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April Seifert and Will Moore Discuss the Five Cores of Personal Growth

Aug 23, 2024

Neuroplasticity, habits and using your mind as your greatest asset



April Seifert in podcast with Will Moore on habits, happiness, and the 5 core areas of life. Learn how to build psychological strength and transform your life.


In this captivating episode of the Five Core Life podcast, host Will Moore sits down with cognitive psychologist and data scientist Dr. April Seifert to explore the fascinating world of psychological strength and habit formation. Dr. Seifert, host of the "Building Psychological Strength" podcast, brings her unique blend of scientific expertise and practical insight to this discussion about personal growth and development.

Throughout the conversation, Moore and Seifert delve into the science behind habit formation, debunking common misconceptions and offering evidence-based strategies for lasting change. They explore Moore's innovative "Five Core Areas of Life" concept, discussing how balanced growth across mindset, career and finances, relationships, physical health, and emotional health is crucial for overall well-being and success.

Dr. Seifert shares her perspective on psychological strength, emphasizing the importance of resilient mindset, mental flexibility, and self-awareness in personal development. The discussion touches on various topics, including the power of incremental progress, the role of mindset in overcoming challenges, and the potential of gamification in making personal growth more engaging and sustainable.

This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for listeners looking to enhance their psychological strength and create meaningful change in their lives. By combining Moore's practical approach to personal development with Seifert's scientific insights, listeners gain a well-rounded understanding of how to build momentum and thrive across all areas of life.


1. Understanding Habits and Misconceptions (3:58 - 7:45) Dr. Seifert explains what habits are, discusses common misconceptions about habit formation, and emphasizes how deeply ingrained habits are in our daily lives. She highlights that about 97% of our behavior is influenced by habits.

2. The Science of Habit Formation and Change (14:20 - 17:40) Moore and Seifert discuss the science behind forming new habits and breaking old ones. They debunk the myth of the "21-day rule" and explain why different habits may take varying amounts of time to establish or change.

3. The Five Core Areas of Life and Holistic Success (27:50 - 32:20) Moore introduces his concept of the five core areas: Mindset, Career and Finances, Relationships, Physical Health, and Emotional Health & Giving Back. Dr. Seifert provides her psychological perspective on why balance across these areas is crucial for overall well-being and success.

4. The Power of Mindset in Personal Growth (24:50 - 27:45) This section explores the critical role of mindset as the foundation for success in all other areas. Dr. Seifert discusses the psychological aspects of transitioning from a fixed to a growth mindset and how this shift impacts personal development.

5. Gamification and Technology in Personal Development (40:00 - 43:15) Moore and Seifert discuss the potential of gamification in personal development. Dr. Seifert offers her insights on how technology and gamified approaches can make self-improvement more appealing and sustainable from a psychological perspective.


1. The Pervasiveness of Habits: Dr. Seifert explains that about 97% of our behavior is influenced by habits, highlighting the importance of understanding and intentionally shaping our habits. Action step: Spend a day noting your habitual behaviors to increase self-awareness.

2. Scientific Approach to Habit Formation: There's no one-size-fits-all timeline for forming habits. Each person and habit is unique. Action step: Experiment with different habit-forming strategies and track your progress to find what works best for you.

3. The Five Core Areas of Life: Balance across mindset, career and finances, relationships, physical health, and emotional health & giving back is crucial for overall well-being. Action step: Evaluate your current standing in each core area and identify which ones need more attention.

4. Mindset as a Foundation: Developing a growth mindset is crucial for success in all other areas of life. Action step: Challenge yourself to reframe one negative thought pattern each day into a growth-oriented perspective.

5. Incremental Progress: Small, consistent changes compound over time, leading to significant results. Action step: Choose one habit in each core area and focus on improving it by just 1% each day for a month.

6. The Power of 'Why': Connecting deeply with your reasons for change is crucial for long-term success. Action step: For each goal or habit you want to develop, write down three compelling reasons why it's important to you.

7. Balancing Immediate Gratification and Long-term Goals: Use gamification to make long-term personal development as engaging as short-term pleasures. Action step: Find a habit-tracking app that turns your personal growth into a game-like experience.

8. Continuous Growth: Success isn't a destination but a continuous process of setting and achieving new goals. Action step: After reaching a goal, immediately set a new, slightly more challenging one to maintain momentum.

9. Environmental Design: Shape your environment to support your desired habits. Action step: Rearrange one area of your home or workspace to better support a key habit you're trying to build.

10. Leveraging Technology: Use digital tools to support your personal growth rather than distract from it. Action step: Audit your phone usage and replace one time-wasting app with a personal development tool.

11. The Importance of Self-Reflection: Regularly assess your progress and adjust your strategies. Action step: Schedule a weekly review to reflect on your progress in each core area and make necessary adjustments.

12. Psychological Strength: Building resilience and mental flexibility is key to long-term success. Action step: Practice mindfulness or meditation for 10 minutes daily to enhance your psychological strength.

13. The Role of Social Support: Surround yourself with people who support your growth. Action step: Join an online or local community focused on personal development in one of your core areas.

14. Overcoming Fear: View fear as an opportunity for growth rather than a barrier. Action step: Identify one fear holding you back and take a small step towards facing it this week.

15. Holistic Approach to Success: True fulfillment comes from balanced growth across all life domains. Action step: Create a vision board that represents your ideal life in all five core areas.


"A 'Golden Habit' is the optimal habit to relieve a pain point/replace a bad habit because it's personalized to your DNA, goals, and lifestyle in order to maximally reduce the friction to form it.

The Golden Habit should be: - DESIRABLE: Should be enjoyable and rewarding. - PRACTICAL: Must easily integrate into one's existing routines. - IMPACTFUL: Expected to significantly enhance well-being."

This Episode's Golden Habit: While the term "Golden Habit" isn't explicitly mentioned, Dr. Seifert emphasizes the importance of regular self-reflection and mindfulness practices (discussed around 35:00). This can be considered a Golden Habit for building psychological strength.

This habit is: - DESIRABLE: It provides immediate stress relief and long-term mental clarity. - PRACTICAL: Can be integrated into daily routines, even for just a few minutes. - IMPACTFUL: Significantly enhances emotional regulation and overall mental well-being.

Related Core Area:

This Golden Habit primarily aligns with the Emotional Health Core, but it also positively impacts the Mindset Core. It addresses the key pain point of feeling overwhelmed or stressed by life's challenges. By consistently practicing mindfulness and self-reflection, individuals can build resilience, improve emotional regulation, and maintain a growth-oriented mindset.


Are you ready to level up your life and build unshakeable psychological strength? The insights shared by Dr. April Seifert in this episode provide a scientifically-grounded roadmap for personal growth and development. It's time to move beyond merely surviving and start thriving across all five core areas of your life.

OUR MISSION: Spark and sustain the momentum needed to continually level-up in life by making change simple, fun, and ethically addictive.

Remember, building psychological strength is a journey, not a destination. Every small step you take compounds over time, leading to remarkable transformations. With the Moore Momentum system and the scientific insights shared by Dr. Seifert, you have the tools to make those steps count even more. Are you ready to unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself? The game of life is waiting for your next move. Let's build that psychological strength together!

🫅BIO - April Seifert

Dr. April Seifert is a cognitive psychologist, data scientist, and the host of the "Building Psychological Strength" podcast. With a Ph.D. in Social Psychology and extensive experience in both academia and the corporate world, Dr. Seifert brings a unique blend of scientific rigor and practical application to the field of personal development.

As a researcher, Dr. Seifert has delved deep into the cognitive processes that drive human behavior and decision-making. Her work in data science has allowed her to analyze patterns in human behavior on a large scale, providing valuable insights into how we can effectively change and grow.

Through her podcast and speaking engagements, Dr. Seifert translates complex psychological concepts into actionable strategies for her audience. She is passionate about helping individuals build mental toughness, resilience, and overall psychological strength. Her approach emphasizes evidence-based techniques and the power of small, consistent changes in creating lasting personal transformation.

Dr. Seifert's expertise spans various areas of psychology, including cognitive biases, habit formation, decision-making processes, and the psychology of success. She is known for her ability to bridge the gap between cutting-edge psychological research and real-world application, making her insights invaluable for anyone looking to enhance their mental well-being and achieve their full potential.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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