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21/90 rule: Science or hype? Uncover the psychology of habits and learn to upgrade your life in just 3 months. Real change awaits!

The Science Behind the 21/90 Rule: Can You Really Change Your Life in 90 Days?

Aug 19, 2024

By Will Moore

Ever wished you could upgrade your life like a smartphone? Just download new habits, hit install, and boom - you’re Living 2.0.

Well, folks, meet the 21/90 rule. It’s like a cheat code for personal growth, promising to turn any habit into your new normal in just 90 days.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

Let’s crack open this life hack and see if it’s really the key to unlocking your best self or just another shiny gimmick in the self-improvement toy box.

Upgrades You'll Earn from This Blog:

  1. A clear understanding of the 21/90 rule and how to apply it.

  2. Practical insights into the psychology of habit formation.

  3. Actionable tips to help you create lasting, positive changes in your life.

  4. Assurance that applying the 21/90 rule will lead to positive results.

What Exactly Is the 21/90 Rule?

The 21/90 rule is simple: choose a goal or habit, stick to it for 21 days, and by the end of this period, it should start to become a habit. Continue practicing it for another 90 days, and it becomes a part of your lifestyle. This rule has gained popularity because it breaks down the daunting task of habit formation into manageable chunks, making it easier to maintain long-term consistency.

Is There Science Behind the 21/90 Rule?

The idea that it takes 21 days to form a habit stem from Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s observations in the 1960s. Maltz noticed that it took his patients about 21 days to get used to changes, such as getting accustomed to seeing themselves after plastic surgery.

However, later research suggests that the time required to form a habit can vary widely, typically ranging from 18 to 254 days, depending on the individual and the complexity of the habit.

Read More: How to Rebuild Your Life

The extension to 90 days is where the magic happens. This longer period allows the new habit to become deeply ingrained in daily routines, moving from something that requires conscious effort to something that feels natural and automatic.

Where Did the 21/90 Rule Come From?

While the exact origins of the 21/90 rule are unclear, its principles are rooted in both psychology and popular culture. Dr. Maltz’s work is often cited as the inspiration, although the rule itself has evolved beyond his original findings. Over the years, it has been popularized by self-help gurus and lifestyle coaches who advocate for structured, incremental change as a strategy for building habits.

Does the 21/90 Rule Actually Work?

While the 21-day benchmark has historical roots, it’s important to recognize that habit formation is highly individual. Studies show that while 21 days might be sufficient for some habits, others require a longer period to take hold. The 90-day extension is less about science and more about ensuring the habit becomes a permanent part of your routine. For most people, consistency over a longer period, like 90 days, increases the likelihood of lasting change.

A common misconception is that the 21/90 rule guarantees success for everyone, but individual factors—such as motivation and discipline, environment, and the complexity of the habit—play a significant role in how quickly a habit forms.

How Can You Apply the 21/90 Rule to Your Life?

Here's a practical approach to applying this rule in your life, using meditation as an example:

  1. Select a Specific Behavior: Instead of a vague goal like "become more mindful," choose "meditate for 5 minutes every morning."

  2. Start Small: For the first 21 days, focus on consistency. Start with just 1 minute of meditation per day. The key is to make it so easy that you can't say no.

  3. Use Habit Stacking: Attach your new meditation habit to an existing one. This technique, known as habit stacking, leverages the neural networks of an established habit to build a new one. The formula is simple: After [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].

    For example: "After I make my bed in the morning, I will sit and meditate for 1 minute."

  4. Design Your Environment: Make your meditation habit obvious and easy to do. Place a meditation cushion or chair in a visible spot in your bedroom.

  5. Track Your Progress: Use a habit tracker or calendar to mark each day you meditate. This visual cue can provide motivation and accountability.

  6. The Two-Minute Rule: If you're struggling to start, use the two-minute rule. "Meditate for 5 minutes" becomes "Sit in meditation posture for 30 seconds."

  7. Extend to 90 Days: After the initial 21 days of 1-minute meditations, continue the habit for the full 90 days, gradually increasing the duration.

  8. Be Patient and Consistent: If you miss a day of meditation, don't break the chain the next day. Remember, consistency is more important than perfection.

  9. Gradually Increase Difficulty: Once the 1-minute meditation habit feels established, slowly increase its duration. Maybe go from 1 minute to 2 minutes, then to 5 minutes over time.

  10. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly assess your meditation practice. If it's not sticking, adjust your approach. Perhaps try meditating at a different time of day or in a different location.

By following these steps with your meditation practice, you're more likely to establish a lasting habit that contributes to your overall mindfulness and well-being. You can use the same method for any other habit you want to build.

Summing Up the 21/90 Rule:

The 21/90 rule offers a structured approach to habit formation, breaking down the process into manageable steps that encourage consistency and long-term change. While it may not work for everyone exactly as described, with persistence and consistency, the new behavior should eventually become second nature, providing a valuable framework for those looking to make lasting improvements in their lives.

🚀 Ready to Build Success Habits Using the 21/90 Rule?

You’ve discovered the power of the 21/90 rule to create lasting habits, but where should you focus? Take our Core Values Quiz to find out how you’re performing in the 5 Core Areas of Life—Mindset, Career & Finances, Relationships, Physical Health, and Emotional & Mental Health.

This quiz will reveal which area needs your attention the most, so you can strategically apply the 21/90 rule and start building habits that truly matter.

Take the Core Values Quiz Now!

Moore Momentum’s Mission: We empower individuals to achieve long-term happiness and success by harnessing the transformative power of momentum. Our science-based system makes habit formation obvious, simple, fun, and rewarding—turning your personal growth into an inevitable and enjoyable journey.

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What happens after 90 days?

After 90 days, the habit is likely to become a stable part of your daily routine, requiring much less conscious effort to maintain. This is the point where the behavior is integrated into your lifestyle.

Is it True 21 Days to Break a Habit?

The notion that it takes 21 days to break a habit is a widely held belief, but it's not entirely accurate. Research suggests that the time it takes to break or form a habit can vary greatly depending on the individual, the habit, and the circumstances. While 21 days may be sufficient for some people and habits, others may require more or less time. On average, studies indicate that it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form a new habit.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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