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68. How to Gamify Your Habits and High Score in Your Own Life

68. How to Gamify Your Habits and High Score in Your Own Life

Will Moore is a habits gamification, and happiness expert. He helps people gamify their habits by combining universal principles to replace failure habits

Will Moore is an entrepreneur, habits gamification, and happiness expert. He helps people gamify their habits by combining universal principles to replace their failure habits with success habits five cores that address everything from your physical health to giving back. Hear how you can game up and get back the playful side of who you are on this episode of Agents Growth Academy.

3 Key Takeaways

  • Universal principles have always and will continue to prove themselves true. Identify the ones that apply to you and create a system for yourself that holds you accountable to them.

  • ​Begin by taking three days to keep track of the habits you’re doing in the morning, mid-day, and night.

  • ​Your mindset holds the power to change your lifestyle into what you dreamed of. Don’t try to do it all at once; instead, work on one or two changes at a time.


About Will Moore

Will is an entrepreneur, habits, gamification, and happiness expert. After exiting his delivery startup for a nine-figure sum, Will realized that “true success" is not just about finances, but nurturing and finding balance in the 5 core areas of your life scientifically linked to happiness: Mindset Career & Finances Relationships Physical Health Emotional Health & Giving back Will’s now dedicated his life to helping others run their lives as a successful startup of the most important business they’ll ever run: THEIR LIVES. His Moore Momentum System helps people gamify their habits by combining universal principles, science, and tech to WANT to replace their failure habits with success habits in all 5 Cores.

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Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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Address: 1101 Davis St, Evanston, IL 60201, United States

Phone: +1 847-495-2433