating the impact of future events)

What Actually Leads to Happiness:

  • Continual growth by challenging ourselves

  • Strong social connections

  • Acts of kindness

  • Gratitude practice

  • Using signature strengths

  • Savouring experiences

  • Time affluence

  • Mindfulness and meditation

  • Regular exercise and adequate sleep

  • Engaging in flow activities

The disconnect is clear. While we often spend money chasing external validations, true lasting happiness comes from cultivating internal qualities and engaging in specific practices that align with our values and strengths.

These scientific findings align perfectly with what we call the 5 Core Areas of Life. Let’s explore each of these cores and discover how they contribute to true happiness.

Read More: Daily Habits of Ridiculously Happy People

The 5 Core Areas That Actually Buy Happiness

core areas of life

1. Mindset Core: Cultivating a Growth-Oriented Outlook

mindset core

The Mindset Core serves as your command center, the crucial foundation for growth in all other areas of life. It's not just about positive thinking; it's about developing a "growth owner" mentality that transforms how you perceive and interact with the world.

Why can't money buy happiness in terms of mindset? Because a positive, growth-oriented mindset is something you cultivate, not purchase. It's about how you perceive challenges, handle setbacks, and approach your personal growth.

Key Aspect:

Embracing a Growth Mindset:

  • Belief in your ability to learn, improve, and overcome challenges. This is what separates those who thrive from those who stagnate in life.

  • A growth mindset allows you to see opportunities for personal growth in every situation, leading to a more fulfilling life.

Success Habit To Develop: Practice Gratitude and Mindfulness

  • Take a cue from the Science of Well-Being course. Spend a few minutes each day writing down three things you're grateful for. This simple practice can significantly boost your happiness and well-being. Understanding why living in gratitude is important can help motivate this practice.

  • Additionally, incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. Mindfulness keeps us grounded in the present moment, preventing us from getting lost in worries about the past or future. Research has shown that individuals who practiced gratitude and mindfulness daily experienced significant boosts in their overall happiness.

  • To really make these practices stick, it's crucial to build discipline and consistency. To propel your momentum, start by asking yourself these 7 growth mindset questions.

2. Career and Finances Core: Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck

Career and Finances Core

The Career and Finances Core is about much more than just making money. It's about aligning your work with your purpose, leveraging your strengths and passions, and creating exponential wealth along the way.

While financial stability is important, true fulfillment comes from meaningful work that resonates with your values. By focusing on these aspects of your career and finances, you're not just earning money – you're learning how to win at life in a holistic sense.

Key Aspect: Purpose Alignment

  • Connect your career to your life's mission and values. As Confucius said, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

  • When your work aligns with your purpose, you're more likely to experience job satisfaction and overall happiness.

Success Habit To Develop: Invest in Experiences and Personal Development

  • The Science of Well-Being course emphasizes the importance of feeling like you have enough money and time. Prioritize time over money when possible. This might mean choosing a job with flexible hours over one with a higher salary but a rigid schedule. Additionally, consider spending money on experiences rather than material possessions.

  • Research shows that investing in experiences like travel, education, or even a cooking class can lead to greater happiness than buying the latest gadget or designer clothes.

  • These experiences often provide opportunities for personal growth and create lasting memories that contribute to our overall sense of fulfillment.

3. Relationships Core: The Real Currency of Joy

Relationships Core

The Relationships Core is about creating and maintaining deep, fulfilled connections and gaining allies to help you achieve your goals. It encompasses all types of relationships: family, romantic partners, friendships, professional connections, and even casual interactions.

Strong social connections are one of the most significant contributors to happiness and well-being.

So, why can't money buy happiness when it comes to relationships? Because genuine connections are built on trust, empathy, and shared experiences – none of which can be purchased.

Key aspect: Emotional Intelligence

  • Develop the ability to understand and manage your emotions and those of others. As the saying goes, "Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair."

  • Emotional intelligence allows you to navigate relationships more effectively, leading to deeper and more meaningful connections.

Success Habit To Develop: Cultivate Meaningful Connections

  • The Science of Well-Being course emphasizes the happiness boost we get from being kind to others. Try doing kind acts in one day and notice how it affects your mood and overall sense of well-being. Additionally, invest time in nurturing your relationships.

  • This could mean regular check-ins with friends and family, joining social groups aligned with your interests, or volunteering in your community.

  • Remember, wealthy people who lack meaningful relationships often find themselves feeling unfulfilled, while those with strong social bonds tend to report higher levels of life satisfaction.

Read More: Why is it Important to Connect with Others

4. Physical Health Core: Investing in Your Body's Well-being

Physical Health Core

The Physical Health Core is about taking care of your physical self to look good, feel good, and gain the energy and stamina to propel you through life.

It's not just about fitness or diet; it's about creating a strong foundation that supports all other aspects of your life. Your physical health directly impacts your mental and emotional well-being, making it a crucial component of overall happiness.

Key aspect: Regular Exercise and Proper Nutrition

  • Engage in both cardiovascular and strength training activities. Remember the adage, "Move it or lose it."

  • Additionally, fuel your body with a balanced diet, healthy eating habits, and proper hydration. As the saying goes, "You are what you eat."

Success Habit To Develop: Establish a Consistent Health Routine

  • The Science of Well-Being course recommends 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week. Find activities you enjoy to make this habit stick and boost your overall well-being.

  • Also, prioritize quality sleep and allow time for physical recovery. There's truth in the phrase, "Your future depends on your dreams, so go to sleep."

  • By taking care of your physical health, you're not only improving your body but also setting a strong foundation for mental and emotional well-being.

5. Emotional and Mental Health Core: The Foundation of True Contentment

Emotional and Mental Health Core

This core is about effectively managing and nurturing your thoughts and feelings to minimize stress and maximize your human spirit. It's the foundation for building a life of purpose, fulfillment, and personal growth. Emotional and mental health are crucial for experiencing true happiness and contentment.

Why can't money buy happiness when it comes to emotional and mental health? Because inner peace, self-awareness, and emotional resilience are qualities that must be cultivated from within, not purchased from without.

Key aspect: Mindfulness and Self-Awareness

  • Practice being present and understanding your inner world to influence the outer. "Be present and live in the here and now."

  • Mindfulness helps keep us grounded in the present moment, preventing us from getting lost in worries about the past or future.

Success Habit To Develop: Practice Mindfulness Meditation and Self-Care

  • The Science of Well-Being course recommends at least 10 minutes of meditation daily. This can significantly reduce stress and increase overall well-being.

  • Additionally, engage in activities that promote emotional well-being, such as journaling, creative pursuits, or talking with a life coach or therapist.

  • Remember to practice self-compassion and treat yourself with the same kindness you'd offer a good friend. By prioritizing your emotional and mental health, you're investing in your capacity for joy and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Listen to our podcast on the Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation

Case Study: Mumford & Sons - The Rise, Fall, and Potential Rebirth

Let’s examine the journey of Mumford & Sons, particularly focusing on Winston Marshall’s departure, to see how the 5 Core Areas likely played out in real life, and how to use them to potentially get one of my favorite bands back together.

Early Days: A Symphony of Success In their early years, Mumford & Sons exemplified balance across the 5 Core Areas:

  • Mindset Core: They embraced a growth mindset, constantly pushing their musical boundaries.

  • Career and Finances Core: They aligned their passion for folk music with their career, creating a unique sound that resonated with millions.

  • Relationships Core: The band’s tight-knit dynamic was evident in their performances and interviews.

  • Physical Health Core: Their energetic live shows required peak physical condition.

  • Emotional and Mental Health Core: Their lyrics reflected deep emotional awareness and connection.

This balance led to their meteoric rise, culminating in Grammy wins and sold-out arena tours.

The Turning Point: When Success Breeds Imbalance As fame and fortune grew, the balance began to shift:

  • Mindset Core: The pressure to maintain success may have stifled creativity and risk-taking.

  • Career and Finances Core: Financial wealth increased but at the cost of artistic freedom.

  • Relationships Core: Public scrutiny and internal pressures strained band dynamics.

  • Physical Health Core: Grueling tour schedules likely took a toll.

  • Emotional and Mental Health Core: The weight of fame and public opinion affected their well-being.

Winston’s Departure: A Call for Rebalancing Winston Marshall’s decision to leave the band in 2021 highlighted the importance of maintaining balance, especially in the Mindset and Emotional and Mental Health Cores.

Path to Potential Rebirth: For Winston and the remaining members to find their way back to that initial joy, passion, and enthusiasm, they could:

  • Mindset Core: Reconnect with their original motivations for making music.

  • Career and Finances Core: Prioritize artistic fulfillment over commercial success.

  • Relationships Core: Rebuild trust and open communication within the band.

  • Physical Health Core: Establish healthier touring and lifestyle habits.

  • Emotional and Mental Health Core: Seek therapy or counseling to process fame’s impact. By delegating mundane tasks like cleaning service, the band members could free up time to focus on their creative pursuits and personal well-being.

By rebalancing these core areas, Mumford & Sons could potentially reunite stronger than ever, recapturing the magic that made them unique while growing from their experiences.

Mumford & Sons

Conclusion: Orchestrating Your Own Happiness

As we’ve seen through Mumford & Sons’ journey, true happiness isn’t about fame or fortune – it’s about balance and growth across all areas of life.

I hope that Winston Marshall and his bandmates read this and find inspiration to rekindle the magic that made me, and millions of other fans, fall in love with them. I’ll never forget watching them on Saturday Night Live in 2014. They hit me like a tidal wave of uniqueness, inspiration, fun, and positivity I’d never seen in a band before or since. It was like a tidal wave of happiness.

Just as Mumford & Sons created beautiful music by harmonizing different instruments, we too can create more happiness by harmonizing the 5 Core Areas of Life:

  • Mindset Core: Our internal soundtrack

  • Career and Finances Core: Our rhythm section

  • Relationships Core: Our harmonies

  • Physical Health Core: Our well-maintained instrument

  • Emotional and Mental Health Core: Our unique melody

Remember, money can’t buy happiness. True joy comes from the things that actually drive happiness: growth, balance, and living a life aligned with your values. Whether you’re a rock star or not, the principles remain the same.

As you reflect on your own life’s composition, ask yourself:

  • Which areas am I neglecting?

  • Where can I introduce new ‘notes’ to create more harmony?

  • How can I spend more time on the things that truly matter?

You’re the composer of your life. You have the power to create a masterpiece, regardless of your current circumstances or bank balance. It’s not about having more, but about making the most of what you have across all areas of your life.

In the immortal words of John Lennon, “Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.” Why can’t money buy happiness? Because true happiness is counted in moments, connections, and personal growth – not dollars and cents.

Ready to Compose Your Happiness? Take the First Step!

You’ve learned that money can’t buy happiness, but true fulfillment is within reach. The key lies in continual growth and balance in the 5 Core Pillars of Life we’ve explored.

Introducing the Moore Momentum System- your compass for navigating personal growth and happiness in all 5 Cores. This revolutionary approach combines behavioral science, AI-driven personalization, and gamification to make personal development both effective and enjoyable.

🚀 Take Our Core Values Quiz

Start your journey with our quick, engaging Core Values Quiz. In just a few minutes, you’ll gain clarity on your current standing in each of the 5 Core Areas and receive personalized recommendations for your next steps.

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Remember, you don’t need more money to find happiness—you just need the right tools and guidance. Are you ready to start living the 5 Core Life?

Your journey to true fulfillment begins now.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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