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Grant Tosner on Building Momentum Through Daily Habits

Aug 25, 2024

In Lifting Yourself to Success, host Will Moore sits down with Grant Tosner (@coachedbygt) lifestyle coach and body builder, to discuss how he was able to lift his way to success.



Discover how to build life-changing momentum through daily habits with Grant Tosner. Learn to prioritize consistency, find your purpose, and achieve lasting success.

✍️ EPISODE OVERVIEW - Daily Habits

In this enlightening episode of the Five Core Life podcast, host Will Moore sits down with Grant Tosner, a former football player turned lifestyle coach. Grant shares his inspiring journey from the world of finance to becoming a successful personal trainer and lifestyle coach. The conversation delves deep into the power of daily habits, the importance of finding your 'why', and how to build momentum in life.

Grant's story is a testament to the transformative power of consistency and purpose. He discusses how he transitioned from a high-paying job in the financial sector to pursuing his passion in fitness and coaching. This shift wasn't just about changing careers; it was about aligning his daily actions with his core values and finding true fulfillment.

Throughout the episode, Grant and Will explore various aspects of personal development, including the misconceptions about motivation, the role of self-reflection in goal-setting, and the importance of understanding your personal learning style. They also tackle the challenges of instant gratification in today's digital age and how it affects our ability to form lasting, positive habits. Grant's insights on making changes rather than excuses provide listeners with practical strategies to overcome obstacles and build momentum in their lives.


1. From Football to Finance to Fitness (Timestamp: 0:03 - 5:50) Grant shares his journey from aspiring professional footballer to working in the city's financial sector. He describes how a personal loss prompted him to reevaluate his life choices, leading to his bold decision to leave his high-paying job and pursue a career as a personal trainer. This segment highlights the importance of aligning your career with your passions and values.

2. The Misguided Focus on Money (Timestamp: 14:48 - 19:10) Will and Grant discuss society's emphasis on financial success as the primary goal. They explore how this mindset often leads to a cycle of wanting more without increased happiness. Grant shares his personal experience of chasing higher salaries in the financial sector and how it ultimately left him unfulfilled. This part of the conversation underscores the importance of finding purpose beyond monetary gain.

3. The Power of Consistency and Long-Term Thinking (Timestamp: 40:39 - 42:12) Grant reveals his key habit for success: consistency. He explains how understanding the difference between short-term and long-term goals has been crucial in his personal and professional development. Grant emphasizes the importance of showing up every day, regardless of external circumstances, to build momentum and achieve lasting results.

4. Gamifying Habit Formation (Timestamp: 19:49 - 22:12) Will introduces his concept of gamifying habits to make personal growth more engaging and sustainable. They discuss how life is just a game and how turning self-improvement into a game-like experience can help overcome the challenges of instant gratification culture. This segment offers practical ideas for listeners to make their habit-building process more enjoyable and effective.

5. Making Changes, Not Excuses (Timestamp: 42:24 - 44:18) The conversation concludes with Grant sharing his personal mantra: "Make changes, not excuses." He explains how this simple yet powerful phrase has guided his approach to personal growth and coaching. Will and Grant discuss strategies for implementing this mindset, including setting reminders and incorporating it into daily routines.

🔑 KEY TAKEAWAYS - Daily Habits

1. Aligning your career with your passions can lead to greater fulfillment than pursuing high salaries alone. Grant's transition from finance to fitness coaching illustrates how following your true interests can result in a more satisfying life, even if it means taking a pay cut initially. To apply this in your own life, reflect on what truly excites you and consider how you might incorporate those passions into your career, even if it means starting small or as a side project.

2. Understanding your personal learning style is crucial for effective self-improvement. Grant emphasizes how recognizing his visual learning preference helped him excel in his career transitions. Take time to identify your own learning style – whether it's visual, auditory, or kinesthetic – and tailor your personal development strategies accordingly. For example, if you're a visual learner, use mind maps or video tutorials to grasp new concepts.

3. Consistency is key to building momentum and achieving long-term goals. Grant stresses the importance of showing up every day, regardless of external circumstances. To implement this in your life, start by setting a small, daily habit that aligns with your larger goals. Commit to performing this habit every day for a month, no matter how you feel or what obstacles arise. Use a habit tracker to visualize your progress and motivate yourself.

4. Reframe your perception of time and progress to set more realistic goals. Grant points out how people often underestimate the time needed for significant changes. When setting goals, try extending your timelines: what you consider a short-term goal might be better framed as a medium-term goal. This shift can help reduce frustration and maintain motivation over the long haul.

5. The pursuit of money alone doesn't guarantee happiness or fulfillment. Both Will and Grant share experiences of chasing higher salaries without finding increased satisfaction. Instead of focusing solely on financial goals, try setting goals in multiple life areas, including relationships, personal growth, and health. Use Will's "Back to the Future" exercise to envision what you want people to say about you in each of these areas at the end of your life, then work backwards to set meaningful goals. Read More: Why Money can't Buy Happiness

6. Gamification can make habit formation more engaging and sustainable. Will discusses using game-like elements to make personal development more enjoyable. To apply this, try creating a points system for your habits, with rewards for hitting streaks or milestones. You could also use apps that turn habit tracking into a game, or join online communities where you can compete with others in habit challenges.

7. Understanding your 'why' is crucial for maintaining motivation. Grant emphasizes that knowing the deeper reason behind your goals can sustain you when motivation wanes. Take time to reflect on why you want to achieve each of your major goals. Write these reasons down and review them regularly, especially when you face challenges or setbacks.

8. The modern world's instant gratification culture can hinder long-term success. To combat this, practice delayed gratification in small ways daily. For example, when you feel the urge to check social media, wait 10 minutes before doing so. Gradually increase the delay time to build your ability to resist immediate rewards for longer-term benefits.

9. Visual reminders can help reinforce positive habits and mindsets. Grant mentions using his slogan "Make changes, not excuses" as a constant reminder. Create visual cues for your own mantras or goals – this could be as simple as post-it notes on your mirror or desk, or as elaborate as a vision board. The key is to place these reminders where you'll see them frequently throughout your day.

10. Changing your environment can significantly impact your habits and mindset. Grant's move from the financial sector to the fitness industry dramatically altered his perspective on success and fulfillment. While you may not need to change careers, consider how you can alter your environment to support your goals. This might mean redesigning your workspace, changing your social circle, or even relocating to a place that aligns better with your aspirations.

11. Self-awareness is a crucial first step in personal development. Both Will and Grant emphasize the importance of understanding yourself – your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and values. Regularly engage in self-reflection exercises, such as journaling or meditation, to increase your self-awareness. You might also consider taking personality assessments or seeking feedback from trusted friends and mentors.

12. The power of incremental progress shouldn't be underestimated. Grant's journey from finance to fitness coaching didn't happen overnight. Embrace the concept of small, consistent improvements. Set micro-goals that build towards your larger objectives, and celebrate these small wins along the way. This approach can help maintain motivation and build momentum over time.

13. Redefine your measure of success beyond financial metrics. Grant found that his happiness increased when he focused on impact and personal fulfillment rather than salary. Evaluate your current definition of success and consider how you might broaden it to include factors like personal growth, relationships, and contribution to others. Create a personal scorecard that reflects these broader success metrics and review it regularly.

14. Cultivate a growth mindset to overcome challenges. Grant's ability to pivot from football to finance to fitness demonstrates the power of seeing challenges as opportunities for growth. When faced with setbacks, practice reframing them as learning experiences. Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" and "How can I use this experience to grow?" rather than dwelling on the negative aspects.

15. Building a supportive community can accelerate your personal growth. Grant mentions the impact of having good people around him during his journey. Seek out individuals who support your goals and share your values. This could involve joining professional associations, finding a mentor, or participating in mastermind groups. Remember, your environment shapes your habits, so surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you to grow.


Definition of Golden Habit: "A 'Golden Habit' is the optimal habit to relieve a pain point/replace a bad habit because it's personalized to your DNA, goals, and lifestyle in order to maximally reduce the friction to form it.

The Golden Habit should be: - DESIRABLE: Should be enjoyable and rewarding. - PRACTICAL: Must easily integrate into one's existing routines. - IMPACTFUL: Expected to significantly enhance well-being."

This Episode's Golden Habit: In this episode, Grant Tosner shares his Golden Habit of consistency, specifically in showing up every day regardless of external circumstances. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the long-term nature of progress and committing to daily action. This habit is desirable because it provides a sense of accomplishment and progress, practical as it can be applied to any area of life, and impactful as it leads to significant long-term results.

Time stamp: 40:39 - 42:12

Related Core Area:

This Golden Habit primarily aligns with the Mindset Core, as it involves shifting one's perspective on time and progress. It addresses the pain point of inconsistency and lack of long-term thinking, which often hinders personal growth and achievement in various life areas.


Are you ready to transform your life and achieve big through disciplined habits? It's time to take the valuable insights from today’s episode and put put them into action.. Discipline isn't just about adhering to a schedule—it's about building a foundation that will catapult you toward success in all areas of your life.

OUR MISSION: Accelerate your growth in the 5 Key areas of life by making your habit transformation journey so simple, fun, and rewarding that your happiness becomes inevitable.

PRESS START NOW: Click HERE to dive deeper into the Moore Momentum System. Begin by taking our short quiz to quickly identify which of the 5 Core Areas of Life you're struggling in most and discover the success habit to improve it. Don’t just dream about success—make it a reality.

Whether you're dealing with procrastination, lack of focus, or simply seeking a positive way to enhance your productivity, our system is designed to give you the tools you need to succeed. Start your journey today and see how small changes can lead to major transformations.

Are you ready to level up? The time is now—let’s build momentum together!

đź«… BIO - Grant Tosner

Grant Tosner is a former footballer turned lifestyle coach who has made a significant impact in the world of personal development and fitness. After a promising start in football was cut short by injury, Grant transitioned into the financial sector, working his way up in the city of London. However, a personal loss prompted him to reevaluate his life choices, leading to a bold career change.

Leaving behind a lucrative career in finance, Grant pursued his passion for fitness and personal development. He qualified as a personal trainer and has since built a successful career as a lifestyle coach. With over a decade of experience, Grant has helped numerous clients transform their lives by focusing on consistency, long-term thinking, and aligning actions with personal values.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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