Breaking Records: Keira D'Amato on Running, Mindset, and Gamification

Jul 25, 2024

In Building Habits to Break Records, host Will Moore sits down with Keira D’Amato (@keiradamato) American marathon record holder, discusses how to achieve your goals.



In Building Habits to Break Records, host Will Moore sits down with Keira D’Amato American marathon record holder, discusses how to achieve your goals.

✍️ Episode Overview

In this inspiring episode of the Five Core Life podcast, host Will Moore sits down with Keira D'Amato, the current American record holder for the marathon. Keira shares her remarkable journey from a high school runner to breaking a 16-year-old national record, including a decade-long break from competitive running.

Keira discusses the importance of chasing happiness over success, revealing how this mindset shift led to her greatest achievements. She offers valuable insights on balancing elite athletics with family life, creatively integrating her training with quality family time.

The conversation delves into the power of gamification in fitness and life, exploring how Keira uses technology and fun challenges to stay motivated and involve her family in her running journey. Will and Keira discuss the parallels between gamification principles and achieving real-life goals, aligning with the Moore Momentum system's approach to personal development.

Keira also shares the mental and physical preparation behind her record-breaking marathon performance, emphasizing the crucial role of mindset in reaching peak performance. The episode concludes with Keira's future aspirations, including her goals for the upcoming World Championships and the 2024 Olympics in Paris.


Here are the chapter summaries with bolded titles and timestamps:

1. Keira's Running Journey (0:00 - 14:30)

🏃‍♀️ Keira D'Amato shares her path from high school athlete to American marathon record holder. She discusses her natural talent for running, college career, and the 10-year break that ultimately contributed to her success. Keira emphasizes how her love for the sport and its measurable nature appealed to her analytical mind.

2. Mindset and Motivation (14:31 - 22:15)

🧠 Will Moore and Keira delve into the importance of mindset in achieving goals. Keira reveals her shift from chasing success to pursuing happiness, and how this change led to better performance. They discuss the power of intrinsic motivation and connecting with your 'why' in personal development.

3. Balancing Athletics and Family (22:16 - 31:00)

⚖️ Keira shares strategies for integrating her elite running career with family life. She describes creative ways to involve her family in training, like turning workouts into family activities and making race trips into family vacations. Keira also emphasizes the importance of supporting her husband's fitness goals.

4. Gamification in Fitness (31:01 - 35:30)

🎮 The conversation turns to gamification in fitness and life. Keira talks about using apps like Strava to add fun and competition to her training. Will relates this to his Moore Momentum system, discussing how game elements can make habit formation and goal achievement more engaging and effective.

5. Breaking the American Marathon Record (35:31 - 38:30)

💪 Keira details her American record-breaking marathon performance. She discusses the physical and mental preparation required, emphasizing the importance of both aspects in achieving peak performance. Keira also shares her future goals, including aspirations for the World Championships and 2024 Olympics.


  1. Overcome information overload by focusing on one core area at a time. Start with Keira's approach: choose a single aspect of your life to improve, like fitness, and concentrate on measurable progress. This reduces overwhelm and allows for visible achievements, boosting motivation.

  2. Combat discipline erosion by gamifying your goals. Use apps like Strava or create family challenges to make progress fun. This taps into intrinsic motivation, making discipline feel less like a chore and more like an engaging game you want to play.

  3. Address decision-making paralysis by breaking big goals into smaller, manageable steps. Keira's journey from casual runner to record holder wasn't overnight. Start with small, achievable targets in your chosen area, celebrating each milestone to build momentum towards larger goals.

  4. Tackle procrastination by connecting deeply with your 'why'. Reflect on what truly excites you about your goals. Like Keira's shift to chasing happiness over success, aligning your actions with genuine interests makes taking action more natural and less daunting.

  5. Enhance self-awareness by regularly journaling your progress and feelings. Dedicate 5 minutes daily to reflect on your actions and motivations. This practice helps identify patterns, clarifying which habits truly serve your goals and which may be hindering progress.

  6. Personalize your approach to avoid generic, ineffective solutions. Analyze your strengths, like Keira's analytical mind, and tailor your methods accordingly. If you're visual, use charts; if you're social, involve friends. Play to your natural inclinations for better results.

  7. Create efficient systems by integrating goals with daily life. Follow Keira's example of involving family in workouts. Look for ways to blend your aspirations with existing routines, reducing friction and making consistent action more achievable.

  8. Bridge the gap between knowledge and action with accountability. Share your goals with a friend or join an online community. Regular check-ins create external motivation, pushing you to follow through on commitments and turn knowledge into tangible results.

  9. Maximize limited time by focusing on high-impact activities. Identify the 20% of actions that yield 80% of results in your chosen area. Prioritize these tasks, ensuring that even short periods of effort contribute significantly to your overall progress.

  10. Prevent burnout by balancing intensity with recovery. Incorporate rest days and fun activities into your routine. This maintains enthusiasm and prevents the fatigue that often leads to quitting, ensuring sustainable long-term progress.

  11. Overcome the daunting nature of change by celebrating small wins. Acknowledge every bit of progress, no matter how small. This builds confidence and momentum, making larger changes feel more achievable over time.

  12. Improve adaptability by regularly trying new approaches. Experiment with different methods to achieve your goals. This flexibility builds resilience and helps you find the most effective strategies for your unique situation.

  13. Work within budget constraints by focusing on free or low-cost solutions first. Utilize free apps, bodyweight exercises, or community resources. This proves that progress is possible without significant financial investment, removing a common barrier to starting.

  14. Combat isolation by joining or creating a supportive community. Find local groups or online forums aligned with your goals. Regular interaction provides motivation, shared learning, and a sense of belonging, crucial for long-term commitment to personal growth.

  15. Address work-life balance issues by setting clear boundaries. Designate specific times for work, family, and personal development. This structure, similar to Keira's training schedule, ensures each area of life receives attention without overwhelming the others.


Definition of Golden Habit:

A 'Golden Habit' is the optimal habit to relieve a pain point/replace a bad habit because it's personalized to your DNA, goals, and lifestyle in order to maximally reduce the friction to form it.

The Golden Habit should be: - DESIRABLE: Should be enjoyable and rewarding. - PRACTICAL: Must easily integrate into one's existing routines. - IMPACTFUL: Expected to significantly enhance well-being.

This Episode's Golden Habit:

While the term "Golden Habit" isn't explicitly mentioned in the podcast, Keira D'Amato's approach to integrating running with family life serves as an excellent example. Her habit of involving her family in her training sessions (timestamp 26:14 - 27:30) fits the Golden Habit criteria perfectly.

Keira describes how she turns her training sessions into family activities. For instance, her family joins her in the basement gym for stretches, or they make a game of finding her during her outdoor runs, blasting music when they spot her. This habit is:

  • DESIRABLE: It's fun for the whole family and adds excitement to her training.

  • PRACTICAL: It integrates seamlessly with her existing training routine and family time.

  • IMPACTFUL: It allows her to maintain her rigorous training while strengthening family bonds.

Related Core Area:

This Golden Habit primarily aligns with the Relationships Core, addressing the pain point of balancing personal goals with family life. It also touches on the Physical Health Core by ensuring consistent training. This habit demonstrates how a well-designed Golden Habit can positively impact multiple core areas simultaneously.


Are you ready to transform your life and achieve big through disciplined habits? It's time to take the valuable insights from today’s episode and put put them into action.. Discipline isn't just about adhering to a schedule—it's about building a foundation that will catapult you toward success in all areas of your life.

OUR MISSION: Accelerate your growth in the 5 Key areas of life by making your habit transformation journey so simple, fun, and rewarding that your happiness becomes inevitable.

PRESS START NOW: Click HERE to dive deeper into the Moore Momentum System. Begin by taking our short quiz to quickly identify which of the 5 Core Areas of Life you're struggling in most and discover the success habit to improve it. Don’t just dream about success—make it a reality.

Whether you're dealing with procrastination, lack of focus, or simply seeking a positive way to enhance your productivity, our system is designed to give you the tools you need to succeed. Start your journey today and see how small changes can lead to major transformations.

Are you ready to level up? The time is now—let’s build momentum together!

🫅 BIO - Keira D'Amato

Keira D'Amato is an American long-distance runner who has made a remarkable impact on the world of athletics. Born on October 21, 1984, in Oakton, Virginia, Keira's running journey began in high school and continued through college at American University. After a promising start, she took a decade-long hiatus from competitive running to focus on her career and family.

In an inspiring comeback story, Keira returned to professional running in her mid-30s, balancing her athletic pursuits with being a mother of two and working as a realtor. Her perseverance paid off spectacularly when, on January 16, 2022, she broke the American women's marathon record with a time of 2:19:12 at the Houston Marathon, shattering a 16-year-old record.

Keira's unique approach to training, which involves creatively integrating her family into her routines, has garnered attention and admiration. Her story is a testament to the power of passion, persistence, and finding joy in the pursuit of one's goals. Keira continues to inspire as she sets her sights on future competitions, including the World Championships and the 2024 Olympics in Paris.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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