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Pro-Aging Secrets from Elissa Goodman

Aug 20, 2024

In Pro Aging Hacks & Living an Energetic Life, host Will Moore sits down with Elissa Goodman (@elissagoodman) Certified Holistic Nutrients, to live your most energetic life.



Pro-aging expert Elissa Goodman shares secrets to vibrant health at any age. Learn how nutrition, mindset, and self-love can transform life and boost energy.


In this enlightening episode of The Five Core Life podcast, host Will Moore sits down with holistic nutritionist and lifestyle cleanse expert Elissa Goodman to uncover the secrets of pro-aging and vibrant living. Elissa, a cancer survivor and bestselling author, shares her inspiring journey from chronic illness to thriving health, offering valuable insights on how to harness the power of nutrition, mindset, and self-love to age gracefully and energetically.

Throughout the conversation, Elissa reveals the transformative practices that have not only helped her overcome serious health challenges but have also led her to feel better at 62 than she did at 30. From the importance of gut health and daily green juices to the profound impact of mindset shifts and plant medicine journeys, this episode is packed with practical wisdom for anyone looking to optimize their health and embrace the aging process.

Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection and how stress management plays a crucial role in overall wellness. Elissa's approach to pro-aging goes beyond superficial fixes, focusing instead on building a strong foundation of health through nutrition, self-awareness, and positive habits. Whether you're dealing with chronic fatigue, looking to boost your energy levels, or simply wanting to age with vitality, this episode offers actionable advice and inspiration to help you take control of your health and happiness.


1. Elissa's Health Journey and Cancer Diagnosis (00:03 - 04:00) Elissa shares her background of being a "sick kid" with a low white blood cell count and frequent illnesses. She describes the pressure to perform despite feeling unwell and how this pattern continued into adulthood. The turning point came when she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma at age 32, shortly after moving to Los Angeles. This diagnosis led her to explore alternative healing methods and sparked her interest in holistic health.

2. The Mindset Shift: From Victim to Empowered (04:01 - 07:00) Elissa discusses the crucial mindset shift that occurred during her cancer treatment. She explains how a doctor's question about her stress levels and happiness made her realize she had never experienced true inner peace. This moment of self-reflection became a catalyst for her journey into holistic health, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Elissa emphasizes the importance of addressing both physical and mental aspects of health for true healing.

3. The Power of Nutrition in Healing (07:01 - 10:00) Delving into the role of nutrition in her recovery, Elissa talks about adopting a vegan diet, juicing, and exploring various holistic health practices. She explains how these changes not only supported her physical healing but also contributed to her mental and emotional well-being. Elissa shares how this personal experience led her to create food delivery programs and eventually her own cleanse program, which has been helping others for over eight years.

4. Overcoming Personal Tragedy and Finding Purpose (10:01 - 14:00) Elissa opens up about losing her husband to cancer when he was just 45, leaving her a single mother to two young daughters. She describes how this devastating experience further fueled her passion for health and led her to dive deeper into nutrition studies. Elissa explains how her personal struggles and triumphs have shaped her approach to helping others, emphasizing the importance of emotional healing alongside physical health.

5. The Pro-Aging Approach: Feeling Better with Age (14:01 - 18:00) Introducing her concept of "pro-aging," Elissa shares her experience of feeling better at 62 than she did at 30. She discusses her upcoming book on pro-aging hacks and emphasizes the importance of hydration, regular bowel movements, and stress management in maintaining overall health. Elissa provides practical tips for staying hydrated and explains the crucial role of minerals in cellular hydration.

6. The Gut-Brain Connection and Holistic Health (18:01 - 22:00) Elissa dives into the importance of gut health, explaining how stress affects digestion and overall well-being. She discusses the science behind the gut-brain connection and provides insights on how to improve digestive health through diet, stress management, and mindful eating. Elissa shares practical tips for supporting gut health and explains how this can impact energy levels, mood, and overall vitality.

7. Mindset, Self-Love, and Personal Growth (22:01 - 26:00) Exploring the psychological aspects of health, Elissa talks about the transformative power of self-love and positive mindset. She shares her experiences with plant medicine journeys and how they helped her overcome subconscious fears and limiting beliefs. Elissa emphasizes the importance of addressing childhood trauma and reprogramming the subconscious mind for lasting health and happiness.

8. The Role of Technology in Health and Wellness (26:01 - 30:00) Discussing the impact of technology on health, Elissa and Will explore both the challenges and opportunities presented by our digital world. They talk about the potential of apps and digital tools to support meditation, exercise, and other healthy habits. Elissa shares her perspective on balancing technology use with genuine self-care and human connection.

9. Practical Tips for Implementing Healthy Habits (30:01 - 34:00) Elissa offers actionable advice for listeners looking to improve their health. She discusses the importance of small, consistent changes and provides strategies for overcoming common obstacles to healthy living. Elissa shares insights on how to make healthy habits more enjoyable and sustainable, emphasizing the power of mindset in creating lasting change.

10. The Golden Habit: Daily Green Juice (34:01 - 38:00) Revealing her top habit for health and longevity, Elissa talks about her daily green juice routine. She explains the benefits of juicing, including increased nutrient absorption and hydration. Elissa provides a simple recipe for a green juice that listeners can make at home and offers alternatives for those who may not have access to a juicer.


1. Hydration is crucial for overall health and anti-aging. Aim for 96-100 ounces of water daily, and consider adding minerals to enhance cellular absorption. This simple habit can significantly boost energy levels and support various bodily functions.

2. Regular bowel movements are essential for detoxification and overall health. Aim for at least one bowel movement per day, ideally after each meal. Increase fiber intake, stay hydrated, and incorporate regular exercise to support healthy digestion.

3. Stress management is key to maintaining good health and slowing the aging process. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or other relaxation techniques daily to shift from a sympathetic (fight-or-flight) to a parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) state.

4. Incorporate a daily green juice or smoothie to flood your body with easily absorbable nutrients. This habit can help lower inflammation, support detoxification, and provide a natural energy boost.

5. Prioritize gut health by consuming a variety of plant-based foods, reducing stress, and considering probiotic supplements. A healthy gut microbiome is linked to better immune function, mood, and overall wellness.

6. Practice self-love and positive self-talk. Recognize that loving yourself is not egocentric but essential for healing and personal growth. Consider journaling or affirmations to reinforce positive self-perception.

7. Be mindful of your subconscious programming, especially from childhood experiences. Consider therapy or other healing modalities to address past traumas and reframe limiting beliefs.

8. Embrace a "pro-aging" mindset by focusing on vitality and wellness rather than anti-aging. Celebrate the wisdom and experiences that come with age while taking proactive steps to maintain health and energy.

9. Consider exploring plant medicine or other alternative healing modalities under professional guidance to address deep-seated emotional issues and gain new perspectives on life.

10. Implement the "habit stacking" technique to make new healthy habits easier to adopt. Attach a new habit to an existing routine to increase the likelihood of consistency.

11. Focus on incremental, sustainable changes rather than drastic overhauls. Small, consistent actions compound over time to create significant results.

12. Prioritize quality sleep by establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine. Good sleep is crucial for cellular repair, hormone balance, and overall health.

13. Incorporate regular movement into your daily routine. Find activities you enjoy to make exercise feel less like a chore and more like a rewarding part of your day.

14. Practice mindful eating by slowing down, chewing thoroughly, and avoiding distractions during meals. This can improve digestion and help you tune into your body's hunger and fullness cues.

15. Regularly reassess your health goals and habits. As your body and life circumstances change, be willing to adjust your approach to health and wellness accordingly.


Elissa Goodman's Golden Habit: Daily Green Juice

A 'Golden Habit' is the optimal habit to relieve a pain point/replace a bad habit because it's personalized to your DNA, goals, and lifestyle in order to maximally reduce the friction to form it. The Golden Habit should be DESIRABLE (enjoyable and rewarding), PRACTICAL (easily integrate into existing routines), and IMPACTFUL (significantly enhance well-being).

Elissa's daily green juice habit perfectly embodies these principles. She began this practice after her cancer diagnosis and has maintained it for over 30 years, experiencing significant benefits in energy, hydration, and overall health.

Why it's a Golden Habit: - DESIRABLE: Elissa enjoys the taste and the immediate energy boost it provides. - PRACTICAL: It's easily integrated into her morning routine and can be prepared in advance. - IMPACTFUL: It provides a concentrated dose of nutrients, supporting detoxification, hydration, and overall health.

This habit aligns primarily with the Physical Health Core, addressing the pain point of low energy and poor nutrition. By consuming a nutrient-dense juice first thing in the morning, Elissa floods her body with easily absorbable vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, setting a positive tone for the day.

To implement this habit: 1. Start with a simple recipe: celery, cucumber, lemon, and ginger. 2. Invest in a juicer or consider alternatives like high-quality greens powders. 3. Prepare juices in advance and store in glass jars for convenience. 4. Consume on an empty stomach in the morning for optimal absorption. 5. Gradually customize the recipe to suit your taste preferences and nutritional needs.


Are you ready to level up your health and embrace a pro-aging lifestyle? The insights shared by Elissa Goodman in this episode provide a powerful blueprint for transforming your health and vitality. But remember, knowledge without action is just potential energy waiting to be unleashed.

Now is the time to take the first step towards building momentum in your health journey. Whether it's incorporating a daily green juice, practicing mindful eating, or prioritizing stress management, choose one action from this episode and commit to implementing it in your life today.

To supercharge your progress and make these healthy habits stick, consider leveraging the Moore Momentum System. Our gamified approach to habit formation makes it fun, rewarding, and ethically addictive to build the habits that will propel you towards optimal health and happiness in all Five Core areas of your life.

Ready to start your journey towards a healthier, more vibrant you? Take our free Core Values Quiz and discover where you currently stand in the 5 Core Areas of Life. This personalized assessment will help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, providing a clear starting point for your health transformation.

Remember, every journey begins with a single step. Take that step today and join the movement towards a healthier, happier you. Let's build momentum together!

🫅 BIO - Elissa Goodman

Elissa Goodman is a holistic nutritionist, lifestyle cleanse expert, and author based in Los Angeles, California. With over two decades of experience in the wellness industry, Elissa has helped thousands of clients transform their health through her innovative approach to nutrition and lifestyle modification.

Elissa's journey into holistic health began with her own battle against Hodgkin's Lymphoma at the age of 32. After choosing to forgo traditional treatments, she embarked on a path of self-healing through nutrition, mindfulness, and alternative therapies. This personal experience ignited her passion for helping others achieve optimal health and vitality.

As a certified holistic nutritionist, Elissa is known for her signature cleanse programs, including the popular S.O.U.P. Cleanse, which has gained a devoted following in Los Angeles and beyond. She is also the author of the bestselling book "Cancer Hacks: A Holistic Guide to Overcoming your Fears and Healing Cancer," where she shares her insights on integrative approaches to cancer prevention and recovery.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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