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Kimberly Snyder's Guide to Holistic Happiness

Aug 18, 2024

In Finding Happiness & Awakening Inner Freedom, host Will Moore sits down with Kimberly Snyder (@_kimberlysnyder), to discuss happiness and freedom.



Discover Kimberly Snyder's holistic approach to happiness. Learn to overcome miswantings, build joyful habits, and find true fulfillment in all areas of life.

✍️ Episode Overview

In this enlightening episode of the Five Core Life podcast, host Will Moore sits down with New York Times multi-bestselling author Kimberly Snyder to explore the path to true happiness and fulfillment. Kimberly, a wellness expert and founder of the Solluna brand, shares her philosophy on holistic well-being, which extends far beyond conventional notions of health and happiness.

The conversation delves into the four cornerstones of true wellness: food, body, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. Kimberly emphasizes the importance of looking beyond surface-level improvements and external validations, encouraging listeners to focus on inner fulfillment and self-connection. She introduces the concept of "ever-new joy," a state of contentment that comes from within and is not dependent on external circumstances.

Will and Kimberly discuss the power of habits and routines in creating a life of purpose and joy. They explore how simple daily practices, such as morning meditation and intentional journaling, can significantly impact one's overall well-being and productivity. The episode offers practical insights on how to shift from a "fixed mindset" to a "growth owner" perspective, empowering listeners to take control of their lives and find true happiness.

đź“– Chapter Summaries

1. Introduction to Kimberly Snyder and Her Philosophy (0:00 - 3:00) Kimberly introduces her background as a New York Times bestselling author and her holistic approach to wellness. She explains her concept of the "four cornerstones of true wellness" - food, body, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. Kimberly emphasizes that her definition of spirituality is about deeper self-connection and freedom, not religion.

2. The Difference Between Happiness and Joy (3:00 - 6:30) Will and Kimberly discuss the distinction between fleeting happiness and sustainable joy. Kimberly introduces the concept of "ever-new joy" from Vedic texts, which is about finding fulfillment from within rather than external sources. They explore how this internal joy leads to greater freedom and contentment in life. Read More: How to Find Happiness Within Yourself

3. Overcoming Miswantings and Surface-Level Pursuits (6:30 - 9:30) The conversation shifts to the idea of "miswantings" - pursuits we think will make us happy but often lead to dissatisfaction. Will introduces his "Back to the Future List" concept, encouraging listeners to envision their life's end and work backward to align their actions with their true desires.

4. The Power of Habits and Routines (9:30 - 13:00) Kimberly and Will discuss the importance of creating habits and routines that support overall well-being. They explore how consistent practices, such as morning meditation and hot water with lemon, can create a structure that allows for more flow and less overthinking in daily life. You should read more in detail on routine vs habit.

5. Creating a Morning Routine for Success (13:00 - 16:30) The hosts dive deeper into the specifics of an effective morning routine. Kimberly shares her practices, including meditation, journaling, and setting intentions for the day. Will introduces his concept of "clusters" - groups of habits tied to specific locations or times of day.

6. The Importance of Inner Work (16:30 - 19:30) The conversation turns to the significance of focusing on internal growth alongside external improvements. Kimberly emphasizes the need to balance physical health with emotional and spiritual well-being, highlighting how inner work can lead to better decision-making and increased intuition.

7. Managing Energy and Attention (19:30 - 22:00) Will and Kimberly discuss strategies for managing energy and attention in a world full of distractions. They explore how practices like meditation and journaling can help individuals become better stewards of their energy, leading to more joy and fulfillment.

🔑 Key Takeaways

1. True wellness encompasses four cornerstones: food, body, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. Balancing all these areas is crucial for overall happiness and fulfillment. Start by assessing which area needs the most attention in your life and focus on small, manageable improvements.

2. There's a significant difference between fleeting happiness and sustainable joy. Joy comes from within and is not dependent on external circumstances. Practice finding moments of contentment in your daily life, regardless of external factors.

3. Many of our pursuits are "miswantings" - things we think will make us happy but often lead to dissatisfaction. Create a "Back to the Future List" by envisioning your life's end and working backward to align your current actions with your true desires.

4. Establishing consistent habits and routines can create a structure that allows for more flow and less overthinking in daily life. Start with one small habit, such as drinking water upon waking, and gradually build from there.

5. A powerful aesthetic morning routine can set the tone for a successful day. Consider incorporating practices like meditation, journaling, and setting intentions into your morning. Experiment with different activities to find what works best for you.

6. Inner work, such as emotional and spiritual growth, is just as important as physical health. Dedicate time each day for self-reflection, whether through meditation, journaling, or quiet contemplation.

7. Becoming a steward of your own energy can lead to more joy and fulfillment. Pay attention to your energy levels throughout the day and adjust your activities accordingly. This might mean scheduling high-energy tasks for your most productive hours.

8. In a world full of distractions, it's crucial to have strategies for managing attention. Consider implementing a "C.O.R." system (Commitment, Obstacles, Reward) to stay focused on your daily goals.

9. Meditation can be a powerful tool for reducing reactivity and improving decision-making. Start with just a few minutes a day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.

10. True self-connection leads to a deeper sense of confidence and stability in life. Regularly check in with yourself to ensure your actions align with your core values and desires. This ongoing self-awareness fosters authenticity and helps you stay grounded in your truth, especially during challenging times. Cultivating this practice can lead to more meaningful relationships and decisions.

11. Holistic well-being is about nurturing all aspects of yourself, not just focusing on one area. Regularly assess your progress in each of the four cornerstones and make adjustments as needed. By balancing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, you create a more resilient foundation for enduring health and happiness.

12. The path to true joy often involves moving beyond surface-level improvements and external validations. Challenge yourself to find fulfillment in your inner growth rather than solely in external achievements. This deeper satisfaction comes from embracing personal growth, self-compassion, and aligning your life with your true purpose, leading to a more sustainable and profound sense of happiness.

13. Practices like journaling can help you overcome food cravings and make better choices. Before reaching for a snack, take a moment to journal about your feelings and motivations. This reflective practice can help identify emotional triggers, reinforce healthier habits, and provide insight into underlying issues, enabling you to develop a more mindful and intentional approach to eating. You should read more about clear habit journal.

14. Being aware of your introverted and extroverted tendencies can help you plan your day more effectively. Pay attention to your energy levels and plan tasks accordingly. Recognizing when you need solitude versus social interaction allows you to optimize your productivity and well-being, ensuring that you recharge and engage in a balanced way throughout the day.

15. Remember that personal growth is an ongoing journey. Regularly reassess your habits and routines to ensure they continue to serve your evolving needs and goals. As you grow and change, it's important to adapt your strategies to stay aligned with your current priorities, fostering continuous improvement and long-term success in your personal development.

🥇 Golden Habit

The Golden Habit highlighted in this episode is establishing a consistent morning routine that incorporates meditation and journaling. This habit aligns with the Emotional & Mental Health Core, addressing the pain point of feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from oneself.

Kimberly emphasizes the importance of starting the day with practices that center and ground you. She suggests beginning with meditation to connect with your inner self and reduce reactivity throughout the day. Following this with a brief journaling session allows you to set intentions, express gratitude, and clarify your energy for the day ahead.

This Golden Habit is particularly effective because:

1. DESIRABLE: It provides a sense of calm and clarity to start your day, which most people find enjoyable and rewarding. 2. PRACTICAL: It can be easily integrated into existing morning routines, taking as little as 5-10 minutes. 3. IMPACTFUL: Regular practice can significantly enhance emotional well-being, reduce stress, and improve decision-making throughout the day.


Are you ready to transform your life and achieve big through disciplined habits? It's time to take the valuable insights from today’s episode and put put them into action. Discipline isn't just about adhering to a schedule—it's about building a foundation that will catapult you toward success in all areas of your life.

OUR MISSION: Accelerate your growth in the 5 Key areas of life by making your habit transformation journey so simple, fun, and rewarding that your happiness becomes inevitable.

PRESS START NOW: Click HERE to dive deeper into the Moore Momentum System. Begin by taking our short quiz to quickly identify which of the pillars of life you're struggling in most and discover the success habit to improve it. Don’t just dream about success—make it a reality.

Whether you're dealing with procrastination, lack of focus, or simply seeking a positive way to enhance your productivity, our system is designed to give you the tools you need to succeed. Start your journey today and see how small changes can lead to major transformations.

Are you ready to level up? The time is now—let’s build momentum together!

đź«… Bio - Kimberly Snyder

Kimberly Snyder is a multi-time New York Times bestselling author, nutritionist, and wellness expert. She is the founder of Solluna, a lifestyle brand empowering people to live their true beauty through products, tools, and information for healthier living. Kimberly has authored six books, including "Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life" and her latest work, "You Are More Than You Think You Are."

With a background in nutrition and Ayurvedic philosophy, Kimberly has become a sought-after speaker and thought leader in the wellness industry. Her approach focuses on holistic health, addressing not just physical well-being but also emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of life. Kimberly's work has been featured in numerous publications, and she has appeared on shows like The Today Show, The Dr. Oz Show, and Good Morning America.

Through her podcast, Feel Good, and her online community, Solluna Circle, Kimberly continues to share her philosophy of true wellness, helping thousands of people worldwide to discover their path to lasting health and happiness.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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