Hi, I'm Will Moore
Serial Entrepreneur, Gamification, Habits, and Happiness Expert
My Gamified Bio

Level DOWN

Level DOWN

Level UP

Level UP

Level UP
Pasadena Ca - Will is born Rocky Clay Thomas Wooten Moore (brother to Puff Sunpath Moore) to two hippies.
He's bright eyed, bushy tailed, and ready to take on the world!
Honolulu HI - Will's parents divorce, his dad leaves for a multi-year trip around the world, and mom ramps up her drinking and emotional/physical violence.
They live in a slum where he and sis are held up at knife point.
Bethesda Md - Will's mom moves him and his sister to be closer to her parents for support, but his vibe clashes with the suburbanites who prey on his sensitive/insecure nature.
Will hopes college will be a fresh start, but his victimhood carries over and he's quickly ostracized. Suicide seems like the only option.
Will's serendipitously introduced to the world of self-help and is determined to reinvent himself.
He becomes an insatiable self-help beast and uses himself as a human science experiment to improve daily.
Winter Park FL - Will begins formulating The Moore Momentum System that focuses on replacing his failure habits with success habits in the main areas of life that contribute most to his happiness.
These would later evolve into the Five Cores.
It doesn't happen overnight, but Will's system evolves into a way to gamify his life by tricking his brain to WANT to take the actions that propel his momentum.
Massive successes start to build:
1) He gains countless friends and allies,
2) He falls in love, gets married and his kids, and
3) He starts and exits a business for a combined $321 mil.
Chicago, IL - Will understands that it's not the destination, but the journey that matters most.
And that the REAL secret to "success" is to figure out what makes you happy, then take action on it every day.
Will enjoys playing the game of life every day, and has dedicated his life to helping others successfully do the same.
My Journey & How It Will Help Yours
As an 80's kid growing up on Atari and Nintendo, I was always fascinated by video games and their ability to propel me into a world much better than the one I was living in. I could be ANYONE, do ANYTHING - my only limits being my ability to master the skills required to get to the next level.
An alcoholic and abusive mother, a father who abandoned us to travel around the world, and moving to a suburb of Bethesda MD who were NOT accustomed to sensitive hippy kids left me suicidal my freshman year of college.I’d developed a typical fixed victim mindset convinced my brain was broken and there was nothing I could do about it.
A serendipitous moment in college - see my timeline below - allowed me to hit the reset button and set me on a quest to figure out what happiness really is, and how to harness its power.
One major goal I set and achieved was to become a successful entrepreneur - starting-up multiple businesses, and exiting one of them for 9-figures. Ironically, doing so helped me realize one of life's great truths on happiness: money alone can't buy it.
Deep, soul-filling, long-term happiness requires a more holistic approach, and would require me to become the CEO of the most important business I'd ever run, MY LIFE!
To run a successful startup requires fundamentally understanding, maintaining balance in, and growing in its core areas. But instead of HR, marketing, and accounting, in real life it's what I've determined are The Five Areas of Life!
25 years later (“Current Level 25”) I've upgraded my avatar from a fixed victim to a growth owner mindset with 100% confidence I’ve got everything within me to reach any level I set my sites on - failing, learning, and continuously powering-up along the way.
I ultimately learned that while life is complex, principles are not. And by combining these universal principles with behavioral science and technology, I could trick my brain to WANT to replace my failure habits with success habits in all five cores.
I now gamify my habits on a daily basis, finding that same fun, wonder, passion, and enthusiasm I had playing those video games as in the 80’s. Instead now it’s not to escape, it’s my real life :)Will you join in and play with me?
"I play therefore I am"

Current Level: 25

My Mission & Pledge
My mission is to make it as fun and addicting as your favorite game to build the momentum necessary to level up in life.
By helping you redesign your life with a system where what you HAVE to do becomes what you WANT to do, you'll get what I call the "Equation Of Life" working FOR instead of against you.

I'll help you figure out how to build the momentum to figure out WHO you are, WHAT you want, and HOW to get it, so you can then help the rest of the world do the same.
Thanks for playing with me :)
Hear Will's Account In His Own Word
Featured Interviews

Harrison Loew
"Mr. Moore and I met through his alma mater and my current college Rollins College. There, a simple 15 minute conversation blossomed into a mutual mentorship that has provided me with validation of my mission to success and living, what I now consider to be, a 5 Core Life. His background and proven success have shown me a template that is both effective and exciting in any facet of business. Mr. Moore is more than just an entrepreneur with an intense desire to be successful, he is also a patient mentor and caring individual. In a world of texts, tweets, and constant distraction, it’s incredible to see a figure that continues to be successful with the winning attributes that have made some of the greatest businessmen in history."

Mitzi Perdue
Daughter of Sheraton Hotels Founder, Widow to Frank Perdue Chicken Magnate, and author of "How To Be UP In Down Times"
"Are you looking for an exciting, insightful, uplifting experience, one that gives you the tools to be all you can be? Look no further. Will Moore’s superpower is his ability to provide this."

Mark Hansen
Author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books - Over 500M Sold
"Will Moore is someone you want in your life. He’s crushed every goal he’s set for himself and won’t stop until he’s helped the world build momentum. By combining the latest in science and technology with universal principles, he’s taken a quantum leap in bringing personal development into the 21st century. I stand behind Will in putting people over profits on his quest to show others how to level up in life to then pass the joystick to others to help the world do the same."