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Find out what you need to do before bed tonight for a restful night and good sleep to stay active through out the day.

Do This Before Bed Tonight - Why This Simple Act Is the Unsung Hero

Oct 8, 2023

By Will Moore

Unsung heroes show up all over entertainment media. Chewbacca acts as Han Solo's moral compass in the Star Wars movies; without him, Han wouldn't have returned to the Death Star battleand the Rebellion would have been finished.

Samwise Gamgee from the Lord of the Rings guarded Frodo carefully, keeping him alive. Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter stood his ground even as Voldemort set his head on fire, and he is the one who killed the last Horcrux so Harry could defeat Voldemort.

Who’s The Unsung Hero Of Our Lives?

Now, those with a growth mindset may think they account for all the heroes in their lives. But who are we missing? What do we forget to acknowledge? Who's the unsung hero of OUR lives?

Who’s The Unsung Hero Of Our Lives?

Well, I'll tell you: it's SLEEP. That's right; those few hours of restful night you get every day are actually vital to keep you going. When you ace a school project or run a mile, do you think, Thank god for sleep, or none of this would have been possible

Sleep is just there for you, every night, recharging your batteries. When you neglect sleep, you fault IT because you feel tired. Sleep killed that snake for you, and you forget about it as you praise Harry for casting Expelliarmus. 

People with a growth mindset may find it hard to set aside time for sleep. You just want to go, go, go, hit every mark, accomplish every goal, and then set some more. “Sleep is for the weak,” you chant while your eyes blur as you stare at your computer screen.

Or maybe you come home from a long day and feel you deserve at least two or three episodes of that new T.V. show you started. Even if you sleep late, a cup of coffee will keep you awake in the morning, so it's okay, right? 

Caffeine, you think, is the hero of your story. Everything will be fine, because caffeine can save you! That's not true, folks. Caffeine is not your savior. It's not the one that contains cytokines, a type of protein that wards off inflammation and infections such as the flu.

Sleep is the one who saves you and keeps you healthy, and maintains your growth mindset. Therefore, it is important to have a restful night and a morning routine checklist to plan your entire day in a healthier way.

Sleep is essential to keep up your physical health core and focus on your growth mindset. You have to get enough sleep to reduce blood pressure, reduce blood sugar, and foster muscle repair. You can't get in your rigorous workout to achieve your health goals without a good night's sleep. If you get poor sleep, it will be totally opposite.

You could stay up all night to study, but you still won't ace your exam if you don't have the clearheadedness that comes with enough sleep. You won't be able to maintain your growth mindset if you don't focus on YOU and your health above any other goals you wish to achieve. 

Do This Before Bed Tonight For a Better Sleep!

Want a Good night's rest without any sleep medicine? Follow these tips for a better night sleep!

Tip 1: Create a Tranquil Pre-Bedtime Routine

Incorporating a calming pre-bedtime routine into your evenings can greatly improve your sleep quality. As you wind down, your body recognizes the cues that it's time to relax and prepare for slumber.

The Benefits of Getting a Full Night's Sleep

Steps to Follow

Follow these steps to set up your tranquil routine:

  1. Dim the Lights: Begin by reducing the brightness of the lights in your living space. This signals to your body that nighttime is approaching, encouraging the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

  2. Unplug from Screens: About an hour before bed, put away electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. The blue light emitted from screens can interfere with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.

  3. Mindful Activities: Engage in calming activities such as reading a book, practicing gentle yoga, or taking a warm bath. These activities can help alleviate stress and tension, making it easier for you to unwind and at the same time plays important role in a better emotional wellness.

Tip 2: Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

Your sleep environment plays a crucial role in the quality of your sleep.

Steps to Follow

Follow these steps to optimize your surroundings for a better night's sleep:

  1. Invest in Blackout Curtains: Ensure your bedroom is conducive to sleep by using blackout curtains. These curtains block out external light sources, creating a dark and restful environment that encourages your body to produce melatonin.

  2. Adjust Room Temperature: Maintain a comfortable room temperature that suits your preferences. A cooler room, generally between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 20 degrees Celsius), is often recommended for optimal sleep.

  3. Comfortable Bedding: Choose comfortable pillows and a mattress that provide adequate support. Your bedding should invite relaxation and prevent discomfort during the night.

Tip 3: Mind Your Food and Drink Intake Close to Bedtime

What you consume before bedtime can affect your ability to fall asleep and the quality of your sleep.

Steps to Follow

Follow these steps to make mindful choices about your food and drink intake:

  1. Avoid Heavy Meals: Refrain from consuming large, heavy meals close to bedtime. Digesting a heavy meal can disrupt your sleep and lead to discomfort.

  2. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Cut back on caffeine and alcohol consumption in the hours leading up to bedtime. These substances can interfere with your sleep cycle and prevent you from reaching deep, restorative sleep.

  3. Hydration Balance: While staying hydrated is important, try to avoid drinking large amounts of liquids right before bed to prevent middle-of-the-night trips to the bathroom.

By incorporating these tips into your evening routine, you can create the ideal conditions for a restful night and rejuvenating sleep experience. Remember, preparing your body for sleep is just as important as the number of hours you sleep. Your body recovers, repairs, and recharges during those several hours of slumber, making a good night's sleep an essential component of your growth mindset journey.

The Benefits of Getting a Full Night's Sleep

There are countless benefits to getting a full night's sleep, including:

  1. Improved Mood And Energy Levels

  2. Better Focus And Concentration

  3. Increased Productivity

  4. Improved Physical Health

  5. Reduced Stress Levels

  6. Improved Mental Well-Being.

  7. Enhanced Creativity

  8. Improved Memory

  9. Increased Immunity To Colds And Flu

  10. Reduced Risk Of Chronic Diseases, Such As Heart Disease, Stroke, And Diabetes.

How Do You Know If You're Getting Restful Night & Enough Sleep?

How many times do you hit “snooze” in the morning? Do you feel alert at your first meeting of the day, or do you find yourself blinking to stay awake? Do you depend on your cup of coffee to keep your energy levels high? 

Having a good sleep cycle is just a success habit that needs to be developed. With your growth mindset, you must keep good sleeping habits. Go to bed reasonably every night so you can feel awake and alert in the mornings.

How Do You Know If You're Getting Enough Sleep?

It's okay to take baby steps; every inch toward progress is a step in the right direction. And with every step, you'll start to feel better about your health and be able to accomplish goals with a clear head and rested sight. You can try our weekly habit tracker app to track your sleep.

This Week's Core Tip

Are you a morning person or a night person? When do you feel the most energy: when you wake up or at the end of the day? It's best if you stick to your own rhythms and create a sleep schedule based on how you operate. However, personally, I have found that it is possible to retrain yourself to the sleeping patterns you wish to maintain.

Make sure you focus on your individual needs and workings. You can depend on your growth mindset or clear habit journal to help you keep track of your patterns. Understand how many hours of sleep you need each night. Some people need 9, while others may only need 5 to 6. It all depends on you and how your body operates. 

If you need help, it's always good to turn to technological resources. There are plenty of apps and devices that help you watch your sleep. The app SleepWatch has been super helpful for me. It tells me how much restful sleep I'm getting and shows me the areas where I need to improve. You should learn how to use a habit tracker to make the most of this app.

It may also be a good idea to get a Fitbit, which tracks your sleeping patterns and tells you how many hours you need. Fitbits are really good for many different aspects of physical health, and they'll let you know which areas to work on. 

Remember, as someone with a growth mindset, sleep is your unsung hero! Don't neglect it, because you need it to thrive.

Want to know where you stand in the five values of life tied to happiness (your five cores)? Take this two-minute Core Values Quiz to get your core score in the five values of life.


Will Moore is a gamification, habits and happiness expert.

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