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Mastering Habit Formation: Chase Chewning's Insights on Consistency

Aug 8, 2024

Discipline & Consistency | The Secret Sauce to Happiness | Chase Chewning



Discover how to master habit formation with Chase Chewning. Learn to build momentum, align goals with your authentic self, and achieve lasting success.

✍️ Episode Overview:

In this enlightening episode of the Five Core Life podcast, host Will Moore sits down with Chase Chewning, a former military health coach turned successful podcaster and entrepreneur. They dive deep into the science of habit formation, the importance of consistency, and the power of personalized routines in achieving long-term success and happiness.

Chase shares invaluable insights gained from interviewing numerous high-achievers and his own personal growth journey. He emphasizes the significance of aligning habits with one's unique personality, goals, and lifestyle, challenging the notion of one-size-fits-all success strategies. The conversation explores the delicate balance between discipline and self-compassion, the role of awareness in habit formation, and the importance of intrinsic motivation in sustaining long-term change.

Will and Chase also discuss the pitfalls of blindly following others' routines, the value of understanding one's own chronotype, and the transformative power of momentum in personal development. This episode offers listeners practical advice on creating sustainable habits, overcoming resistance, and developing a growth mindset that leads to authentic success across all five core areas of life.

đź“– Chapter Summaries:

1. The Power of Consistency in Habit Formation (00:03 - 06:34) Chase emphasizes that the key to success lies in the discipline and consistency of habits. He discusses how interviewing successful individuals across various fields revealed that their achievements stemmed from showing up consistently, even when it's challenging. This segment highlights the importance of developing sustainable routines that align with one's personality and lifestyle.

2. Balancing Goals and Systems in Personal Growth (06:35 - 11:23) Will and Chase debate the merits of focusing on goals versus systems, referencing James Clear's "Atomic Habits". They explore the importance of having a vision while remaining flexible in the methods to achieve it. The discussion emphasizes the need for a balanced approach that combines clear objectives with adaptable daily habits.

3. The Evolution of Personal Goals and Success Markers (11:24 - 15:47) This section delves into how personal definitions of success can change over time. Chase shares insights on the importance of regularly reassessing goals and being open to evolving aspirations. They discuss how consistent habit practice can lead to self-discovery and a more authentic understanding of personal success.

4. Intrinsic Motivation and the Pull Towards Success (15:48 - 20:05) The conversation shifts to the concept of being "pulled" towards goals rather than pushing oneself. Chase introduces the idea of checking in with oneself to ensure actions are aligned with genuine desires and passions. This segment emphasizes the power of intrinsic motivation in sustaining long-term habits and achieving meaningful success.

5. Overcoming Counterproductive Habits and Finding Personal Rhythms (20:06 - 25:54) Chase shares personal experiences of adopting habits that didn't align with his natural rhythms, such as forcing early morning routines. He discusses the importance of understanding one's own biological patterns and preferences to create more effective and sustainable habits. This part highlights the value of self-awareness in habit formation.

6. Customizing Habits to Individual Needs and Preferences (25:55 - 31:23) The discussion focuses on the importance of personalizing habits to fit individual lifestyles and preferences. Will and Chase share examples of how different approaches to exercise and productivity can work for different people, emphasizing the need to align habits with personal strengths and interests.

7. Understanding Resistance in Habit Formation (31:24 - 36:38) This segment explores the concept of resistance in habit formation. Chase provides insights on distinguishing between beneficial resistance that leads to growth and resistance that signals misalignment with personal core values or needs. They discuss the importance of pausing to analyze resistance and using it as a tool for self-discovery and improvement.

8. Concluding Thoughts on Continuous Growth and Happiness (36:39 - 39:49) The episode concludes with reflections on the ongoing nature of personal growth and the importance of finding joy in the journey. Will and Chase emphasize that true happiness comes from continuous progress and stimulation, rather than achieving a static end goal. They highlight that embracing this process allows for deeper fulfillment and personal development over time.

🔑 Key Takeaways:

1. Consistency is the cornerstone of success: Regular, daily actions, no matter how small, compound over time to create significant results. Focus on showing up consistently rather than seeking perfection, as this steady effort builds a foundation for achieving your long-term goals and fosters resilience through any challenges that arise.

2. Personalize your habits: Understand your unique chronotype, preferences, and natural rhythms. Tailor your habits to align with your personal characteristics for greater sustainability and effectiveness, ensuring that your routines are both practical and enjoyable, which helps maintain motivation and commitment over time.

3. Balance goals with systems: While having a clear vision is important, focus on developing robust systems and habits that support your long-term objectives. Be open to evolving your goals as you grow and change, allowing flexibility to adapt your strategies and ensuring continuous progress toward a fulfilling and dynamic future.

4. Cultivate intrinsic motivation: Aim to feel pulled towards your goals rather than pushing yourself. This internal drive leads to more sustainable and enjoyable progress, as it aligns your actions with your passions and values, making the journey towards achieving your objectives both meaningful and gratifying.

5. Embrace the power of awareness: Regularly check in with yourself to ensure your habits and goals align with your true desires and values. Be willing to adjust your approach based on self reflection, and stay attuned to any changes in your priorities or motivations that may affect your path to success.

6. Use resistance as a tool: When facing resistance, pause and analyze its source. It can be a valuable indicator of areas needing growth or misalignment with your authentic self, providing insights into necessary adjustments and helping you overcome obstacles by addressing underlying issues.

7. Find joy in the journey: Recognize that personal growth is an ongoing process. Embrace the continuous nature of improvement and find satisfaction in progress rather than just end goals, as this mindset fosters a deeper appreciation for your efforts and achievements along the way.

8. Avoid blindly copying others' routines: While learning from successful people is valuable, avoid adopting habits that don't align with your personal characteristics and lifestyle. Instead, create a unique approach that resonates with your own needs and preferences for a more authentic and effective routine.

9. Understand your chronotype: Learn about your natural sleep-wake cycles and energy patterns to optimize your daily routine and productivity. Tailoring your activities to fit these patterns can enhance your efficiency and well-being, ensuring that you work at your best when you are most alert. Read About Habits of Ridiculously Happy People.

10. Practice discipline with grace: Balance the need for consistency and discipline with self-compassion and flexibility. Allow yourself room to adjust and grow, recognizing that occasional deviations are part of the process and should be viewed as opportunities for learning and improvement rather than failures.

11. Focus on one core habit at a time: Start by identifying and developing a single, impactful habit in each core area of life. This focused approach leads to more sustainable change, as it allows you to build a solid foundation before expanding to other habits, ensuring a more manageable and effective transformation.

12. Leverage the power of momentum: Small, consistent actions create a snowball effect of positive change. Use this momentum to propel yourself towards larger goals, capitalizing on the cumulative impact of your efforts to drive significant progress and maintain motivation throughout your journey.

13. Regularly reassess your definition of success: Be open to evolving your goals and markers of success as you grow and gain new experiences. This adaptability ensures that your pursuits remain relevant and aligned with your current values, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic sense of achievement.

14. Create a supportive environment: Design your surroundings to make good habits obvious and easy while making undesirable habits more difficult. This strategic setup minimizes friction and maximizes your ability to stick to positive routines, enhancing your overall success and productivity.

15. Embrace failure as a learning tool: Recognize that setbacks and failures are integral parts of the growth process. Use them as opportunities to refine your approach and build resilience, allowing each challenge to contribute to your development and enhance your ability to achieve future goals.

🥇 Golden Habit:

The Golden Habit highlighted in this episode is the practice of daily self-reflection and alignment check. This habit involves taking a few moments each day to pause and ask yourself, "Am I pushing towards my goals, or do I feel pulled towards them?"

This Golden Habit is particularly impactful because:

1. DESIRABLE: It's a quick, simple practice that can be easily integrated into any daily routine, making it enjoyable and rewarding. 2. PRACTICAL: It requires minimal time and no special resources, making it highly practical for daily implementation. 3. IMPACTFUL: Regular self-reflection helps ensure that your actions align with your true desires and values, leading to more authentic and sustainable progress.

Related Core Area:

This habit falls primarily within the Mindset Core, addressing the pain point of misalignment between actions and genuine aspirations. By consistently practicing this Golden Habit, you can maintain a clear connection between your daily actions and long-term goals, fostering intrinsic motivation and sustainable personal growth.


Are you ready to transform your life and achieve big through disciplined habits? It's time to take the valuable insights from today’s episode and put put them into action. Discipline isn't just about adhering to a schedule—it's about building a foundation that will catapult you toward success in all areas of your life.

OUR MISSION: Accelerate your growth in the 5 Key areas of life by making your habit transformation journey so simple, fun, and rewarding that your happiness becomes inevitable.

PRESS START NOW: Click HERE to dive deeper into the Moore Momentum System. Begin by taking our short quiz to quickly identify which of the pillars of life you're struggling in most and discover the success habit to improve it. Don’t just dream about success—make it a reality.

Whether you're dealing with procrastination, lack of focus, or simply seeking a positive way to enhance your productivity, our system is designed to give you the tools you need to succeed. Start your journey today and see how small changes can lead to major transformations.

Are you ready to level up? The time is now—let’s build momentum together!

đź«… Bio - Chase Chewning

Chase Chewning is a wellness entrepreneur, podcast host, and former U.S. Army veteran turned clinical health coach. After serving in the military from 2003 to 2009, Chase transitioned into the health and wellness industry, leveraging his experience to help others achieve their fitness and life goals.

As the host of the Ever Forward Radio podcast, Chase has interviewed hundreds of thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and wellness experts, gaining unique insights into the habits and mindsets of successful individuals. His approach to personal development combines his military background, health coaching expertise, and entrepreneurial experience to offer a holistic perspective on achieving success and balance in life.

Chase is known for his emphasis on personalized wellness strategies and his ability to translate complex health and personal development concepts into actionable advice. His work focuses on helping individuals align their habits with their authentic selves, fostering sustainable growth and fulfillment across all areas of life.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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