Level Up Your Life: Anthony Mendez's Guide to Gamifying Success

Jul 23, 2024

In developing a growth owner mindset, host Will Moore sits down with Anthony Mendez (@mendezfitness), to discuss becoming a growth owner versus fixed victim.



Gamify your holiday mindset & build unstoppable momentum. Learn how to transform stress into success with business coach Anthony Mendez on this great podcast.

✍️ Episode Overview

In this enlightening episode of the Five Core Life podcast, host Will Moore engages in a dynamic conversation with Anthony Mendez, a successful business coach and co-host of the Sweated Out podcast. The discussion kicks off with strategies for gamifying your holiday mindset, offering practical advice on managing family dynamics and maintaining a positive outlook during potentially stressful festive gatherings.

Anthony shares his journey from personal trainer to business coach, highlighting his focus on helping coaches avoid burnout and increase efficiency. He emphasizes the importance of identifying your target audience, developing multiple offers for diversification, and creating a high-performance schedule. These insights serve as a foundation for building momentum in both personal and professional spheres.

The conversation then delves into the core of Will's Moore Momentum System - the Five Core Areas of Life. Will uses a rocket ship analogy to explain the importance of balanced growth across these areas, while Anthony compares it to a four-legged table, both emphasizing the need for holistic development. They discuss the "Equation of Life," which states that your belief system, plus repeated actions, plus time, equals who you will become. This powerful concept underscores the importance of nurturing health, business, and relationships simultaneously.

Perhaps the most impactful moment comes when Anthony shares his biggest failure habit and how he transformed it. By reframing failure as feedback, he demonstrates how embracing challenges can fuel personal and professional growth. This shift in perspective aligns perfectly with the growth-oriented mindset that the Moore Momentum System promotes, offering listeners a practical way to build resilience and maintain forward momentum in their lives.


1. Gamifying Your Holiday Mindset (0:33 - 6:57) The episode begins with a discussion on managing family dynamics during the holidays. Will and Anthony explore strategies for maintaining a positive mindset amidst potential stress. They emphasize the importance of setting positive expectations, avoiding triggers, and remembering that you're on the same team as your family members. Anthony shares personal anecdotes about Hispanic family gatherings and offers advice on how to approach these situations with a growth-oriented mindset, effectively "gamifying" your holiday experience to make it more enjoyable and less stressful.

2. Anthony Mendez's Journey and Business Focus (6:58 - 9:05) Anthony introduces himself and his background, explaining his transition from personal trainer to business coach. He discusses his focus on helping coaches avoid burnout and increase efficiency in their businesses. Anthony emphasizes the importance of creating time and money freedom for coaches, allowing them to do more of what they love. This segment provides context for Anthony's expertise and sets the stage for the business advice that follows.

3. Building a Strong Foundation for Business Success (9:06 - 14:40) The conversation shifts to the fundamentals of building a successful coaching business. Anthony stresses the importance of identifying your target audience and becoming a specialist in your field. He advises coaches to develop multiple offers at different price points to diversify their income streams. Anthony also emphasizes the critical role of creating a high-performance schedule, stating, "If you don't respect your schedule, your schedule won't respect you." This segment provides valuable insights for entrepreneurs looking to establish or grow their businesses.

4. The Five Core Areas of Life and Holistic Balance (23:20 - 28:19) Will introduces his concept of the Five Core Areas of Life, using a rocket ship analogy to explain the importance of balanced growth. These areas include Mindset, Career and Finances, Relationships, Physical Health, and Emotional Health. Anthony compares this to his four-legged table analogy, emphasizing health, self-care, friends and family, and business. They discuss the importance of maintaining balance across these areas for overall success and fulfillment. This segment highlights the holistic approach to personal development that the Moore Momentum System promotes.

5. The Equation of Life and Compounding Effects (30:49 - 33:34) Will presents his "Equation of Life": Your belief system + Your repeated actions + Time = Who you will become. This concept encapsulates the idea that sustainable personal growth requires consistent effort over time. Anthony agrees, emphasizing that health, business, and relationships are three areas that can't be rushed. They discuss the compounding effects of small, consistent actions and the importance of patience in personal development.

6. Motivation vs. Action and Implementing Learnings (33:35 - 35:35) Anthony distinguishes between motivation and action, stressing that while motivation is good, action is great. He advises listeners on how to effectively implement learnings from seminars, workshops, or podcasts like this one. Anthony recommends immediately taking action on the most impactful insight rather than trying to implement everything at once. This practical advice helps listeners translate inspiration into tangible results.

7. Overcoming the Failure Mindset (35:36 - 38:32) Anthony shares his biggest failure habit: viewing all failures as inherently negative. He explains how he transformed this mindset by reframing failure as feedback. This shift allowed him to see challenges as opportunities for growth and problem-solving. Anthony's personal example illustrates the power of adopting a growth mindset and aligns perfectly with the Moore Momentum System's approach to personal development.

8. Embracing the Entrepreneurial Mindset (38:33 - 40:46) The conversation concludes with a discussion on the essence of entrepreneurship and how to become a successful entrepreneur. Anthony defines entrepreneurs as people willing to take on problems that others avoid. He encourages listeners to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation. This segment reinforces the overarching theme of the episode: adopting a growth-oriented, momentum-building approach to life and business.


  1. Set positive expectations for holiday gatherings. Instead of anticipating conflicts, visualize harmonious interactions. This simple mental shift can significantly reduce stress and improve your holiday experience.

  2. Avoid triggering topics during family gatherings. Steer conversations away from contentious subjects and focus on shared positive experiences to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

  3. Implement a high-performance schedule. Prioritize your most important tasks and allocate specific time blocks for them. This structure will boost productivity and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

  4. Develop multiple offers in your business. Create a range of products or services at different price points to diversify your income streams and cater to various client needs.

  5. Identify your target audience precisely. Narrow down your niche to become a specialist in your field. This focused approach will attract more clients and command higher rates.

  6. Balance your life across multiple core areas. Ensure you're nurturing your mindset, career, relationships, physical health, and emotional well-being. This holistic approach leads to sustainable success and fulfillment.

  7. Adopt the "Equation of Life": Belief system + Repeated actions + Time = Who you become. Focus on developing positive beliefs and consistent habits to shape your future self.

  8. Reframe failure as feedback. Instead of viewing setbacks negatively, see them as learning opportunities. This perspective shift will build resilience and accelerate your growth.

  9. Prioritize action over motivation. While feeling inspired is great, taking concrete steps is what truly drives progress. Implement one key insight immediately after learning something new.

  10. Embrace the entrepreneurial mindset of problem-solving. View challenges as opportunities to innovate and grow, setting yourself apart in your field.

  11. Practice "habit stacking" by adding new habits to existing routines. This makes it easier to integrate positive changes into your daily life without feeling overwhelmed.

  12. Implement the "2-minute rule" for new habits. Start with just two minutes of a desired activity daily to build momentum and consistency.

  13. Use gamification techniques in your personal development. Set up reward systems or competitions with yourself to make growth more engaging and fun.

  14. Cultivate a growth owner mindset by viewing obstacles as temporary. This perspective will help you persist through challenges and continuously improve.

  15. Regularly assess and adjust your habits in each core life area. This ongoing process ensures you're always moving towards your goals and maintaining life balance.



Definition of Golden Habit: A 'Golden Habit' is the optimal habit to relieve a pain point/replace a bad habit because it's personalized to your DNA, goals, and lifestyle in order to maximally reduce the friction to form it.

This Episode's Golden Habit:

In this episode, Anthony Mendez shares a habit that aligns closely with the concept of a Golden Habit. He discusses reframing failure as feedback (35:36). This habit of changing perspective meets all the criteria of a Golden Habit:

- DESIRABLE: It transforms a negative experience into a positive learning opportunity. - PRACTICAL: It can be applied immediately in various situations without requiring additional resources. - IMPACTFUL: It significantly enhances resilience and promotes continuous growth.

Anthony mentions that this shift in mindset was transformative for him, allowing him to view challenges as opportunities for problem-solving and innovation.

Related Core Area of Life:

This Golden Habit primarily aligns with the Mindset Core. It addresses the key pain point of feeling discouraged or defeated by failures, which can hinder personal and professional growth. By reframing failure as feedback, individuals can maintain momentum and continue progressing towards their goals, even in the face of setbacks.


Are you ready to transform your life and achieve big through disciplined habits? It's time to take the valuable insights from today’s episode and put put them into action.. Discipline isn't just about adhering to a schedule—it's about building a foundation that will catapult you toward success in all areas of your life.

OUR MISSION: Accelerate your growth in the 5 Key areas of life by making your habit transformation journey so simple, fun, and rewarding that your happiness becomes inevitable.

PRESS START NOW: Click HERE to dive deeper into the Moore Momentum System. Begin by taking our short quiz to quickly identify which of the 5 Core Areas of Life you're struggling in most and discover the success habit to improve it. Don’t just dream about success—make it a reality.

Whether you're dealing with procrastination, lack of focus, or simply seeking a positive way to enhance your productivity, our system is designed to give you the tools you need to succeed. Start your journey today and see how small changes can lead to major transformations.

Are you ready to level up? The time is now—let’s build momentum together!

đź«… BIO - Anthony Mendez

Anthony Mendez is a dynamic business coach and co-host of the popular Sweated Out podcast. With a background rooted in personal training, Anthony has successfully transitioned into the world of business coaching, where he now focuses on helping coaches and entrepreneurs avoid burnout and increase their efficiency.

Drawing from his extensive experience in the health and wellness industry, Anthony has developed a unique approach to business coaching that emphasizes holistic growth and balance. His methodology centers on creating time and money freedom for his clients, allowing them to pursue their passions while building successful enterprises.

As a sought-after speaker and mentor, Anthony is known for his practical, action-oriented advice and his ability to simplify complex business concepts. His expertise spans areas such as target audience identification, offer diversification, and high-performance scheduling. Through his work, Anthony empowers coaches and entrepreneurs to overcome challenges, scale their businesses, and achieve sustainable success while maintaining work-life balance.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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