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 Learn 9 essential steps to becoming a successful entrepreneur, from building the right characteristics to embracing sustainable practices.

How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur From Scratch: 9 Proven Steps

Jul 27, 2024

By Will Moore

My entrepreneurial path began after college. I had a knack for spotting trends, which led me to success in real estate during the mid-2000s boom. But when I saw the market slowing down in 2007/8, I was one of the first to get out. My colleagues thought I was crazy, but I trusted my instincts.

That ability to spot trends served me well again when I co-founded Doorstep Delivery. Stuck in an office for long hours with limited food options, I realized there was a gap in the market for restaurant delivery services. This was just as e-commerce was taking off and the first iPhone had been released. I saw an opportunity to revolutionize food delivery using mobile technology.

Starting Doorstep Delivery wasn't easy. We blew through ten times as much cash as anticipated in our first year. We even had our business plan stolen and were robbed by our own GM. But we persevered, adapting our strategies and learning from each setback.

By 2015, we were thriving. But I sensed another market shift coming, with big players like Amazon and Uber entering the food delivery space. We pivoted, merging with a similar-sized company called Bite Squad. This move paid off when the company was purchased in 2019 for a combined $323 million.

Through these experiences and the additional lessons, I've learned since becoming a serial entrepreneur in different industries. I've developed 9 proven steps for becoming a successful entrepreneur that I will share in this post. Let's find out How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur.

How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur:

Upgrades You'll Earn from This Blog

  • Clear understanding of the characteristics needed for entrepreneurial success.

  • Practical steps for starting and growing a new business.

  • Strategies for managing finances, building a network, and continuously improving.

What Do You Need to Become a Successful Entrepreneur?

To become a successful entrepreneur, you need to plan and execute a new business venture effectively. This involves:

  • Right Characteristics

  • Solid Business Plan

  • Focus on Customer Needs

  • Strong Network

  • Continuous Learning

  • Wise Financial Management

  • Entrepreneurial Self-Assessment

  • Business Success Strategies

  • Sustainable Practices

steps to become an entrepreneur

We will look into each of these steps in detail.

1. Develop the Right Characteristics

Many entrepreneurs share essential characteristics that are crucial for personal and professional growth. These traits not only shape your identity but also influence your interactions and achievements.

Vision and Passion

Having a clear vision and passion for your business idea gives direction and purpose, helping you stay focused and motivated. The vision outlines what you want to achieve and guides your strategic decisions. For example, Jeff Bezos started Amazon with the vision of creating the largest online bookstore. His passion and dedication transformed Amazon into a global e-commerce giant.

Being a life coach, I discovered that true happiness comes from figuring out what makes you happy and taking consistent action on those things every single day. This realization became the foundation of my vision to help others become entrepreneurs of their own lives. It's this passion that led to the birth of Moore Momentum - a system designed to empower individuals to take control of their personal growth and success, just as they would in running a business.

To Build Vision and Passion:

  • Write down your business goals and revisit them regularly to stay aligned. Use a goal-setting app to document your business goals and set reminders for monthly reviews.

  • Surround yourself with people who share your enthusiasm and can support your vision. Join online and offline professional groups related to your industry. Participate actively in discussions, attend networking events, and use social platforms to connect with like-minded individuals.

  • Stay curious and keep learning about your industry to fuel your passion. Allocate a specific time slot each week dedicated to learning. Use digital tools to organize and track your learning progress.

Resilience and Adaptability

Resilience and adaptability are crucial traits for any entrepreneur. I discovered that developing a "growth-owner mindset" enabled me to confront my fears directly and tackle challenges with confidence. This mindset shift was essential in moving from a victim mentality to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Walt Disney faced numerous business failures and setbacks before creating the iconic Disneyland. His ability to adapt and persevere through challenges was key to his success.

To Build Resilience and Adaptability:

  • Practice mindfulness and stress management techniques to stay calm under pressure. Incorporate a daily meditation practice or deep-breathing exercises into your routine using a mindfulness app. Start with just five minutes each morning to build consistency.

  • Reflect on past failures and identify lessons learned to apply them moving forward. Keep a failure journal where you regularly document setbacks, the emotions you felt, and the lessons you learned. Set weekly reminders to review and update your journal.

  • Stay open to feedback and be willing to make necessary changes to your business model. Set up a regular feedback loop by scheduling bi-weekly check-ins with mentors, peers, or your team. Use this time to gather constructive criticism and brainstorm potential improvements.

Strong Work Ethic

A strong work ethic, characterized by dedication and hard work, is essential. Keep in mind success doesn't come from chasing a "pot of gold" but from setting goals and taking action every day to achieve them.

To Build a Strong Work Ethic:

  • Create a daily schedule and stick to it, prioritizing tasks that align with your goals. Use a digital planner like Google Calendar or a task management app like Todoist to plan your day the night before. Block out time for your most important tasks first thing in the morning and set reminders to stay on track.

  • Set short-term milestones to keep yourself motivated and track progress. Break your larger goals into weekly or monthly milestones using a tool like Trello or Asana.

  • Avoid procrastination by breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Use the Pomodoro Technique with a timer app like Focus Booster. Set it for 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle to make tasks more manageable and reduce procrastination.

Read More: How Small Changes Lead to Big Results


Creativity is vital for staying competitive. Creativity leads to unique solutions, encouraging out-of-the-box thinking. My knack for identifying trends ahead of time was key to the success of my business.

Tips to Enhance Creativity:

  • Engage in brainstorming sessions without judgment to generate new ideas. Schedule regular brainstorming sessions using collaborative tools like Miro or MindMeister.

  • Expose yourself to different perspectives by reading widely and networking with diverse groups. Join professional groups on LinkedIn and attend webinars or conferences related to your field.

  • Take regular breaks to rest and recharge your mind, allowing for creative thoughts to flow. Set alarms to remind yourself to take short breaks every hour. During these breaks, engage in activities like walking, stretching, or practicing mindfulness with apps like Headspace to clear your mind and foster creativity.

2. Create a Solid Business Plan

A solid business plan is the foundation of any successful business. As both a business owner and a habits coach, I've learned that planning effectively and managing expenses is crucial for long-term success. It serves as a roadmap, guiding your decisions and helping you stay on track.

Market Research and Feasibility Studies

Conducting thorough market research helps you understand your industry, target audience, and competitors. This information is crucial for making informed decisions and identifying potential opportunities.

Tips for Market Research and Feasibility Studies:

  • Use tools like surveys and focus groups to gather data. Conduct online surveys and organize focus groups to get direct feedback from potential customers. For instance, create a survey to understand customer preferences and pain points.

  • Analyze market trends and customer needs to identify opportunities. Look for gaps in the market that your business can fill. For example, if there’s a rising demand for eco-friendly products, consider how your business can cater to this trend.

  • Test your business idea with a small target audience before scaling up. For example, offer a limited-time trial of your service to a small group and collect their feedback for improvements.

Financial Planning and Forecasting

Developing detailed financial projections helps you plan for startup costs, ongoing expenses, and revenue streams.

Tips for Financial Planning and Forecasting:

  • Create a spreadsheet with projected income and expenses for the next 3-5 years. Use templates or financial software to detail your expected revenue, costs, and profits. Include different scenarios to anticipate various market conditions.

  • Monitor your financial performance regularly and adjust your plans as needed. Set up monthly or quarterly reviews to compare your actual financial performance against your projections.

  • Consult with accountants or financial advisors to validate your projections and gain insights into managing your finances effectively.

Business Plan

A well-prepared plan serves as a guiding document for your business. It outlines your goals, strategies, and steps needed to achieve them, helping you stay focused and organized.

Tips for Creating a Business Plan:

  • Use templates and resources from reputable sources like the Small Business Administration (SBA). These templates provide a structured format and ensure you cover all essential aspects of your business plan.

  • Include an executive summary, company description, market analysis, organizational structure, product line, marketing strategy, and financial projections. Each section should be detailed and specific, providing a comprehensive overview of your business.

  • Review and update your plan regularly to reflect changes in your business environment.

3. Understand Customer Needs

Understanding and addressing your customers' needs is key to building a successful business. By delivering value and solving their problems, you build trust and loyalty.

Target Market

Conducting thorough market research helps you gain insights into your customers' preferences, behaviors, and pain points. This understanding enables you to tailor your products and services to meet their needs.

For instance, being stuck in the Florida Land Partners, where I honed my real estate chops early in life, for long hours made me acutely aware of a gap in the market - the lack of diverse food delivery options. This personal experience led me to identify a target market of busy professionals craving more variety in their delivered meals, which acted as a foundation of my company, Doorstep Delivery.

Tips for Understanding Your Target Market:

  • Use surveys, focus groups, and data analysis to gather insights about your target market. Create online surveys using tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms to collect data on customer preferences and pain points.

  • Create customer personas to represent different segments of your audience. Develop detailed profiles for each persona, including demographics, interests, challenges, and buying behaviors. This helps you tailor your marketing strategies and product offerings to meet the specific needs of each segment.

  • Monitor platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit to see what your customers are talking about. Participate in discussions and ask questions to gain firsthand insights into their experiences and expectations.

Deliver Value to Customers

Focus on creating products and services that provide real value to your customers. By solving their problems and meeting their needs, you can build a loyal customer base.

Tips for Delivering Value to Customers:

  • Send out regular surveys and hold feedback sessions with customers. For example, after launching a new product, ask for customer opinions and use this data to make necessary adjustments.

  • Prioritize quality and reliability in your products and services. For instance, have a dedicated team that regularly checks products for defects and ensures consistency in service delivery.

  • Offer exceptional customer service to build trust and satisfaction. Use techniques such as active listening and empathy to resolve customer issues promptly and satisfactorily.

  • Implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to track interactions and manage relationships.

4. Build a Strong Network

A strong network is invaluable for any entrepreneur. As it is said,'' Network is your net worth.'' In my case, a friendship developed through the bar scene that led to my job at Florida Land Partners, which in turn provided valuable sales and business experience. Later, networking within the food delivery industry led to our merger with Bite Squad.

Networking Strategies

Effective networking involves actively seeking out opportunities to connect with others in your industry and beyond. Building meaningful relationships can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

Tips for Effective Networking:

  • Attend industry events, conferences, and meetups to connect with like-minded professionals. Participate in panel discussions, join breakout sessions, and engage with speakers and attendees to expand your network.

  • Be open to connections in unexpected places - you never know where an opportunity might arise. Strike up conversations in casual settings like social gatherings, community events, or even while traveling.

  • Identify experienced professionals in your field and request informational meetings to seek their advice and build a rapport.

Find Mentors and Advisors

Mentors and advisors can offer valuable insights based on their experiences. They can help small business owners navigate challenges, avoid common pitfalls, and provide strategic advice.

Tips for Finding Mentors and Advisors:

  • Identify individuals who have achieved success in your field and reach out to them. Send a personalized message or email expressing your admiration for their work and politely ask if they would be willing to meet for coffee or a short call to share their experiences.

  • Participate in mentorship programs offered by industry associations and organizations. For instance, many startup incubators provide mentorship opportunities that pair new entrepreneurs with experienced business leaders.

  • Don't underestimate the power of books - they can be accessible mentors available 24/7. Choose books by successful business leaders and entrepreneurs such as Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" or Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich." Take notes on key takeaways and actively implement their strategies in your business.

Leverage Social Media and Online Communities

While social media wasn't as prominent when I started my entrepreneurial journey, today, it's a powerful tool for networking and staying updated on industry trends.

Tips for Using Social Media and Online Communities:

  • Engage with industry-specific hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. Follow and use relevant hashtags to join conversations about industry trends, share your insights, and connect with professionals who have similar interests.

  • Attend webinars hosted by industry experts, ask questions, and engage with other attendees in the chat or discussion sections. This can help you build connections and stay informed about the latest developments.

  • Join niche-specific Slack or Discord communities. Many industries have dedicated Slack or Discord channels where professionals gather to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and offer support. Seek out these communities and actively participate in discussions.

  • Create and share valuable content on your social media profiles. Regularly post insightful articles, industry news, or your own content on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Medium. Engaging content can attract like-minded professionals and foster meaningful connections.

group meeting in office

5. Continuously Learn and Improve

Staying updated with industry trends and continuously improving your skills is essential for long-term success. The business landscape is constantly evolving, and entrepreneurs need to adapt to remain competitive.

Keeping up with the latest developments in your industry helps you identify new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition. For instance, my awareness of emerging technologies like smartphones and GPS was crucial in developing Doorstep Delivery's innovative approach.

Tips for Staying Updated:

  • Subscribe to industry publications and newsletters to receive regular updates. For example, if you are in the tech industry, subscribing to TechCrunch or Wired can keep you informed about the latest advancements.

  • Look for events that are relevant to your field and make it a point to attend at least a few each year. This will not only help you learn new things but also provide networking opportunities.

Invest in Personal and Professional Development

Investing in your growth is crucial for staying relevant and effective as an entrepreneur. This involves enhancing both your personal and professional skills. I read a lot of self-help books and personal development resources during a challenging time in college. This commitment to learning became a lifelong habit that significantly contributed to my success.

Read More: How Can Managing Your Personal Life Help with Reaching Goals?

Tips for Personal and Professional Development:

  • Take online courses and attend workshops to expand your knowledge and skills. Enroll in courses that are relevant to your field or areas you want to improve. For example, platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer a wide range of courses on business, technology, and personal development.

  • Read books and listen to podcasts on entrepreneurship and related topics to gain new insights and ideas. Some recommended reads are "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries, "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel, and "Good to Great" by Jim Collins. Additionally, podcasts like How I Built This by Guy Raz and The Tim Ferriss Show offer valuable lessons and inspiration.

6. Manage Finances Wisely

Keeping your finances in order helps you make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls. In my experience with Doorstep Delivery, we initially underestimated our cash needs, burning through ten times as much as anticipated in our first year. This taught me the importance of realistic financial planning, securing adequate funding, and closely monitoring our spending habits.

Budgeting and Financial Planning

Creating a detailed budget and financial plan allows you to manage your resources effectively. This involves planning for both short-term and long-term financial needs and breaking free from the impulse purchase cycle that can drain your business resources.

Tips for Budgeting and Financial Planning:

  • Develop a monthly and yearly budget that outlines all your income and expenses. Start by listing all your fixed and variable costs, then project your income. Use this information to create a realistic budget that aligns with your financial goals.

  • Monitor your financial performance regularly and adjust your budget as needed. Set up a schedule to review your financial statements monthly or quarterly. Compare your actual spending and income against your budget to identify any discrepancies and make necessary adjustments.

  • Set aside an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses and cash flow issues. Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth of operating expenses. This fund will act as a financial cushion in case of emergencies or unforeseen downturns.

Monitor Cash Flow Regularly

Many businesses fail due to poor cash flow management. Regularly monitoring your cash flow ensures that you can meet your financial obligations and invest in growth opportunities.

Tips for Monitoring Cash Flow:

  • Use apps to track your income and expenses in real-time. Implement financial software or apps that allow you to monitor your cash flow, such as QuickBooks or FreshBooks. This will help you stay on top of your finances and make informed decisions.

  • Review your cash flow statements monthly to identify trends and potential issues. Analyze your cash inflows and outflows to understand your financial position. Look for patterns that could indicate potential problems, such as late payments or increasing expenses.

  • Implement strategies to improve cash flow, such as offering discounts for early payments or negotiating better terms with suppliers.

7. Assess Your Entrepreneurial Potential

Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and readiness for entrepreneurship is necessary for your success. Self-assessment helps you identify areas for improvement and align your goals with your capabilities.

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Developing an entrepreneurial mindset involves adopting attitudes and behaviors that support success. This includes being proactive, resilient, and open to learning.

Tips for Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset:

  • Reflect on past experiences that shaped your entrepreneurial spirit. Spend 15 minutes each week journaling about challenges you've overcome and the lessons learned. This will help you identify patterns in your resilience and resourcefulness.

  • Embrace challenges by setting personal goals. Each week, identify one difficult task you’ve been avoiding and tackle it head-on. For example, if public speaking is a challenge, volunteer to give a presentation at your next team meeting.

  • Stay curious by continuously seeking knowledge. Dedicate 30 minutes each day to read industry-related articles or books. Use platforms like Medium or Blinkist to discover new ideas and insights.

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Setting clear, achievable goals helps you stay focused and motivated. It provides a roadmap for your entrepreneurial journey and helps you measure progress.

Tips for Setting Goals and Objectives:

  • Use the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to set your goals. For example, instead of saying, "I want to grow my business," specify, "I want to increase my customer base by 20% within the next six months."

  • Break down long-term goals into smaller, actionable steps. Identify what needs to be done on a weekly or monthly basis to achieve your larger goals.

  • Review and adjust your goals regularly to reflect changes in your business environment. Schedule quarterly reviews to assess your progress and make necessary adjustments.

Develop Effective Time Management Skills

Managing your time effectively is essential for balancing the demands of entrepreneurship. Prioritizing tasks and staying organized can boost your productivity and reduce stress.

Tips for Effective Time Management:

  • Create a daily to-do list and prioritize tasks by importance and urgency. Use a simple digital tool like Google Keep or even a paper planner to organize and prioritize your tasks. Focus on high-priority tasks first.

  • Allocate specific time slots for each task. Use time-blocking techniques to assign specific periods in your day for focused work on each task. For example, block off 9 AM to 11 AM for strategic planning without interruptions.

  • Focus on completing one task at a time to maintain quality and reduce errors. Avoid multitasking by turning off notifications and setting specific goals for each work session.

8. Implement Keys to Business Success

Identifying and leveraging key principles for business success can significantly impact your entrepreneurial journey. Focus on strategies that drive growth, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Identify and Exploit Market Opportunities

Spotting and capitalizing on market opportunities allows you to stay ahead of the competition and meet customer needs effectively.

Tips for Identifying Market Opportunities:

  • Conduct market analysis to identify trends, gaps, and emerging needs. Use tools like Statista or industry reports to gather data and insights about your market. Analyze this information to spot trends and unmet needs that your business can address.

  • Stay informed about industry developments and technological advancements. For example, subscribing to newsletters from industry leaders can keep you informed about new technologies and market shifts.

  • Engage with your target market to understand their evolving preferences and pain points. Conduct surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one interviews with your customers. Use the insights gained to tailor your products or services to better meet their needs.

Deliver Quality Products and Services

Providing high-quality products and services is crucial for building a loyal customer base and establishing a strong brand reputation.

Tips for Delivering Quality:

  • Implement strict quality control processes to ensure your offerings meet high standards. Develop a checklist for quality assurance and conduct regular audits. For instance, if you're in manufacturing, inspect products at different stages of production to ensure consistency and quality.

  • Gather customer feedback regularly and use it to make improvements. Set up a system to collect feedback through surveys, reviews, and direct communication. Analyze this feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes. For example, if customers report issues with a product feature, prioritize fixing it in the next update.

  • Train your team to prioritize quality and customer satisfaction. Conduct regular training sessions to educate your employees about the importance of quality and customer service.

Develop Effective Marketing and Sales Strategies

An effective marketing and sales strategy helps you reach your target audience, generate leads, and convert them into loyal customers.

Tips for Effective Marketing and Sales:

  • Create a comprehensive marketing plan that includes digital marketing, content marketing, and social media strategies. Outline your marketing objectives and tactics in a detailed plan. For instance, include SEO, email campaigns, blog posts, and social media engagement. Schedule regular content updates and promotions to keep your audience engaged.

  • Use data analytics to track the performance of your marketing campaigns and adjust them as needed. Implement tools like Google Analytics to monitor metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and user engagement. Use this data to refine your strategies and improve ROI.

  • Develop a sales funnel that guides potential customers from awareness to purchase. Map out each stage of your sales funnel, from attracting prospects to nurturing leads and closing sales. For example, create targeted content for each stage, such as blog posts for awareness, email nurturing for consideration, and personalized offers for decision-making.

Build a Competent Team

Having a skilled and motivated team is essential for executing your business strategies and achieving your goals.

Tips for Building a Competent Team:

  • Hire individuals who possess the skills and values that align with your business goals. During the recruitment process, clearly communicate your business’s mission and values. Use structured interviews and skills assessments to identify candidates who are a good fit. For example, if your business prioritizes innovation, look for candidates with a track record of creative problem-solving.

  • Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to enhance your team’s capabilities. Invest in professional development programs such as workshops, courses, and certifications. Encourage team members to attend industry conferences and seminars. This not only enhances their skills but also keeps them updated with the latest industry trends.

  • Create a culture of open communication where team members feel valued and heard. Implement team-building activities and provide spaces for collaborative work. For instance, regular brainstorming sessions and feedback meetings can foster a collaborative and innovative atmosphere.

Leverage Technology

Using the latest technology can streamline your operations, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer experience.

Tips for Leveraging Technology:

  • Invest in tools and software that automate routine tasks and improve productivity.

  • Trello: For project management and task organization.

  • Slack: For team communication and collaboration.

  • Zapier: For automating workflows between apps.

  • Stay updated on technological trends and advancements relevant to your industry.

  • TechCrunch: For the latest tech news and updates.

  • Wired: For insights on emerging technologies and trends.

  • MIT Technology Review: For in-depth analysis of tech innovations.

  • Use data analytics to make informed decisions and optimize your business processes.

  • Google Analytics: For website traffic and user behavior analysis.

  • Tableau: For advanced data visualization and business intelligence.

  • HubSpot: For integrated marketing, sales, and customer service analytics.

Practice Ethical Business Practices

Maintaining high ethical standards builds trust with your customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Tips for Practicing Ethical Business Practices:

  • Establish a code of ethics that outlines your company’s values and principles. Develop a clear, written document that defines acceptable behaviors and decision-making processes. Distribute it to all employees and incorporate it into your onboarding process. Regularly review and update the code to ensure it remains relevant.

  • Ensure transparency in your business operations and communications. Keep your stakeholders informed about your business practices, financial performance, and strategic decisions. For example, publish regular reports and updates on your website and hold quarterly meetings with shareholders to discuss company progress.

  • Engage in corporate social responsibility initiatives that positively impact your community. Identify areas where your business can contribute to social and environmental causes. This could include sponsoring local events, implementing sustainable practices, or partnering with non-profits.

9. Embrace Sustainable Practices

Incorporating sustainable practices into your business model is not only good for the environment but can also enhance your brand reputation and attract eco-conscious customers. Sustainability can lead to long-term savings and open up new market opportunities.

Implement Eco-Friendly Practices

Adopting eco-friendly practices helps reduce your business’s environmental impact and can be a selling point for customers.

Tips for Implementing Eco-Friendly Practices:

  • Set up recycling bins for paper, plastic, and other materials

  • Replace old appliances with Energy Star certified models

  • Install solar panels or other renewable energy sources

  • Use cloud storage and digital tools like Google Drive and Slack

  • Minimize paper use through electronic communication

Engage in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR involves taking responsibility for the social, environmental, and economic impacts of your business operations. Engaging in CSR can improve your company’s public image and foster a positive work environment.

Tips for Engaging in CSR:

  • Support local communities by participating in or sponsoring community events. For example, sponsoring a local sports team or participating in community clean-up days.

  • Implement fair labor practices and ensure a safe working environment for employees. Regularly review your labor practices to ensure compliance with regulations and to promote fair wages and safe working conditions. Use resources from organizations like Fair Trade USA for guidance.

  • Identify charities that resonate with your company’s mission and allocate a percentage of your profits to support these causes. For instance, donating to The Nature Conservancy if your business values environmental conservation.

Develop Sustainable Products and Services

Creating sustainable products and services can differentiate your business in the market and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Tips for Developing Sustainable Products and Services:

  • Source eco-friendly materials and adopt manufacturing practices that minimize waste and reduce environmental impact. For example, use materials certified by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

  • Focus on creating high-quality products that have a long lifespan and can be easily repaired or recycled at the end of their use.

  • Offer services that promote sustainability, such as energy audits or green consulting. For example, offering energy efficiency consulting or sustainable building design services.

Measure and Report on Sustainability Efforts

Regularly measuring and reporting your sustainability efforts can help you track progress and demonstrate your commitment to stakeholders.

Tips for Measuring and Reporting:

  • Set specific, measurable sustainability goals (e.g., reduce carbon footprint by X% annually).

  • Use sustainability reporting frameworks, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), to standardize your reports. Adopt recognized frameworks to ensure your reporting is comprehensive and comparable.

  • Share your sustainability achievements with customers, investors, and employees through reports and marketing materials. Use your company website, social media, and annual reports to communicate these achievements.

Conclusion: How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

As you start your own entrepreneurial journey, I encourage you to keep these 9 steps in mind. They'll serve as a roadmap through the challenges and opportunities you'll face. But also remember to nurture all aspects of your life. Your business success will be all the sweeter when it's part of a well-rounded, fulfilling life.

Entrepreneurship is not just about building successful businesses; it's about continually growing, adapting, and making a positive impact on the world. So take these steps, make them your own, and go out there to create something amazing. The world is waiting for your unique contribution.

Take The First Step Toward Your Successful Entrepreneurship

Are you ready to take the first step toward starting and growing your own business and becoming a successful entrepreneur? Start by assessing your current skills and identifying areas for growth.

Take the Core Values Quiz to see where you stand in the five key areas of life. This will help you understand your strengths and areas for improvement, providing a solid foundation for your entrepreneurial journey.

Inspire yourself to take action. Implement the tips and strategies discussed in this guide, and don’t be afraid to take calculated risks. Your journey to entrepreneurship will be filled with ups and downs, but with perseverance and the right mindset, your momentum will become inevitable.

press start to begin

FAQs - How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

What Is the Trick to Entrepreneurial Success?

There is no single trick to entrepreneurial success, but some key elements include having a clear vision, understanding your market, being resilient, continuously learning, and building a strong network.

How Can an Entrepreneur Succeed?

An entrepreneur can succeed by staying focused on their goals, continuously improving their skills, building a strong network, and effectively managing their resources. It’s also crucial to adapt to changes in the market and remain resilient in the face of challenges.

How to Become an Entrepreneur with No Experience

  • Identify a business idea that aligns with your interests and passions

  • Conduct thorough market research to understand the demand, competition, and target audience

  • Start learning about business fundamentals through online courses, books, and tutorials

  • Find a mentor or join an entrepreneurial community to gain insights and guidance

  • Start small by testing your business idea with a minimum viable product (MVP)

  • Gain hands-on experience by working in a related field or industry

  • Develop a solid business plan outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections

  • Network with other entrepreneurs, industry experts, and potential customers

  • Use free or low-cost tools and resources to manage and grow your business

  • Be open to feedback and willing to learn from your mistakes

  • Stay persistent and adaptable, continuously improving your skills and business model

  • Focus on providing exceptional value and building strong relationships with customers

  • Monitor industry trends and adapt your business strategies accordingly

  • Take advantage of online platforms and social media to market your business

  • Explore different funding options like bootstrapping, crowdfunding, or small business grants

  • Keep your overhead costs low and reinvest profits back into the business

  • Seek opportunities to collaborate with other businesses or influencers

  • Stay organized and manage your time effectively to balance multiple responsibilities

  • Continuously educate yourself on entrepreneurship and business management skills

How to Become an Entrepreneur at 18

  • Identify a business idea that excites you and solves a problem

  • Conduct market research to understand your target audience and competition

  • Learn business fundamentals through online courses, books, and tutorials

  • Seek advice and mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs

  • Develop a solid business plan with clear goals and strategies

  • Start small to minimize initial investment

  • Use social media and online platforms to market your business

  • Take advantage of free tools and resources for business management

  • Network with other young entrepreneurs and join relevant groups

  • Learn essential skills like budgeting and customer service

  • Consider part-time work or internships for practical experience

  • Stay persistent and learn from failures


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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Address: 1101 Davis St, Evanston, IL 60201, United States

Phone: +1 847-495-2433