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Jon Gordon's Formula for Positive Leadership and Lasting Success

Aug 24, 2024

Jon Gordon Positive Leadership (Helping Others Is Success & Creating a Positive Culture)



Jon Gordon shares his journey from misery to success, sharing key insights on positive leadership, overcoming rejection, and aligning purpose with lasting success.

✍️ EPISODE OVERVIEW - Positive Leadership

In this inspiring episode of the Five Core Life podcast, host Will Moore sits down with Jon Gordon, bestselling author of "The Energy Bus" and renowned expert on positive leadership. Jon shares his personal journey from misery to success, selling over 5 million books and becoming a sought-after keynote speaker. He discusses the power of energy, purpose of life, and perseverance in achieving lasting success.

Jon reveals how his wife's ultimatum became a catalyst for change, leading him to discover the field of positive psychology and ultimately his true calling as a writer and speaker. He emphasizes the importance of serving others and making a difference, which he believes is the key to genuine success. Jon also shares valuable insights on overcoming rejection, the power of belief, and the importance of taking action despite fear and self-doubt.

Throughout the conversation, Jon and Will explore universal principles of success, the significance of aligning one's work with their life's purpose, and the transformative power of positive self-talk. Jon's formula for positive leadership and lasting success emerges as a powerful blend of energy, purpose, perseverance, and a commitment to making a positive impact on others' lives.


1. From Misery to Purpose: Jon's Transformative Journey (Timestamp: 2:54 - 6:06) Jon Gordon opens up about his personal evolution & transformation, sharing how his wife's ultimatum became a turning point in his life. Faced with the prospect of losing his marriage, Jon delved into positive psychology and discovered his true calling as a writer and speaker. He emphasizes the importance of making a difference in others' lives, stating that "You aren't a true success unless you help others be successful." This chapter highlights how aligning one's work with a greater purpose can lead to both personal fulfillment and professional success.

2. Overcoming Rejection and the Power of Belief (Timestamp: 6:41 - 10:04) In this segment, Jon discusses the challenges he faced in pursuing his newfound purpose, including the rejection of his first book by over 30 publishers. He stresses the importance of belief and perseverance in the face of adversity. Jon's journey from near-bankruptcy to selling over 5 million books serves as a powerful testament to the impact of unwavering belief and consistent action. He encourages listeners to move through fear and embrace a "gritty" approach to achieving their goals.

3. The Energy Bus and Universal Principles of Success (Timestamp: 14:26 - 18:28) Jon and Will delve into the concepts behind "The Energy Bus," exploring the invisible yet powerful forces of energy and momentum in our lives. They discuss the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and eliminating "energy vampires." Jon introduces his formula for grit, which includes elements such as vision, purpose, optimism, faith, love, and resilience. This chapter underscores the universal principles that contribute to lasting success and positive leadership.

4. Aligning Success with Life's Purpose (Timestamp: 20:43 - 23:54) The conversation shifts to the importance of choosing a path that aligns with one's true purpose. Jon shares his personal experience of selling his successful restaurant business to fully commit to writing and speaking. He emphasizes the need to consider the long-term impact of our choices and to pursue work that feels truly meaningful. This segment encourages listeners to reflect on their life's purpose and make decisions that support their ultimate goals.

5. The Power of Positive Self-Talk (Timestamp: 29:34 - 31:02) In the final key segment, Jon reveals his top habit for success: positive self-talk. He shares advice from Dr. James Gills, emphasizing the importance of talking to oneself instead of listening to negative internal dialogue. Jon explains how this practice can help overcome fear, doubt, and negativity, replacing them with encouragement and truth. This chapter provides a practical tool for developing a positive mindset and maintaining momentum in the face of challenges. Read More: How to Change the Way you Think

🔑 KEY TAKEAWAYS - Positive Leadership

1. True Success Comes from Helping Others: Jon emphasizes that real success isn't just about personal achievement, but about making a positive impact on others' lives. This shift in perspective can lead to greater fulfillment and more meaningful accomplishments. Consider how you can incorporate service and contribution into your personal and professional goals.

2. Perseverance in the Face of Rejection: Jon's story of overcoming multiple rejections before achieving success with "The Energy Bus" highlights the importance of persistence. When facing setbacks, remember that rejection is often part of the journey to success. Stay committed to your vision and keep taking action, even when the path seems difficult.

3. The Power of Belief and Action: Jon stresses the importance of not just believing in your goals, but taking consistent action towards them. Cultivate a strong belief in your abilities and couple it with persistent effort. This combination can help you overcome obstacles and achieve what might seem impossible at first.

4. Align Your Work with Your Life's Purpose: Jon's decision to sell his successful restaurant business to focus on writing and speaking underscores the importance of pursuing work that aligns with your deeper purpose. Reflect on your current career path and consider whether it truly aligns with your values and long-term goals. Don't be afraid to make changes if you feel called to a different path.

5. The Formula for Grit: Jon's formula for grit provides a comprehensive approach to developing resilience and determination. Incorporate elements such as vision, purpose, optimism, faith, love, and resilience into your personal development strategy. This holistic approach can help you maintain momentum and overcome challenges in all areas of life.

6. Surround Yourself with Positive Energy: The concept of "energy vampires" from "The Energy Bus" reminds us of the importance of our social environment. Evaluate the people and influences in your life. Seek out relationships and environments that energize and inspire you, while minimizing exposure to negativity that drains your motivation.

7. Choose the Struggle Worth Pursuing: Jon advises selecting goals and pursuits that are "worth the struggle." This means choosing paths that align with your values and long-term vision, even if they involve challenges. Reflect on your current goals and ensure they're truly meaningful to you, not just pursuits that seem attractive on the surface.

8. Practice Positive Self-Talk: Adopt Jon's habit of talking to yourself instead of just listening to your internal dialogue. Consciously replace negative self-talk with words of encouragement and truth. This practice can help build confidence, overcome fear, and maintain a positive mindset in the face of challenges.

9. Set Goals with the End in Mind: Will's "Back to the Future" exercise encourages thinking about the legacy you want to leave. Use this perspective to set meaningful goals and make decisions that align with your desired life story. Regularly revisit your long-term vision to ensure your daily actions are contributing to your ultimate objectives.

10. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Throughout the conversation, Jon exemplifies a growth mindset – the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed. Develop Growth mindset by viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.

11. The Importance of Finding Your "Why": Jon's transformation began when he discovered his purpose in encouraging and inspiring others. Spend time reflecting on your own "why" – the deeper reason behind your goals and actions. A clear sense of purpose can provide motivation and direction, especially during difficult times.

12. Balancing Entrepreneurship with Purpose: Jon's experience in both the restaurant business and as an author/speaker highlights the importance of finding a balance between entrepreneurial success and personal fulfillment. As you pursue business ventures, constantly evaluate whether they align with your broader life purpose and values. Read More: How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

13. The Ripple Effect of Positive Leadership: Jon's work demonstrates how positive leadership can create a ripple effect, influencing not just immediate team members but entire organizations and beyond. As you develop your leadership skills, consider how your attitude and actions might be impacting others, and strive to be a source of positive energy.

14. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Jon's journey from restaurateur to bestselling author illustrates the importance of being open to new paths and continuous learning. Stay curious and be willing to pivot when you discover new passions or opportunities that better align with your purpose.

15. The Power of Simplicity in Message: Jon's success with "The Energy Bus" and subsequent books shows the impact of conveying profound ideas through simple, relatable concepts. In your own communication and leadership, strive to distill complex ideas into clear, actionable messages that resonate with your audience.


The Golden Habit highlighted in this episode is the practice of positive self-talk, as shared by Jon Gordon. This habit is particularly powerful because it aligns with the definition of a Golden Habit: it's desirable, practical, and highly impactful.

Jon emphasizes the importance of talking to yourself instead of just listening to your internal dialogue. He references advice from Dr. James Gills, who completed six double Iron Man triathlons: "I'm going to talk to myself instead of listen to myself." This practice involves consciously replacing negative thoughts and self-doubt with words of encouragement and truth.

Why it's a Golden Habit: - Desirable: It provides immediate emotional relief and motivation, making it enjoyable to practice. - Practical: It can be implemented anytime, anywhere, without any special tools or resources. - Impactful: It has a significant effect on mindset, confidence, and ability to overcome challenges.

This Golden Habit primarily aligns with the Mindset Core, as it directly addresses how we perceive ourselves and our capabilities. By practicing positive self-talk, we can overcome the pain point of self-doubt and negative thinking that often hinders personal and professional growth.

To implement this Golden Habit: 1. Become aware of your negative self-talk. 2. Consciously interrupt negative thoughts. 3. Replace them with positive, encouraging statements. 4. Practice this consistently, especially when facing challenges.

Jon discusses this Golden Habit at approximately 29:34 in the podcast, emphasizing its role in his success and encouraging listeners to adopt this practice in their own lives.


Are you ready to transform your life and achieve big through disciplined habits? It's time to take the valuable insights from today’s episode and put put them into action. Discipline isn't just about adhering to a schedule—it's about building a foundation that will catapult you toward success in all areas of your life.

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Are you ready to level up? The time is now—let’s build momentum together!

đź«… BIO - Jon Gordon

Jon Gordon is a bestselling author and keynote speaker known for his powerful messages and inspirational strategies for leaders, teams, and organizations. His books, including "The Energy Bus," have sold over 5 million copies worldwide and have been translated into numerous languages.

Gordon's career began in the restaurant industry, where he owned and operated several successful franchises. However, his true calling emerged when he discovered his passion for writing and speaking about positive leadership. Despite facing initial rejections, Gordon persevered and went on to become one of the most sought-after speakers in the world of business and personal development.

His work focuses on developing positive leaders, organizations, and teams. Gordon's clients include numerous Fortune 500 companies, professional and college sports teams, school districts, hospitals, and non-profits. He is known for his simple yet powerful messages that help foster success in both professional and personal lives. Through his books, speeches, and workshops, Gordon continues to inspire millions to tackle life's challenges with optimism, enthusiasm, and purpose.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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